AK-15 | Story | Quotes |
Elite T-Doll and member of Task Force DEFY.
She is seen standing tall and confident with a permanent stern expression. She does not speak often, but when she does her attitude is brash, cold and direct, speaking in short to-the-point sentences. She does not express much of any emotion, but unlike AN-94 who speaks in much kinder words, her favorite subject of conversation is practical issues concerning the operation or preparations for combat. This direct attitude, in combination with her tall stature, has earned her the nickname “the female gorilla” from AK-12.
Main story[edit]
Paldiski Incident[edit]

During the fight in Paldiski Submarine base between Task Force DEFY and Yegor's mech, AK-15 plants explosives, and destroys some vital parts, rendering the machine unable to move freely. After that, Angelia gives a command for her dolls to surround the machinery. The mech launches rockets into the ceiling, raining shrapnel on dolls, who scramble and protect the one carrying an explosive device. Thinking that the battle is over, Yegor tries to find an exit route, but then he bears witness to AK-12, who picked up explosives from RPK-16 and without her legs is now crawling towards him. AK-12 sets off the explosive on the remaining leg of a mech and reports to Angelia that the mission is accomplished. [1]
“ | That's why I find you humans so fascinating. — RPK-16[2]
” |
Investigation in Berlin[edit]
After being released from interrogation room during the events of Mirror Stage, Angelia is reunited with Task Force DEFY and is placed under the curfew rules and is told not to leave Germany by a female official. After exiting out of an apartment she notices RPK-16 and AN-94 sitting on stairs bellow her and AK-12, 16 performs diagnostics on other members of Task Force DEFY with a laptop.[3] Some time later, Angelia and Task Force DEFY launch an operation to discover where the Epiphyllum made by Flora Institute is being transferred to, discovering a Paradeus plant, owned by a Galatea corporation, more precisely Gray. During the assault Nyto White blows up the plant causing the team to suffer some injuries.[4][5] The first to arrive at scene of explosions are Gray and her security force, questioning Angelia and her team about what happened with the Idunn serum samples, stored in the plant. This interrogation is interrupted by Light who shows up right in time and says that Stasi will take the investigation from here.[5] Angelia and her team go to her accommodation in Berlin, being followed by Light who offers them protection from following Paradeus attack. During the fighting in the apartment , AK-12 who is missing some parts after the previous assault transfers her command privileges to RPK-16 before staying in the apartment complex with Light to buy some time for Angelia and RPK-16 to retreat.[6] AK-15 drags Angelia on her shoulder away from the building with the help of suppressive fire from AN-94 and RPK-16.[7]
After discovering the location of William's mansion, Angelia and her team decide to arrange an operation and look for clues there, in a temporary hideout, 3 hours before the start of the operation RPK-16 asks Angelia to cancel the operation to which the latter responds negatively. At 15:28, Berlin time near William's mansion, remaining members of Task Force DEFY have a brief conversation, during which RPK-16 answers AN-94 that AK-12's largest mistake in her life was to transfer her command capabilities to her. After that, 16 asks Angelia one last time to cancel the operation, to which the latter gives the same response as before.[8]
After infiltrating the building, RPK-16 proposes the split up into teams of her with Angelia and AK-15 with AN-94 to search the mansion.[9] Using this moment, RPK-16 attempts to subdue Angelia by firing on her.[10]
“ | I was just trying to explain my motive. After all, you have a right to know. — RPK-16[11]
” |
AK-15 comes crashing through a wall and a fight between her and RPK-16 ensues during which Gray intervenes and chops off AK-15's hand with her robotic tail. 94 manages to lie down suppressive fire on Gray while she was distracted by Light detonating a grenade vest equipped on himself. 94 tries to get closer to Angelia who is practically within her reach, before crashing due to a backdoor planted earlier into her Neural Cloud by RPK-16.[12]
“ | A hole card is only a hole card if you keep it secret until the last moment. — RPK-16[12]
” |
After being rendered out of action during the mansion operation, AK-15 and AN-94 cores were transferred to The Commander during Light's funeral by chief of Stasi Romy Riefenstahl in a carrying case.
