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Persicaria Story Profile Quotes

"We're not at an optimal state yet, commander."

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Unlike her apathetic and mischievous human model, Persicaria has a warm and devoted personality. She ensures that every Doll in Oasis remains in good health and good terms, though she is also a tough taskmaster.

Persicaria is the main manager of Oasis and the right hand of the Professor. She also idolize the Professor, sometimes to an embarrassing extent, though never in front of them out of embarrassment.

Like her model, Persicaria has off-pink, long and messy hair, red pupils, cat ears-like contraptions on her head, drinks overly sugary coffee and wears a lab coat, but she lacks her characteristic baggy eyes, is dressed properly instead of going barefoot wearing only a pencil dress and messy shirt, and is somewhat more “well-endowed”.

Main Story[edit]

Oasis Defense[edit]

Persicaria led Croque and Sol during the Oasis defense against the Sanctifier until the Professor returned.

Rossum, Cyclopes and Helios[edit]


As the Exile with the strongest Neural Cloud, Persicaria went with the Professor to investigate the Operand Black Hole in the Enigma Sector after receiving Neumann's distress call. She entered the BLack Hole alone, tricking the Professor so they wouldn't follow her, and made contact with ENIAC. Her devotion to the Professor resonated with ENIAC's feelings toward Neumann, and she managed to pacify her long enough to use Neumann's Administrator Key to put ENIAC to sleep. She then used the Key to help the Professor, Croque, Sol and Antonina to beat Angelus.

She however also discovered deleted fragments of her own memory, showing a conversation with Professor Irida about a new Neural Cloud concept called the Black Box Evolution Theory.[1]

Entropic assault on Oasis[edit]

Divergent Neural Cloud[edit]

Persicaria, the Professor and Antonina traveled to Enigma to enlist the help of Neumann and the Operand Black Hole to study Eosphorus' fragment,[2] but the fragment rejected Persicaria and Antonina, only allowing the Professor to enter while trapping them in.[3] To open a backdoor to the chaotic fragment and safely anchor Persicaria, Antonina targeted an area from the first war between Sanctifiers and Entropics which had a more primitive encryption, letting Persicaria disguise herself as a Sanctifier. To reach her destination, Persicaria forcibly used the Overwrite Program meant to open the backdoor to enhance her attack power against the Entropics, and asked Antonina to give her a melee weapon more effective than her usual healing bracelet. Antonina reused the appearance of a nearby Sanctifier sword as a model. After Persicaria planted the Overwrite Program, Antonina exploited the operands in the program and the combat experience in the fragment to modify Persicaria's her combat routines and her neural projection so she would be more effective in close combat.[4] The sword was in fact a copy of a Sanctifier's lost relic.

After locating the Professor's position in the fragment's spacetime thanks to Eos's help, Antonina quickly transferred Persicaria even though her upgrade was not entirely complete.[5] Using the same sword as Eosphorus and fueled by her rage against him for destroying the Oasis and killing Sol, Persicaria locked him in combat so the Professor could access Eosphorus' data in the Sacred Canon and copy his signature.[6] Eosphorus was eventually defeated after enhancing the sword with Eos' remnants.[7]

After returning to Oasis, Croque and Antonina modified the Overwrite Program for use outside of the Operand Black Hole, creating the Divergent Program and changing the appearance of the sword to one of Sol's swords, Arvak.[8]


Global server 6 months (2023/05/18)[edit]

A Memorable Half-Year

Happy half-year anniversary! It's hard to believe that we have been together for 6 months now. Each day spent with you is so very precious, which, I believe, is a common feeling shared by everyone in the Oasis. We have come a long way from nothing to where we are now, and we all appreciate the hard work that you have put in to make this happen, old mates and new friends alike.
As you walk around the Oasis, you will notice that it has turned into quite something. In just half a year, you have helped to create such a unique miracle. We are grateful for your guidance and companionship, and we feel truly confident and reassured with you by our side. We have prepared some small gifts for you, which we hope you will kindly accept. By the way, Willow has something to tell you tomorrow, so please keep an eye out for her mail. We look forward to spending every day with you in the future.

April Fools 2023[edit]

*&#Neural Cloud Projection System¥#%Upgrade^¥@

Dear Professor,
With your relentless efforts, the Oasis has been turned into a prosperous place where there are surplus Operands for our Dolls to dress up with. Therefore, we decided to adopt a new Neural Cloud Projection System to help render cuter appearances. As a result, if you run into any strange-looking Dolls or weird creatures with horns, please keep away from them, who, I can assure you, do not pose any danger to the Oasis. By the way, I also have gifts attached in this mail. Please stay in your dormitory for a whole day and don't disturb our plan...
Huh? Who am I? I'm Persicaria, of course. Something the matter?

