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October 31st

Hidden Treasures of the Mystic Realm

Promotion slide

October 31st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ November 21th 10:00 GMT+8

Halloween has struck once again, and some new monsters are on the prowl... The 4th Halloween Procurement pool is now live for a limited time through October 31st following maintenance to November 21st at 10:00 just before the next maintenance.

Roll the new pool for a chance to obtain one of the following costumes:

"Cunning Plan 97" Costume Bundle

Promotion slide

October 31st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ November 20th 23:59 GMT+8

For a limited time, Kalina has stocked a new costume for SG Type 97 ShotgunType 97 ShotgunType 97 Shotgun. This Chinese vampire will bite your neck if you're not careful~

Costume Icon Costume Owner Costume Name Price Items Included Time Remaining (GMT+8)
SG Type 97 ShotgunType 97 ShotgunType 97 Shotgun "Cunning Plan 97" x2180

"Pumpkin Witches Festival" Re-run

Promotion slide

October 31st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ November 20th 23:59 GMT+8

For a limited time, The Radiant Collection will temporarily stock costumes from the "Pumpkin Witches Festival" Procurement pool as well as increase the respective furniture sets obtain rates. With addition to 2 of the costumes now possessing partial Live2D animations.

The following costumes can once again be obtained:

November 1st

Daily Discount Package

November 1st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ November 31th 23:59 GMT+8

A new month has begun and Kalina has now stocked a new daily discount bundle.

Banner Bundle Contents Bundle Price Buy Limit Time Remaining (GMT+8)
  • x200
  • x1
x118 1x (Resets daily)

November Monthly Bundle

November 1st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ Novemeber 7th 23:59 GMT+8

For a Limited Time, the November Monthly Bundle will be available for purchase in Kalina's shop.

Banner Bundle Contents Bundle Price Buy Limit Time Remaining (GMT+8)
  • x1000
  • x100
  • x1
  • x10
x580 1x (Once only) OUT OF STOCK!

November 7th

Exclusive Equipment Rate-up!

Promotion slide

November 7st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ Novemeber 14th 23:59 GMT+8

Following the maintenance on the 7th of November and the newly added Chapter 10-4M, Night battle Exclusive equipment drops will have a temporary increase to their obtain rates!

The following Exclusives and their drop locations:

All Costume Bundles Re-run

Promotion slide

November 7st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ November 15th 23:59 GMT+8

Kalina is feeling really generous once again, for she has restocked all buyable costume bundles for a limited time! GET YOUR WALLETS FOLKS! Note that previously purchased costumes cannot be bought again.

For user convenience, the costume listing will be shrunk by default, click the header to expand/shink the page at your convenience.

