January 10th[edit]
10:00 GMT+8 ~ 16:00 GMT+8
Dear players, a 6 hour scheduled server maintenance will take place on the 10th of January 2018, lasting from 10:00 AM til 4:00 PM. Access to the server will be denied while maintenance is ongoing, maintenance duration is subject to extension or shortening depending on work progress.
Patch notes as following:
- Event: Christmas Event Candy Magic Festival will come to an end. Boss maps of Chapter's 1 ~ 6 will no longer drop Candy Canes.
- Event: Event Shop will remain open till January 17th 23:59 for those to spend their remaining Candy Canes on any item's they've yet to obtain. Candy Canes will be FORFEIT upon the Event shop's closure, so spend them all when you can.
- Event: Both the 2018 and 2017 Christmas Procurement Pool's will come to an End, White tickets obtained throughout the 2018 pool will be converted to Procurement Tokens at a 1.1 ratio. Costumes from the 2017 pool will be taken out of the Radiant Collection and their furniture sets will return to their normal obtain rates following the end of this maintenance.
- New: The New Years Shrine Visit Procurement pool will begin! Contents and duration will be as follows:
- AR Howa Type 64Howa Type 64Howa Type 64 - "New Year's Prayer" (Live2D)
- AR RFBRFBRFB - "New Year's Game Master"
- RF Carcano M91∕38Carcano M91∕38Carcano M91∕38 - "Insegui l'aquilone (Chase the Kite)"
- AR AS ValAS ValAS Val - "Dream Fireworks"
- MG Type 62Type 62Type 62 - "New Year's Garden Party"
- Procurement Duration: 10th January 16:00 ~ 27th January 23:59
- New: 3 new costume Bundles will be available for purchase in Kalina's shop. Pricing's and Content can be viewed here.
- Sales Duration: 10th January 16:00 ~ 27th January 23:59.
- New: Procurement Pool "Idol Music" will have both their costumes and furniture sets added to the Radiant Collection as well as the Black Card Store following the end of this Maintenance.
- Fix: SMG P90P90P90's Skill conflicting with AR M4A1M4A1M4A1-MOD2's ally count requirement on her MOD2 Passive.
- Improvements: Improved SMG Type 100Type 100Type 100's interactions with certain furniture pieces.
Maintenance will shut-down the on-going combat mission session.
Maintenance compensation: x500,
-MICA Team 9th of January 2k19.
January 17th[edit]
10:00 GMT+8 ~ 18:00 GMT+8
Dear players, an 8 hour scheduled server maintenance will take place on the 17th of January 2018, lasting from 10:00 AM til 6:00 PM. Access to the server will be denied while maintenance is ongoing, maintenance duration is subject to extension or shortening depending on work progress.
This upcoming maintenance brings about a new client update (2.0300) which can be retrieved from the official sites.
Patch notes as following:
- Event: Returnees event "Return! Griffon's Glory" will begin once again, Add commanders who have a "Return" tag on their name for a variety of rewards, including 3* RF RF RT-20RT-20RT-20. Last login's for players to be considered Returnees must be before January 4th 2019 and their HQ level must be lv15+. Event duration and starting time will be at January 18th 00:00 ~ January 28th 23:59.
- Event: EXP Rate up will begin! starting time/duration will be on January 18th 00:00 ~ January 23rd 23:59.
- New: Major Event Singularity will be added to the Campaign menu following the end of this Maintenance.
- New: Live2D feature implemented for HG Px4 StormPx4 StormPx4 Storm's "Queen of Christmas Morning" Costume.
- New: Live2D feature added to the Firework show HQ background.
Patch notes for the new APK file are as follows:
- Improvement: Fixed Memory Leak Issues which caused lagging and forced closing the game.
- Improvement: Compressed Game data to reduce install size.
- Improvement: Added gesture controls for quick switching between dorms
- Improvement: Costume Posters are now listed as their own separate furniture cataeory.
- Improvement: Improved battle reward display, you'll now be able to check battle rewards through the battle menu or by long-pressing enemy units.
- Improvement: Improved battle end screen for simulations.
- Improvement: You'll now be able to jump directly to the Enhance/Dummy-link/Skill training menus from T-doll details.
- Improvement: T-Faires Command Fairy and Rescue Fairy are changed to battle skills, now their skills will be affected by auto-use fairy skills.
- Improvement: Added recommended recipes to the T-doll production menu, said recipes will also be listed here for your convenience.