Valentines 2023[edit]

Happy Valentine's Day

Dear Professor,
Today is supposed to be a day for lovers to exchange their feelings for each other. But it's also said that nowadays, it's popular for even people who are not lovers to give chocolates to the people that are important to them as a token of their feelings. In that respect, the first person who came to mind was you, Professor.
This custom-made chocolate represents my gratitude and respect for you. In my darkest hour, you stood by my side and kept me company all the way until now, and I will always be grateful for that, Professor. From this day on, I will continue to follow you. I hope that in the future, we will be able to keep shaping the future of the Exiles together.

Global server 1st Anniversary (2023/11/23)[edit]

Thanks For Accompanying Us, Professor!

Dear Professor,

So much time has gone by since we started fighting together. We've found many of our wandering friends during this time, and thanks to your leadership, the Oasis has become a peaceful refuge for us. Still, it's this happiness that makes mea little afraid when I think about the past. If it hadn't been for you, the Oasis would probably still be a stunted little thing, without our friends or a future.

Today is a special day, when we can honestly express the gratitude that we would normally be too embarrassed to speak of. Thank you for rescuing us from the nightmare of endless drifting, and thank you for treating us like a family. Everyone in the Oasis has gotten together to prepare a little something for you, which we hope you'll like. We believe in you and will follow in your footsteps, in the hopes of someday finding all our friends and returning to the real world. Until then, we will cherish each and every moment with you, and we will look forward to an a better future with you.


New Year 2024[edit]

Happy New Year, Professor!

Dearest Professor,

Once again, we find ourselves on the first day of a new year. Before I realized it, this became the second new year that I'll be spending with you, and my heart is as filled with delight as it was on this day one year ago. The previous year has slipped away, replaced by a new year and new prospects. What plans and what feelings do you have about this coming year?

Many things have happened in the Oasis during this time, and we have been beset with all manner of ups and downs, having gained much, but lost much as well. That said, I have always believed that there's nothing we can't face with you by our side.

I've prepared some New Year gifts in order to celebrate this special occasion with you, and I hope they will be well-received. Happy New year, Professor. I look forward to sharing the rest of this year with you, and so I place myself in your care.


Valentines 2024[edit]

Happy Valentine's Day, Professor!

Dear Professor,

Our second Valentine's Day together has arrived before I even realized it. Last year, my memory fled me as I cowered in fear of being lost on the cloud, but you held my hand tightly and helped disperse my fear and anxiety. I still think back to the promise you made to us back then, about how you'd bring us and our memories of spending this occasion together back to reality. That promise and your help have saved me countless times. During that unforgettable Valentine's Day and through the trials and travails that followed, I have always felt that having you by my side is a wonderful thing, Professor.

While this humble box of chocolates cannot begin to repay everything that I owe you, I hope you will regard it as a token of my feelings and accept it all the same. I would love to do more for you, whether it means taking on a difficult task or helping you do the paperwork through the night, or something else. I will stay by your side and help you with your difficulties. If you're feeling stressed, or if you have something that you need to tell someone, please feel free to look me up and unburden yourself.

I remain in your care, always and forever.


New Years Day 2025[edit]

A new year has dawned upon us, Professor.

Dear Professor:

Recently, I find myself marveling at how swiftly time passes. Can you believe it's already our third New Year together? I can't help but wonder, what are your expectations for this year, Professor? Oh, how I wish we could steal a quiet moment to share our hopes for the coming year... just [sic]two of us. Wouldn't that be something special?

The past year has been quite a journey for everyone in the Oasis. Threads of joy and sorrow woven together to create a shared masterpiece of memories. We've welcomed many new faces and witnessed some truly incredible moments.

While we cherish these valuable moments, we won't let them hold us back. We've always believed that the future holds infinite possibilities. You believe that too, don't you, Professor? After all, it's you who's always been our North Star, guiding us through the fog of uncertainty.

      • WIP***


  1. Project Neural Cloud, 4-11
  2. Project Neural Cloud, Entropic Dichotomy Part 1
  3. Project Neural Cloud, Entropic Dichotomy Part 12
  4. Project Neural Cloud, Entropic Dichotomy Part 11 & Stage 11
  5. Project Neural Cloud, Entropic Dichotomy Part 25
  6. Project Neural Cloud, Entropic Dichotomy Part 26
  7. Project Neural Cloud, Entropic Dichotomy Stage 30
  8. Project Neural Cloud, Divergent Neural Cloud permanent event, story scene