Click to display Full List.
Time Remaining: SOLD OUT! Better luck next time Commander!~
Costume Owner Costume Name Price + Included
HG Mk23Mk23Mk23 "Impish Sweetheart" x988 x50
SMG m45m45m45 "Candy Express" x588 x30
HG MakarovMakarovMakarov "Pumpkin Mishka" x388 x20
AR FALFALFAL "Winter Supply Operation" x1488 x50
RF SpringfieldSpringfieldSpringfield "O Holy Night" x988 x30
RF M14M14M14 "Xmas Parade" x588 x20
AR Type 97Type 97Type 97 "Peony Chief" x2588 x1, x100
MG PKPKPK "By Your Side" x1888 x1, x50
SMG SR-3MPSR-3MPSR-3MP "Black Rabbit Macchiato" x2588 x1, x100
RF Mosin-NagantMosin-NagantMosin-Nagant "Moonlit Ocean" x1888 x1, x50
SMG SkorpionSkorpionSkorpion "Crimson Starlet" x1288 x1
AR Type 95Type 95Type 95 "Summer Cicada" x2468 x1, x100
RF WA2000WA2000WA2000 "Op. Manta Ray" x1888 x100
RF NTW-20NTW-20NTW-20 "Op. Blazing Sun" x1288 None
HG ContenderContenderContender "Phantom of the Opera" x1888 x1
MG AEK-999AEK-999AEK-999 "Peerless Yakuza Rider" x1588 x1
RF IWS 2000IWS 2000IWS 2000 "Seventh Bannisher" x2588 x1, x100
AR Zas M21Zas M21Zas M21 "Snegurochka's Bullet Offering" x2588 x1, x100
AR ART556ART556ART556 "Lotus White" x1999 x100
SG S.A.T.8S.A.T.8S.A.T.8 "Plum Blossom Seal" x1699 x50
HG Mk23Mk23Mk23 "Honey Sweet Flower" x1299 x50
AR G36G36G36 "Pure White Cornflower" x1888 x1, x50
AR Zas M21Zas M21Zas M21 "Queen of the White Pieces" x2580 x1, x100
HG Welrod MkIIWelrod MkIIWelrod MkII "Twilight Menace" x1999 x100
HG Colt RevolverColt RevolverColt Revolver "The Miracle Queen" x1588 x1
RF Carcano M1891Carcano M1891Carcano M1891 "Brave Little Cano" x2588 x1, x100
SMG MP7MP7MP7 "Candy Ammunition" x2588 x1, x100
AR AN-94AN-94AN-94 "Doll and Diving Watch" x1999 x100
AR FALFALFAL "FALs Summer" x1699 x50
AR G36G36G36 "Fifty Days with G36" x1299 None
SMG PM-06PM-06PM-06 "Soaring Magic" x2588 x1, x100
SMG P90P90P90 "Crimson Turbine" x2588 x1, x100
RF Carcano M1891Carcano M1891Carcano M1891 "Bells of the Beginning" x2588 x1, x100
SMG Type 100Type 100Type 100 "Armed Shrine Maiden" x1888 x1
SG M1014M1014M1014 "Snow, Moon and Flowers" x1288 x50
RF IWS 2000IWS 2000IWS 2000 "Edelweiss" x2588 x1, x100
SMG G36CG36CG36C "You Who Takes the First Step" x2588 x1, x100
MG NegevNegevNegev "Obsidian Princess" x2588 x1, x100
AR AK-12AK-12AK-12 "Silent Cyan" x2588 x1, x100
SMG Type 79Type 79Type 79 "Fox Steps in a Starry Evening" x1988 x1
HG ThunderThunderThunder "Dream of the Black Swan" x1588 x1
RF G28G28G28 "Moonlit Emerald" x1288 x50
AR K11K11K11 "Precious Scientist" x2588 x1, x100
MG Lewis GunLewis GunLewis Gun "Sunscreen Battle" x2588 x1, x100
AR Type 95Type 95Type 95 "Pure White Graduation" x2588 x1, x100
HG Mk23Mk23Mk23 "The Cats Song that
announces the Start of School"
x1588 x1
SMG TMPTMPTMP "Meow Prism Power" x999 x50

November 14th

Glory Day Re-run

Activity Overview Image

November 14th 16:00 GMT+8 ~ December 5th 10:00 GMT+8

Glory Day has returned for those who missed it last year! For more information click here

Note: Commanders who completed the event previously will be delighted to hear that their map progression has been reset for the Re-run, allowing them another chance to get the exclusive Collaboration Medal again!

Notes on re-run event shop

For players who participated in Glory Day last year, certain items cannot be purchased again from the event shop even with enough currencies. Items that cannot be purchased a second time includes:

  • Kalina's costume
  • Player avatars
  • Player ID card background

However T-Doll HG FailFailFail and her exclusive equipment, as well as both fairies can be purchased again. It is an excellent chance of levelling up the fairies with duplicates and/or obtaining a duplicate Fail doll.

Glory Day Limited Time Rescue


November 14th 16:00 GMT+8 ~ December 5th 10:00 GMT+8

Limited edition T-Dolls are available as drops from Glory Day combat chapters, obtainable from certain enemy nodes and S rank clear of the battle, list as following:

Pocket City Costume Bundles

Activity Overview Image

November 14th 16:00 GMT+8 ~ December 5th 10:00 GMT+8

Costumes for both HG ClearClearClear and HG FailFailFail are available for purchase once again, however the bundles cannot be purchased if one already bought it last year.

Costume Icon Costume Owner Costume Name Price Items Included Time Remaining (GMT+8)
HG ClearClearClear "Queen of Pocket City II" x1588
HG FailFailFail "Queen of Pocket City III" x1588

November 21st

November 23rd