- Improvement: Fixed some... invisible wall issue? (Enemies appearing in the sky for some reason).
- Improvement: Increased in-battle range of HOC units.
- Improvement: All HOC's now have 1 tile vision range during Yasen.
- Improvement: All HOC's can now resupply at regular LZ's and not restricted to their HLZ's
- Improvement: Enemies Force shielding mechanic now changed to "Damage Reduction" from "Damage Negation", HOC's shots are not affected by these.
- Improvement: HOC's Shield breaking is no longer affected by their Shelling Accuracy.
- Improvement: HOC's Excess Shield Breaking damage will be converted to regular damage at a certain rate when attacking.
- Improvement: HOC's Shelling Accuracy formula has been adjusted (Base Shelling Accuracy remains unchanged).
- Improvement: Adjusted HOC's Reload Speed formula, additionally you'll now be able to view the frames at which your HOC's will attack in their detail menu.
- Improvement: Added 2 more lines of Colour bonus for HOC's at 4 blocks and 10 blocks.
- Improvement: BGM-71's Shots now have minor AOE (1.5 tiles) after hitting their initial targets.
- Improvement: AGS-30's support range has increased to 3 tiles and their shots have increased AOE.
- Improvement: Able to continue obtaining Memory Fragments from mail and the shop despite reaching the cap.
- Improvement: When Batteries reach the cap, excess batteries will be stored in the Condenser.
- Improvement: Improved some in-game SFX.
- New: Multiple Auto-battle function will be live, you'll now be able to do an Auto-battle for a map 3 times in a row in 1 Auto-battle session.
- New: Auto-Battle Monthly card now available in Kalina's Shop, Monthly Card's effects are as follows:
- Able to do 5 Auto-battles in a row.
- Carry out 2 Auto-battles simultaneously.
- Auto-battle XP gained increased by 50%.
- Auto-battles will only require 1 Echelon.
- New: Strong/Difficult Enemies will now be marked with a skull above them.
- New: Able to see Skill duration and buff layers in battle (for example how many marks RF Carcano M91/38Carcano M91/38Carcano M91/38 has).
- New: HOC's animations improved, Alina, Sonya, Galina (AGS-30) now have their live2D's Implemented, the remaining HOC's will get theirs at a later date. the AGL's are way too adorable, the others can wait.
- New: Increased Max capacity for various storages:
- T-Doll storage increased from 500 > 600
- T-Fairy storage increased from 100 > 200
- Equipment storage increased from 800 > 1000
- Note that these still require you to sacrifice your wallet to Kalina.
- Additionally the following have also had their max values increased:
- Furniture storage increased from 2000 > 2500
- Friend List increased from 50 > 100
- New: New pets can be adopted from the adoption center, grab your new avianary friends today! (those are birds if you haven't noticed).
- Adjustment: Increased max values of AP rounds.
- Adjustment: Base AP stat for all T-dolls increased from 10 > 15.
- Adjustment: Adjusted CE value calculations for armoured enemies (note that this doesn't affect the enemies themselves, so dont be alarmed if their CE values suddenly appear higher).
- Adjustment: Reduced time need for Auto-battles to complete, as well as increased XP and Affection gain along with reducing min CE requirement and increased XP reduction level.
- Adjustment: Adjusted Calculations for HOC's Chip levels, certain chips will have minor increase in their stats.
Maintenance will shut-down the on-going combat mission session.
Maintenance compensation: x500,
-MICA Team 16th of January 2k19.
January 24th[edit]
10:00 GMT+8 ~ 18:00 GMT+8
Dear players, an 8 hour scheduled server maintenance will take place on the 24th of January 2018, lasting from 10:00 AM til 6:00 PM. Access to the server will be denied while maintenance is ongoing, maintenance duration is subject to extension or shortening depending on work progress.
Patch notes as following:
- Event: The 2017 Chinese New Year Procurement pool will begin its Re-run in the Radiant Collection, more info here.
- Re-Run Duration: January 24th ~ 31st of January 10:00 before Maintenance.
- Event: The following T-dolls will be added into the game and will be obtainable throughout Isomer:
- 5-Star HG HG HS2000HS2000HS2000 can be obtained from crates, guaranteed at 777 opened crates.
- 5-Star MG MG Lewis GunLewis GunLewis Gun From clearing a certain map.
- 5-Star AR AR X95X95X95 Drops in certain event stages
- 5-Star HG HG P22P22P22 Drops in certain event stages
- 4-Star RF RF KSVKKSVKKSVK From Clearing a certain map.
