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July 4th[edit]

10:00 GMT+8 ~ 16:00 GMT+8

Dear players, a 6 hour scheduled server maintenance will take place on the 4th of July! 2019, lasting from 10:00 AM til 4:00 PM. Access to the server will be denied while maintenance is ongoing, maintenance duration is subject to extension or shortening depending on work progress.

Patch notes as following:

  1. Event: Collaboration event Valhalla will come to an end, costume packages along with the exclusive procurement pool will no longer be available, the Event shop will close up on July 11th at 23:59.
  2. Event: The Theater will open up once again. Participate in this global event and have a chance of obtaining Centrum Data for the HOC AT4!
  3. Event: The "Children's Garden" Procurement pool will be live! for a limited time, the following costumes will be obtainable from this procurement pool;
  4. New: For a limited time, AR K11K11K11's costume "Precious Scientist" will be available for purchase from Kalina's shop, contents as follows;
    • T-Doll Costume for AR K11K11K11 - "Precious Scientist" x1
    • Oath Certificate x1
    • Procurement Coins x100
    • Price: x2588
    • Sale Duration: July 4th ~ July 24th 23:59
  5. New: Costumes from the Summer Waltz Procurement pool will be added to the black card store alongside their furniture sets, while the furniture sets will also be added to the Radiant Collection.
  6. New: Added partial Live2D for RF Carcano M91/38Carcano M91/38Carcano M91/38's "Miss Pinocchio" costume.

Maintenance will shut-down the on-going combat mission session.

Maintenance compensation: x500, x500, x500, x500

-MICA Team 3rd of July 2k19.

July 11th[edit]

10:00 GMT+8 ~ 16:00 GMT+8

Dear players, a 6 hour scheduled server maintenance will take place on the 11th of July 2019, lasting from 10:00 AM til 4:00 PM. Access to the server will be denied while maintenance is ongoing, maintenance duration is subject to extension or shortening depending on work progress.

Patch notes as following:

  1. Event: The event shop for the collaboration event Valhalla will come to a close, along with the login event. All items from the collaboration event will no longer be obtainable from now on.
  2. Event: The 2018 Children's day "Fairy Tale Festival" Procurement pool re-run will be taken out of the Radiant Garden following this maintenance.
  3. Event: Following the end of this maintenance, The Beach Battle Voucher event will begin! Clear boss maps of chapters 1-6 ~ 6-6 and obtain "Hardcore Watermelons" which you'll be able to use to redeem a nice assortment of rewards including a Fiiiiiine T-doll costume for HG SerdyukovSerdyukovSerdyukov dubbed "Black Crow Lifeguard".
    • Duration: Following Maint ~ July 25th 23:59
  4. Event: Following Maintenance, the "Girls at Sea" Procurement pool will begin their re-run in the Radiant Collection.
    • Duration: Following Maint ~ July 25th 10:00
  5. New: For a limited timer, the "Girls at Sea" buyable costumes will temporarily be restocked following the end of this maintenance. Players who previously bought these costumes, will not be able to buy them again.
  6. Sale Duration: Following Maint ~ July 24 23:59
  7. New: Following the end of this maintenance, 3 new T-dolls will be permanently added to the T-doll Production pools, T-dolls are as follows:
    • Innocent Undine - AR ADSADSADS - Timer is 3:55:00
    • Keeping Traditions - RF Type 4Type 4Type 4 - Timer is 4:04:00
    • Truly Breathtaking - HG P30P30P30 - Timer is 00:50:00
    • Note: These 3 T-dolls will have targeted Rate ups beginning on the 13th of July 00:00 ~ July 14th 23:59.
  8. New: For a limited time, Resource bundles will be temporarily on sale within Kalina's shop throughout the duration of the Targeted Rate up.
  9. New: Added partial Live2D animations to RF Carcano M1891Carcano M1891Carcano M1891's "Brave Little Cano" costume.

Maintenance will shut-down the on-going combat mission session.

Maintenance compensation: x500, x500, x500, x500

-MICA Team 10th of July 2k19.

July 25th[edit]

10:00 GMT+8 ~ 16:00 GMT+8

Dear players, a 6 hour scheduled server maintenance will take place on the 25th of July 2019, lasting from 10:00 AM til 4:00 PM. Access to the server will be denied while maintenance is ongoing, maintenance duration is subject to extension or shortening depending on work progress.

Patch notes as following:

  1. Event: The Theater will come to an end. Make sure to finish up your sorties by then.
  2. Event: The Children's Garden Procurement pool will come to an end. All white tickets obtained through rolls will be converted to procurement coins at a 1:1 ratio following the procurement pools closure.
  3. Event: The Girl's at Sea Re-run will come to an end, all costumes from said procurement pool will be taken out of the Radiant Collection and their respective furniture sets will return to their normal obtain rates.
  4. Event: The Beach Soldiers Procurement pool will begin its re-run in the Radiant Collection, the following costumes will be temporarily added to the Radiant Collection and their respective furniture sets will also have increased obtain rates:
  5. Event: For a limited time, Kalina will re-stock the buyable costumes from the "Beach Soldiers" procurement pool. The following costumes will be on sale for the same price as originally, and commanders who purchased the costumes previously will NOT be able to re-buy the costumes:
  6. Event: Returnee Event will begin! Bring back past commanders to join the fight once again for a nice set of rewards. Returnee Commanders must be >Lv.15 and have not logged in after July 11th 00:00
    • Duration: Following Maintenance ~ August 31st 23:59.
  7. Event: The 3rd summer procurement pool Summer Wave will begin! The following costumes will be obtainable through this fine procurement pool:
  8. New: For a limited time, Kalina will be stocking a fine swimsuit for MG LewisLewisLewis in her shop. Surprise the lovely MG with a date to the beach~
    • Sale duration: Starts on July 27th 00:00 ~ August 21st 23:59
  9. New: Added Partial Live2D animations to SG AA-12AA-12AA-12's "Never Rising Sun" costume as well as AR G36G36G36's "Fifty Days with G36" costume.
  10. New: Added MG AmeliAmeliAmeli's "Ameli Catch!" costume to the Black Card store.
  11. Fix: T-Fairy Chloe's skill animation
  12. Fix: Fixed an issue where upon HG P30P30P30's death, retreat or simply toggling between her 2 passives, would cause the skill effects of AR TAR-21TAR-21TAR-21, AR ART556ART556ART556 and HG Type 92Type 92Type 92's to disappear.
  13. Improvement: Slightly Adjusted the grenade generation time for AR ADSADSADS to become shorter, so that it matches her movements.

Maintenance will shut-down the on-going combat mission session.

Maintenance compensation: x500, x500, x500, x500

-MICA Team 24th of July 2k19.