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G36 Strategy Story Quotes Live2D
Gun Information
Full name Heckler & Koch Gewehr 36
Country of origin Germany
Manufacturer Heckler & Koch GmbH
Game Information
Faction Griffin & Kryuger
Manufactured /
Revised by
Voice actor Koshimizu Ami
Artist 薯子Imoko
Released on CN (2016-5), TW, KR, EN (Gr G36), JP (Gr G36)
Chibi Animation

Click the marked area to switch between animations. For details regarding animations, please see Animations on the Wiki.

View page template
    For the corresponding character in Project Neural Cloud, see Centaureissi.

How to obtain[edit]

NORMALHEAVY Timer 3:40:00. See T-Doll Production for details.

DROP Not obtainable as a drop.

REWARD Not obtained as a reward

Exclusive Equipment[edit]

Costume Set

The Maid's Code: This tailor-made set for Gr G36 helps her maintain her poise as a maid while working.

  • Equipment*2: 2 seconds after the battle starts, all other members of the echelon gain 50% of G36's damage and 100% of her evasion as buffs for 10 seconds.
  • Equipment*3: None

Union Skill[edit]

  Bon Appétit

Stats / Data[edit]


64(x1)127(x1) / 635(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5)
18 47
6 41
6 44
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
50 72
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.

HP94 <= 127 <= 138Dmg39 <= 47 <= 69Eva33 <= 41 <= 54Acc35 <= 44 <= 70RoF54 <= 72 <= 97
Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to other Dolls of the same type.

HP57 <= 127 <= 286Dmg15 <= 47 <= 170Eva9 <= 41 <= 128Acc9 <= 44 <= 97RoF22 <= 72 <= 149
Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to every other Doll.

Affects submachine guns
Increases damage by 30%
Increases rate of fire by 10%
How to edit skills

64(x1)129(x1) / 645(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5)
18 50
6 44
6 47
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
50 75
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.

HP94 <= 129 <= 138Dmg39 <= 50 <= 69Eva33 <= 44 <= 54Acc35 <= 47 <= 70RoF54 <= 75 <= 97
Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to other Dolls of the same type.

HP57 <= 129 <= 286Dmg15 <= 50 <= 170Eva9 <= 44 <= 128Acc9 <= 47 <= 97RoF22 <= 75 <= 149
Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to every other Doll.

Affects submachine guns
Increases damage by 30%
Increases rate of fire by 15%
How to edit skills

64(x1)129(x1) / 645(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5)
18 51
6 44
6 48
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
50 75
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.

HP94 <= 129 <= 138Dmg39 <= 51 <= 69Eva33 <= 44 <= 54Acc35 <= 48 <= 70RoF54 <= 75 <= 97
Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to other Dolls of the same type.

HP57 <= 129 <= 286Dmg15 <= 51 <= 170Eva9 <= 44 <= 128Acc9 <= 48 <= 97RoF22 <= 75 <= 149
Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to every other Doll.

Affects submachine guns
Increases damage by 30%
Increases rate of fire by 15%
How to edit skills

64(x1)130(x1) / 650(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5)
18 51
6 45
6 48
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
50 76
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.

HP94 <= 130 <= 138Dmg39 <= 51 <= 69Eva33 <= 45 <= 54Acc35 <= 48 <= 70RoF54 <= 76 <= 97
Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to other Dolls of the same type.

HP57 <= 130 <= 286Dmg15 <= 51 <= 170Eva9 <= 45 <= 128Acc9 <= 48 <= 97RoF22 <= 76 <= 149
Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to every other Doll.