- 4-Star MG MG UKM-2000UKM-2000UKM-2000 Drops in certain event stages
- Event: Lootboxes has once again made a return in Isomer and has some nice goodies in them, more information here.
- Event: The following T-dolls will appear as possible drops throughout Isomer, listing are as follows:
- 5-Star T-dolls = SMG AK-74UAK-74UAK-74U, AR OTs-14OTs-14OTs-14, HG CZ75CZ75CZ75, MG HK21HK21HK21.
- 4-Star T-dolls = AR CZ2000CZ2000CZ2000, SMG Honey BadgerHoney BadgerHoney Badger.
- 3-Star T-dolls = AR Model LModel LModel L, RF OBROBROBR, HG MP-448MP-448MP-448, AR Type 03Type 03Type 03, RF RT-20RT-20RT-20, MG Type 62Type 62Type 62.
- Event: Event Shop will be open for the True Core Mask. More information will be shown here
- Adjustments: Added Obtain methods for certain T-dolls.
- Adjustments: Adjusted some information related to one of the pet cats.
- Fix: RF Carcano M91/38Carcano M91/38Carcano M91/38 and SMG UMP40UMP40UMP40's skill duration being shown incorrectly
- Fix: MG LWMMGLWMMGLWMMG's MOD2 passive not showing an increase in activation rate when skill-training.
- Fix: AGS-30's enemy targeting corrected.
Maintenance will shut-down the on-going combat mission session.
Maintenance compensation: x500,
-MICA Team 23rd of January 2k19.
January 31st[edit]
10:00 GMT+8 ~ 16:00 GMT+8
Dear players, an 6 hour scheduled server maintenance will take place on the 24th of January 2018, lasting from 10:00 AM til 4:00 PM. Access to the server will be denied while maintenance is ongoing, maintenance duration is subject to extension or shortening depending on work progress.
Patch notes as following:
- Event: The 2017 Chinese New year's procurement pool re-run will come to an end and the 2018 Chinese New Year's procurement pool will begin their Re-run.
- Re-Run's duration: 31st January ~ 21st February 10:00
- Event: The 2019 Chinese New Year's Procurement pool will begin! Starting from the 2nd of February 00:00 players will be able to roll this procurement pool for a chance of obtaining the new 5* furniture sets (lets be real, its gonna happen) as well as a possible chance of obtaining the following costumes:
- Nocturnal Beauty AR GrozaGrozaGroza - "Crassula Volkensii (Live2D)"
- Bashful SBC SMG AK-74UAK-74UAK-74U - "Lily of the Valley"
- Dressed for the occasion MG Type 88Type 88Type 88 - "Ghost Orchid"
- Cheerful as always SMG MP5MP5MP5 - "Vietnamese Balm"
- Serene Writer HG CZ52CZ52CZ52 - "Southern Star"
- Duration: 2nd of February 00:00 ~ 21st February 10:00
- Event: A New Point event will begin on February 2nd 00:00. Gather 1800 points and obtain HG CZ75CZ75CZ75's costume "Golden Lotus". More information here.
- Event Duration: 2nd February 00:00 ~ 22nd February 23:59.
- Event: Various Rate ups will be live over the week, more information here.
- New: Monthly Bundle will be available to purchase in Kalina's store, Contents are as follows:
- Costume Bundle for RF IWS 2000IWS 2000IWS 2000 will be available for purchase in Kalina's store for a limited time. Contents are as follows:
- T-Doll Costume "Edelweiss" for RF IWS 2000IWS 2000IWS 2000 - x1
- Procurement Coins
- x100
- Oath Certificate
- x1
- Price:
- Sale Duration: 2nd February 00:00 ~ 20th February 23:59.
- New: Costume stories for the 2019 Chinese New Year Procurement pool can be viewed from Springfields cafe.
- New: 3* RF RF Steyr ScoutSteyr ScoutSteyr Scout will be obtainable to those who logged in for 3 weeks consecutively in February.
- New: Implemented Live2D for Fen-Fen's costume... thats her if you didn't notice --> HG Fen-FenFen-FenFen-Fen "Fen-Fen's Adventures"
- Fix: Corrected HG P22P22P22's skill not working correctly with HG PythonPythonPython's passive.
Maintenance will shut-down the on-going combat mission session.
Maintenance compensation: x500,
-MICA Team 30th of January 2k19.