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Events (EN)/2020/March

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March 31st[edit]

Chime of the New Year Rerun[edit]

March 31st 06:00 ~ April 20th 23:59 UTC-8

The "Chime of the New Year" costumes and furniture are back!

When obtaining a costume or a furniture piece from the Radiant Collection, there is a 50% chance for it to be from "Chime of the New Year".

The following are featured in the Radiant Collection resupply:

Additionally, the costume packages are available for purchase once again! Limited to 1 purchase per package.

  • RF Carcano M1891Carcano M1891Carcano M1891’s package contains “Bells of Beginning” (Simplified Live2D), * 100, and * 1. Price: 2,588 .
  • SMG Type 100Type 100Type 100’s package contains “Gunslinger Miko” and * 1. Price: 1,888 .
  • SG M1014M1014M1014’s package contains “Snow, Moon and Flowers” and * 50. Price: 1,288 .

Theater Mode Season 1[edit]

Point Rewards
Point Rewards
Point Ranking Rewards
Last Stage Ranking Rewards

March 31st 06:00 ~ April 20th 23:59 UTC-8

The Theater System is now online! Clear waves of enemies, similar to defense drill, to obtain points, which commanders can accumulate for rewards.

Certain T-Dolls have increased stats and give bonus points based on a percentage of the points obtained from battle. Advantaged T-Dolls vary between difficulties and nodes.

Theater has two phases, phase 1 and phase 2.

During phase 1, there are three difficulties available to clear, and commanders are freely able to choose between them.

During phase 2, there is only one core zone to choose from. The difficulty of the nodes in the core zone will increase, with the final node being harder than the advanced zone in phase 1.

Each assault consists of ten battles and the enemy echelons can be previewed before entering combat. Commanders are able to launch two assaults per day.

More nodes will open as the event progresses. Theater progression is based on the point total of all participating commanders.

Additionally, commanders are able to send out drones (the number of drones increases as Theater progresses) to investigate one of three zones per day for more points. These zones have different point values from each other. The least scouted zone will award twice its respective point value, the most scouted zone will award half its respective point value, and the middling zone will reward its respective point value with no modifier.

The daily limit on sorties and investigation, alongside the server point total, refresh at 4:00 UTC-8 every day.

There are also Theater-specific facilities that can be upgraded using materials gained from Theater battles. These facilities provide effects that aid in the Theater event in various capacities.

HOC Supply Package[edit]

March 31st 06:00 ~ April 6th 23:59 UTC-8

A package containing materials for upgrading HOC units is available for purchase.

Banner Package Contents Price Purchase Limit Time Remaining (UTC-8)
  • x200
  • x50
  • x100
x298 20x N/A

March 24th[edit]

Trade-In Rewards
Trade-In Rewards
Trade-In Rewards
Welfare Details
Welfare Details

The Photo Studio Mystery[edit]

March 24th 06:00 ~ April 13th 23:59 UTC-8

A new minor event, The Photo Studio Mystery, has commenced.

This time around, the event is loosely themed around White Day.

Unravel the story alongside RF Lee-EnfieldLee-EnfieldLee-Enfield to get to the bottom of this murder mystery.

10 Tangerine Coins , the currency for the event shop, are awarded per clear of certain event maps. Up to 60 are obtainable per day.

Trade in for event limited goodies, such as AR FNCFNCFNC's costume, "Strawberry Cake and Garden Cosmos", and AR MDRMDRMDR's exclusive equipment, BPR4 & SRM6!

The event shop will close April 20th 23:59 UTC-8.

Debuting with this event, a welfare shop is available!

Nova medals are acquirable by obtaining an S-rank after killing enemies or clearing maps with an S-rank, with both obtainment methods needing to be able to yield limited 4-star T-dolls.

Platinum medals are acquirable by obtaining an S-rank after killing enemies or clearing maps with an S-rank, with both obtainment methods needing to be able to yield limited 5-star T-dolls.

These medals are exchangeable for limited T-Dolls in the welfare shop.

Clear Rewards and Limited T-Dolls
Clear Rewards and Limited T-Dolls

March 21st[edit]

New T-Dolls Rate-Up[edit]

March 21st 00:00 ~ March 22nd 23:59 UTC-8

A rate-up featuring the newly added T-Dolls has commenced!

Note that the rate of obtaining a certain rarity of T-Dolls is unchanged; only the chance of obtaining a featured doll from their respective rarity has been altered.

Featured T-Dolls:

March 20th[edit]

Half-Price Resources[edit]

March 20th 00:00 ~ March 22nd 23:59 UTC-8

Alongside any production rate-up event, the prices of resource and contract packages will be temporarily halved.

Limited to 50 purchases of each package per day.

March 18th[edit]

1 Million Commanders Celebration[edit]

March 18th 00:00 ~ April 1st 23:59 UTC-8

In celebration of reaching 1 million users, a login event is being held!

Log into the game for 7 days in total during the event to obtain various rewards, including the commemorative ID Card Background "Black Canyon" and SMG T77T77T77.

March 17th[edit]

Great Success Rate-Up[edit]

March 17th 06:00 ~ March 23rd 23:59 UTC-8

For the duration of the event, the chance of obtaining a great success upon clearing a logistic operation is increased by 50% (e.g. 60% → 90%).

March 10th[edit]

Romance in Progress[edit]

March 10th 06:00 ~ April 6th 23:59 UTC-8

A new bridal outfit gacha has been added to the resupply!


Also, SMG G36CG36CG36C's costume, "You Who Steps Up", is available for purchase in a costume package!

Banner Package Contents Price Purchase Limit Time Remaining (UTC-8)
  • "You Who Steps Up" x1
  • x1
  • x100
x2588 1x N/A

Sweet Imprints Rerun[edit]

March 10th 06:00 ~ March 30th 23:59 UTC-8

The previous wedding gacha, "Sweet Imprints", costumes and furniture are back!

When obtaining a costume or a furniture piece from the Radiant Collection, there is a 50% chance for it to be from "Sweet Imprints".

The following are featured in the Radiant Collection resupply:

Additionally, AR G36G36G36's costume package is available for purchase once again.

Banner Package Contents Price Purchase Limit Time Remaining (UTC-8)
  • "Pure White Cornflower" x1
  • x1
  • x50
x1888 1x N/A

March 3rd[edit]

Unrestricted Access to Combat Simulations[edit]

March 3rd 00:00 ~ March 9th 23:59 UTC-8

All combat simulations are available every day until the end of the event.

Lily-White Vows Rerun[edit]

March 3rd 06:00 ~ March 9th 23:59 UTC-8

The "Lily-White Vows" costumes and furniture are back!

When obtaining a costume or a furniture piece from the Radiant Collection, there is a 50% chance for it to be from "Lily-White Vows".

The following are featured in the Radiant Collection resupply:

Additionally, MG PKPKPK's costume package is available for purchase once again!

Banner Package Contents Price Purchase Limit Time Remaining (UTC-8)
  • "By Your Side" x1
  • x1
  • x50
x1888 1x N/A

March 1st[edit]

Daily Special[edit]

March 1st 00:00 ~ March 31st 23:59 UTC-8

A new daily package is available for purchase!

Banner Package Contents Price Purchase Limit Time Remaining (UTC-8)
  • x100
  • x150
  • x100
x118 1x (Resets daily) N/A

Special Offer[edit]

March 1st 00:00 ~ March 7th 23:59 UTC-8

The special offer package for March is available for purchase!

Banner Package Contents Price Purchase Limit Time Remaining (UTC-8)
  • x1
  • x1,000
  • x10
  • x1
x580 1x N/A