Galil | Story | Quotes |
Main Story
Digimind Story
Part 1
AR GalilGalilGalil was attending Frontline Readiness Team first ever gathering in the cafe. She talked to SMG Micro UziMicro UziMicro Uzi, stating her amazement by the number of people that enlisted in the team. Micro Uzi answered that's because Griffin keep taking in newbies.
Part 2
During FRT daily training session, AR GalilGalilGalil finally made up her mind and approached MG NegevNegevNegev that was busy instructing the squad's back up members. She wanted to leave the Frontline Readiness Team, and try working in another department in order to find a place where she could fit in. Unexpectedly, Negev was so cooperative. She asked Galil to submit her transfer request, so she can approve it.
On her way to other departments, AR GalilGalilGalil stumbled upon HG HS2000HS2000HS2000, which asked her about her transfer. Galil nodded, and HS2000 hoped her for the best.
The first destination was Strategic Response Team information center. AR GalilGalilGalil pressed the bell, and welcomed by the team leader, HG Welrod MkIIWelrod MkIIWelrod MkII. Galil stated her business, but unfortunately the SRT was currently full and couldn't accept new member. Galil excused herself, and headed to the next department.
The next destination was Border Investigation Team intelligence center. There, RF SL8SL8SL8 received her. AR GalilGalilGalil told her purpose coming there, and asked if the team leader, RF NTW-20NTW-20NTW-20 was present. BIT just deployed a large force, and NTW-20 was off leading them, so only a few of the members were left to hold the fort. Since only the team leader can approve a transfer request, Galil couldn't join the team and excused herself.
AR GalilGalilGalil headed to General Support Group next, and asked the Doll in charge if the department in need of more Dolls. AR G3G3G3 said that the department only took fairies in here, and Galil was once again rejected.
Coalition Department's factory was the next destination. AR GalilGalilGalil knocked and opened the door, only to be welcomed by Scarecrow, Dreamer, and Judge silent but menacing stare. Galil stared down the entire room for 10 minutes before fled the scene.
AR GalilGalilGalil finally land a position in Combined Service Department's cafe, after explaining her predicament to RF SpringfieldSpringfieldSpringfield.