Some of my active echelons. They are put together with the concept of being able to field them all at once, as well as not levelling any 'clone' dolls.
Suppression Teams[edit]
Echelon Mike-01, Storm Bringer[edit]
Team leader(s): SG Saiga-12Saiga-12Saiga-12, HG K5K5K5
Communication Technician: HG K5K5K5
Honorary members: SG KSGKSGKSG, HG Mk23Mk23Mk23
Primarily MG/SG echelon set up for anti-armour combat, HG doll serves as force multiplier and can further amplify performance when switched to nocturnal sortie set up.
Diurnal set-up:
Nocturnal set-up:
Echelon Mike-02, Hail Slinger[edit]
Team leader(s): SG M590M590M590, MG Mk48Mk48Mk48
Communication Technician: HG Colt RevolverColt RevolverColt Revolver
Honorary members: HG SpitfireSpitfireSpitfire
Balanced SG/MG echelon set up, but with high performance individual dolls, overall offensive capabilities further amplified by HG force multiplier. High accuracy attribute allows echelon to enter nocturnal sorties without undergoing formation change.
Echelon formation:
Echelon Mike-03, Gale Caller[edit]
Team leader(s): SG S.A.T.8S.A.T.8S.A.T.8
Honorary members: MG RPK-16RPK-16RPK-16, MG NegevNegevNegev
Defensively oriented SG/MG echelon set up, highly focused on SG armour level, defensive skill sets, and second salvo offensive capabilities (due to all the MG skills). Lacking of HG and overall low accuracy dissuades nocturnal sorties. (Replace HK21 for Negev or RPK if you don't mind using story characters.)
Echelon formation:
Combatant Groups[edit]
Echelon Alpha-01, Misfits[edit]
Honorary members: AR AK-12AK-12AK-12, AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15
Fire rate focused AR/SMG formation, fairly balanced performance between short and long duration combat sessions. Two set ups available depending on whether story characters are involved. Story characters improves performance by great margin.
Echelon formation (w/o story characters):
Echelon formation (w/ story characters):
Echelon Alpha-02, Gemini[edit]
Team leader(s): SMG G36CG36CG36C, SMG JS 9JS 9JS 9
Honorary members: AR AN-94AN-94AN-94
AR/SMG formation put together based on the 6 second skill activation sync and the performance burst of slot 7/1 dolls. Balanced combat performance against most combat units, or can be optimised for shorter duration battles against trash packs if AR AN-94AN-94AN-94 is used in place of AR RFBRFBRFB. Keep in mind that dolls are locked in place due to AR RibeyrollesRibeyrollesRibeyrolles's active skill, which makes this group ill-suited for fights where movement is required.
Echelon formation:
Echelon Alpha-03, Five Five Six[edit]
Team leader(s): SMG MP7MP7MP7, AR G36G36G36
Honorary members: AR M4A1M4A1M4A1, AR R5R5R5
AR/SMG echelon with flat damage up skill set AR dolls, introduction of AR M4A1M4A1M4A1 in the middle will serve as a significant force multiplier and boost performance of both AR G36G36G36 and slot 1 AR doll.
Echelon formation:
Echelon Bravo-01, Tenacious[edit]
Team leader(s): SMG SR-3MPSR-3MPSR-3MP, AR Howa Type 64Howa Type 64Howa Type 64
Honorary members: AR AK-15AK-15AK-15
Mixed attribute bonus echelon, primary focus is the macro play of SMG P90P90P90's armoured mirage clones coupled with manual shielding of HG HS2000HS2000HS2000, creating an indomitable line of mirage clones for a short period of time. Changing out AR Howa Type 64Howa Type 64Howa Type 64 for AR AK-15AK-15AK-15 will improve potential damage output and remove tactical plays, replacing AR Howa Type 89Howa Type 89Howa Type 89 with AR AK-15AK-15AK-15 will improve damage output by small margin and slightly improve SMG SR-3MPSR-3MPSR-3MP's damage potential via tile bonus.
Echelon formation:
Echelon Bravo-02, Amagiri[edit]
Team leader(s): SMG PM-06PM-06PM-06, AR 9A-919A-919A-91
Communication Technician: HG NZ75NZ75NZ75
Honorary members: AR OTs-14OTs-14OTs-14
Night combat sortie AR/SMG team, nothing much of debate here, just put the two cuties together and everything works itself out gg ez.
Echelon formation:
Ranger Teams[edit]
Echelon Romeo-01, Furor[edit]
Team leader(s): HG Five-seveNFive-seveNFive-seveN, RF WA2000WA2000WA2000
Communication Technician: HG Px4 StormPx4 StormPx4 Storm
Honorary members: RF Mk 12Mk 12Mk 12, RF Type 4Type 4Type 4, RF K31K31K31
RF/HG teams are more demanding to run, and members should be actively switched out to meet specific enemies or tactical requirements. The three existing HG dolls skill sets hand picked based on their crit damage bonus, and due to lacking of real fire rate boost, RF with self fire rate improvement skills is picked.
Echelon formation:
Echelon Romeo-02, Mythics[edit]
Team leader(s): HG StechkinStechkinStechkin, RF Lee-EnfieldLee-EnfieldLee-Enfield
Communication Technician: HG M950AM950AM950A
Honorary members: RF SRSSRSSRS, RF DSR-50DSR-50DSR-50, RF Carcano M91∕38Carcano M91∕38Carcano M91∕38, RF QBU-88QBU-88QBU-88, RF M14M14M14
RF/HG teams are more demanding to run, and members should be actively switched out to meet specific enemies or tactical requirements. The three existing HG dolls skill sets hand picked based on their rate of fire bonus, which is suitable for RF dolls with innate low fire rate, lacks rate of fire, depending on rate of fire to fully utilize skill and/or manifest fire rate penalties on self.
Echelon formation: