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9A-91 Strategy Story Quotes

Individual Performance[edit]


9A-91 possesses the "Firepower Focus N", a very powerful self-buffing damage skill which has its full effects during night battles giving up too a massive 180% (60% in Day battles) DMG for 6 seconds on a 5 second Int CD, by this skill alone 9A-91 has been dubbed the "Princess of Night battles" due to her incredible effectiveness in night battles. Even comparing to AR OTs-14OTs-14OTs-14 to an extent if she's been equipped with her exclusive scope attachment which can only be obtained from the Ranking EX map of Deep Dive and securing a placement of above 40%.


In terms of Stats, 9A-91 possess above average stats with high ROF and EVA (for an AR at least), however lacks DMG but this shouldn't be a problem, since you'll be using her in night battles anyway when her skill skyrockets her DMG. take note that while her ACC is still above average, you still may find her struggling to hit Scouts in night battles even when she's equipped with a PEQ, support her with ACC tile buffing SMG's or HG's if necessary.

Combat Performance[edit]

Due to her skill being made for night battles this section will primarily consist of her performance in night battles, against both regular units and Armored units:

Against Regular Units:

When battling against regular units, 9A-91 may not deal as much in the start of the battle as it still requires her to take 5 seconds for her skill to activate, upon activation, 9A-91's DMG stat will skyrocket to 110+ coupled with her high base ROF, she'll be able to punch through units who are more tanky then normal such as Guards, Vespids, Rippers and bosses if you're fighting one in night battles, take note that her skill only lasts 6 seconds and is on a 16 second CD, meaning you'll have to wait 8 seconds for her to activate her skill again, but lets hope you've killed everything in those first 6 seconds when her skill has activated.

Against Armored Units:

In certain situations, you may run into an Armored SF unit if you're running blind, dont be alarmed if you do, 9A-91's skill has you covered, the 180% DMG buff will still punch through Armored units, maybe not as much as a T-doll equipped with AP rounds, but just enough for your echelon to survive (potentially...), of course, you dont actually wanna send them against a HEAVILY ARMORED SF unit, because they may not fare well against them. like with regular units, 9A-91 still needs 5 seconds for her skill to activate and it'll only last 6 seconds when it does, do everything you can to at least delay Aegis's long enough for her skill to activate.


Tile Bonus[edit]

Affects Submachine guns
Increases rate of fire by 10%
Increases evasion by 15%

Evasive Support:

Being an AR, 9A-91's tile buffs will buff SMG that are diagonally above or below where she is placed, granting +15% EVA means that 9A-91's tiles will benefit SMG's who have some way of increasing their survivability via Force shield or self-buffing their EVA, ideally 9A-91 should be placed in a Standard F or b formation in either tiles 1 or 7, buffing your Main Tank. you can disregard the ROF tile buffs, as the EVA tile buffs are superior in keeping your SMG's alive.


There are 2 ways you can support 9A-91, supporting DAMAGE or supporting RATE OF FIRE, or both:

Buffing Damage:

As mentioned before, 9A-91's DMG stat isn't that high at all, even when equipped with max enhanced/calibrated HV ammo, she'll only end up with 62 (65 if she's Oathed) in her DMG stat, so its very important to at least give her more DMG support so that her skill skyrockets even more, heres some DMG supporting HG's and SMG's you can pair 9A-91 with. Note that the HG's listed will be listed by their tile buffs at 5x dummy links.

Recommended HG's:

Recommended SMG's:

Buffing Rate of Fire:

The other way you can support 9A-91 is by boosting her already high ROF, her base ROF being 78 means she only needs 54% in ROF tile buffs to reach the ROF cap, this is very important as well as it means she can make the most out of her skill's short duration, like with DMG tile buffs, here are some HG's and SMG's you can pair 9A-91 with. note that if the T-doll in the "Damage Support" section grants ROF, they wont be listed here.

Recommended HG's:

Recommended SMG's:

Unique Support:

Now there is a few T-dolls in the game that who can actually support differently then intended, one of which is AR RibeyrollesRibeyrollesRibeyrolles who's tiles buff other ARs and her skill buffs said T-dolls on her tiles, granting +25% in DMG, ROF and ACC, effectively making Ribey an ideal support for an ARSMG echelon. do be cautious though, if you plan to run 3AR 2SMG that echelon will be running blind in night battles.


Slot 1
PKN03M Night Scope
9A-91's exclusive equipment which can be obtained by ranking in the top 40% in the Ranking EX map during Deep Dive, grants 9A-91 +100% Night battle ACC and +8 DMG, making it a must to equip for night battles, this equipment puts 9A-91's damage at a high enough point where she'll potentially out-DPS AR OTs-14OTs-14OTs-14 in night battles.
Standard night battle equipment, negates a percentage of the -90% ACC penalty that night battles give, a must if you plan to do night battles and you need to actually hit something.
VFL 6-24x56
Standard equipment for DPS focused AR's, RF's and Non-Hunting Impulse MG's, Increases base crit rate by up to 48%, if you want to have the most DPS for your AR's you're advised to equip them with this, but this is a night battle AR, you wanna send her out on day battles?
Slot 2
APCR High-Velocity Ammo
Primary equipment of all AR's, no reason to not equip them, Increases DMG by up to +20.
Slot 3
IOP X4 Exoskeleton
Primary equipment of SMGs, HG's and AR's, For AR's they should always be an X-series Exoskeleton, though you can neglect giving your AR's an exo if they're behind an SMG, however if they're in an exposed position in either an F or b formation, you may wanna consider giving them an exo so that they at least dodge something if an SF unit gets too close.