Operation Aeneas[edit]
Restored and upgraded to MOD3 AK-15 engages Gray in combat during the Operation Aeneas, planting multiple explosive bolts into her tail, disabling it. The latter, acknowledging that she is in no state to defeat AK-15 retreats to an elevator while summoning backup Nyto's to fend off her attacker. The elevator arrives, revealing AN-94 who shoots Gray in the head and chest, unable to fight Gray plummets down from stairs to her demise. 94 reunites with 15 and discusses the next phase of their squad's operation when modified Morridow appears and engages them in battle.[13][14]
Operation Muromets[edit]
During one of Angelia's implanted memories while she was lying on operation table in Avernus, she recollects the moment when she and Task Force DEFY launched an operation to discover what lies in William's mansion, but this time with AK-12 with them. Angelia and her team proceed into the building as usual, but then encounter Gray, during a fight, AK-15 gets a hold of Gray's mechanical arms, while 12 plants a grenade where Gray's tail connects to a blade, destroying it. 15 seizes this opportunity and rips off one of her opponents claws and tosses it to 12, who implants it into the broken off blade. Victory seems to be at hand, but then Grig appears and takes Gray away from Task Force DEFY. Some time later after exploring, the mansion comes under attack by Stasi agents with Light in command, their priority target is to eliminate Angelia because she contacted a double agent Q. A fight ensues between Task Force DEFY and Stasi agents, lasting 6 seconds flat, ending in Light's demise from a bullet fired by Q.[15] These events never actually happened since they were a fake memory.[16]
In sse06 "Secret Corridor" a POV from a security camera can be seen, displaying Morridow taking orders from William before sauntering off. The next moment the camera is shot down but still recording, revealing the fact that AN-94 and AK-15 were successful in capturing William.[17]
“ | Let's go then. I've long wanted to meet that Commander of yours. — William[18]
” |
Neural Upgrade Story[edit]
File 1[edit]
Persica and doctor Shaw have a conversation, Persica proposes her idea about a creation of 3rd generation of T-Dolls, stating that a Neural Cloud has an infinite potential. The idea in itself is to lift all restrictions and let them grow freely. However, doctor Shaw disagrees, stating that T-Dolls are weapons and giving freedom to robots is not only ridiculous, it's downright laughable. After that doctor Shaw states that in order to make a doll more human, instead of freedom they should be given the right to "defiance". "Absolute freedom is not freedom at all. Only in constraints can real freedom emerge". The story flips to AK-15 Mod3 having a chat with AN-94 Mod3, after that she scans the room they are in with her eyes and has a flashback of RPK-16 asking her a question: "I'm curious-what is the world is like in your eyes,15?". The next memory fragment begins to unfold before her when she was given a partner by doctor Shaw. They both enter a laboratory where AK-12 is, no one is inside but then AK-12 comes into the lab from behind the two and places two grenade replicas without pins on AK-15's waist. 15 reacts fast and kicks 12, sending her flying into a sliding door of a lab. 15 jumps with doctor Shaw and protects her with her body, throwing off the grenades she just had on her waist. After apologizing, 12 says that simply saying "hello" would be underwhelming. Shaw then stands up and says that they will be partners for the next operation. Mission file 11240601: "Incident Zero", 15 and 12 are being delivered on an aircraft to their designated location while having a little chit-chat. 12 states that their new commander Angelia will be observing the operation remotely.
File 2[edit]
AK-15 Mod3 has a chat with AN-94 Mod3 while undergoing calibration and testing, AN states that AK15 now has a stronger body, 15 replies that having better parameters is not enough, after that another flashback of RPK-16 appears, 16 says "What you lack is just the bigger picture. You're perfectly capable of making sound judgement". Mission file begins to play, it's a hostage rescue mission in which a VIP is situated inside a house along with other hostages, 12 proposes a plan to start a feint attack from four sides, while this is happening she will sneak into the building and get the hostages, therefore 15's strength in this operation is not needed and 12 gives her a command to stay at the temporary base. Some time passes with no information from 12, and 15 tells the temporary base commander to initialize another feint so that she could drop from the helicopter onto the building. 15 jumps off the helicopter and kills terrorists on the top level of the building. Terrorists, realizing what's going on initiate the final part of their plan and attempt to kill the VIP, 12 interjects and is about to get the hostage out of the building but then 15 crashes through the wall, looking at 12 briefly who proclaims that one of the terrorists should be captured alive, but 15 shoots him instantaneously in the head and the rigged explosives detonate.
File 3[edit]

AK-15 Mod3 has a chat with AN-94 Mod3, this time it's about her weapon being her partner, after that she has another flashback of RPK-16 in which 16 says "We're partners, 15. You can share your thoughts with us". The memory fragment plays, 12 and 15 after a mission have a disagreement about the outcome of the operation and the fact that the VIP and hostages got severe burns from the explosives and 12 proposes to have a duel, because 15 thinks that her sheer strength is enough to handle missions. In the duel, 12 beats 15 not with force but with tactics. Doctor Shaw who were observing the ruckus, intervenes and sends 12 to the repair facility with 15.
File 4[edit]
AK-15 Mod3 has a chat with AN-94 Mod3, while sending a punching bag full of sand flying into a wall, 15 states that 12 is an outstanding Tactical Doll, 94 asks why would she bring this up and 15 follows with a question: "Do you trust her?". "Of course, she is my trusty partner", 94 replies. A flashback of RPK-16 begins to play in which she asks a question "Do you trust me, 15?". After the Incident zero the project Wolf Pack comes to a halt, but under command of Angelia AN-94 and AK-12 go on multiple missions, all successful. And thus the Wolf Pack project gains acknowledgement and support and is able to continue to function. Meanwhile, 15 throws herself against 12 in the simulations, stating after one of them that the 12 in real combat is more cunning than her simulated persona. 15 inputs the next data into the simulation terminal but then ponders what doctor Shaw is busy with, since the project Wolf Pack is over, to which Nadia replies: "the Wolf Pack... No, Task Force DEFY will consist of exceptional T-Dolls, that I can promise you". "DEFY?", 15 asks. "Trust me, you'll be surprised", Nadia replies. In the lab doctor Shaw installs a prosthetic arm for Angelia. Angelia notices a lot of parts scattered on a table and asks doctor Shaw what she is up to, to which doctor Shaw replies that she is about to create another member of Task Force DEFY, which may even make her dream come true. 15 visits the lab at this time and Ange states that she needs to quit her job and departs, 15 says she needs a new partner which can sort out everything and make all the decisions for her so that she can focus on fighting and not to worry about anything else. Doctor Shaw says that this is unrealistic, to which 15 replies with a simple "No", because she already created one. 15 gazes into the corner of the lab from which a T-Doll with mischievous smile and short gray hair emerges and states that 15 is truly the most powerful T-Doll in the Neo-Soviet Union, and the surprise is now ruined. "There's a lot of human beings with clairvoyance in human mythologies, does this make you one of them?", RPK-16 says. Doctor Shaw replies that "the introductions are now in order Pan...RPK-16". 15 lists 16's specs and concludes that she has worse specs than 12 and does not even pass the average score on a benchmark, to which 16 replies "My creation will mark the peak of her career, and I will be the ultimate weapon for proving Persica's mistake". 16 tells 15 exactly the words she wanted to hear about being the one who will think through the mission situations while she can use her strength in battle. After that, RPK-16 stretches her hand towards AK-15 as a gesture of a partnership and asks a question: "Do you trust me, AK-15?", to which 15 replies that she always trusted her. The neural fragments stop playing and AK-15 Mod3 prepares explosives and her equipment, swearing that one day she will defeat RPK-16.
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, E5-2: Observable Limits
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Polarized Light, E5-2
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, E1-3A
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, E2-6A
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, E2-8A
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, E2-9A
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, E2-11A
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Pandora's Box I
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Pandora's Box I
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, Pandora's Box III
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, E4-4A
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 Girls' Frontline, Mirror Stage, E4-8A
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, Old Rain I
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E4-11
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Slow Shock, AUT The Wave
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Slow Shock, E2-8
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Slow Shock, SSE06 Secret Corridor
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Slow Shock, E3-35