Affects submachine guns
Increases damage by 30%
Increases rate of fire by 15%
How to edit skills

Weapon Background[edit]

The G36 is a gas-operated select-fire 5.56x45mm rifle developed by German arms manufacturer Heckler and Koch. It was designed as a replacement for the venerable G3 battle rifle, which had served West Germany throughout the Cold War. The G36 entered service with the German Bundeswehr in 1997, and has served as the main standard-issue rifle of the German infantry for the entirety of the 21st century thus far. In the early 2020s, it was decided that the G36 rifle would be replaced as the Bundeswehr's main service rifle by a variant of the HK416.[1]

Development programs working on a replacement for the G3 rifle had been ongoing since the late 1970s. These programs would eventually produce the G11 rifle, with its unique and innovative caseless ammunition. The G11 was actually slated to enter into service with the Bundeswehr in the early 1990's, where it would have been the first caseless ammo rifle to be fielded as a standard issue infantry rifle. This would not come to pass, as in 1990, East and West Germany reunified. As a result of reunification, cuts were made to the German defense budget, and the Bundeswehr cancelled procurement of the G11.

Following German reunification, calls for a new modern service rifle chambering the 5.56x45mm NATO standard intermediate cartridge began to grow. Heckler and Koch were kind of caught with their pants down, as they had neglected research into a new 5.56mm rifle, confident that the G11 would see adoption by the German Armed Forces. They would initially offer the G41 rifle, but this design was rejected by the Bundeswehr. And so, H&K would begin work on a completely new rifle, initially called the HK50, that would chamber the 5.56x45mm cartridge. Development on the G36 would conclude in 1995, and with adoption and production would follow the next year.[2]

Compared to the radical design of the G11, the G36 is a much more conventional rifle in terms of layout and function. It fires from a closed bolt, and utilizes the signature H&K short-stroke gas piston mechanism. This gas piston system would later be used by both the XM8 and HK416 rifles. The G36 has an effective firing range of up to 800 meters, with a rate of fire of around 750 rounds per minute. The rifle was designed to feed from a proprietary 30 round magazine made specifically for the rifle, although with a slight modification to the magazine housing, the G36 is able to accept and feed from STANAG pattern magazines. Other notable features of the weapon include a free-floated barrel, skeletal folding stock, and a frame made from lightweight corrosion-resistant synthetic materials. Like most modern military rifle designs, the G36 can mount multiple combat accessories and a under-rail grenade launcher. Should a grenade launcher unit not be issued to the user, the muzzle of the weapon has a slotted flash suppressor, onto which one can fit and launch rifle grenades using blank munitions. The flash suppressor also serves as a mounting position for affixing a bayonet. The Bundeswehr standard-issue G36 features a ZF 3×4° dual optical sight, which is a combination of a 3× magnified telescopic sight and a unmagnified reflex sight.[3]

In 2010, Bundeswehr forces entered into a combat encounter in Afghanistan against Taliban forces. The soldiers from this squad claimed that during this firefight, the barrels of their G36s overheated, causing the rifles to lose accuracy. These claims prompted an investigation into the performance of the G36. This investigation alleged that dumping only two magazines worth of ammunition (60 rounds) in quick succession was enough to overheat the G36's barrel to a great enough extent to cause severe accuracy degradation (multiple independent sources have tested and debunked this claim, with notable examples including InRangeTV[4], TFB TV[5], and 9-Hole Reviews[6]). It was suggested by the conductors of the investigation that the weapon's extensive use of polymers in its construction may have been the cause of this issue. However, in February 2014, a report by the Bundeswehr revealed the cause to instead be related to faulty ammunition: one manufacturer of ammunition had been making bullets with copper-plated jackets that were too thin, resulting in excessive heat being dumped into the barrels. Regardless of this report, controversy surrounding the rifle's performance continued. In 2015, German Minister of Defense at the time Ursula von der Leyen reasserted the disproven claim that the issues with the G36 were the result of the rifle's use of weight-saving polymers, stating that "The Heckler & Koch G36 has no future in the German army in its current state of construction", and that "the German military will stop using a plastic assault rifle that can't shoot straight when temperatures increase by 30°C or when the rifle heats up during a firefight".[7]. She then announced that, instead of trying to update or modernize the G36 to fix these perceived issues, that the rifle would be phased out of German military service entirely and replaced with a brand new rifle.

After the announcement that the G36 was to be phased out of service, trials to select a replacement rifle would begin in 2017. Despite H&K being the favored one to win the trials, the contract would instead be given to C.G. Haenel and their MK 556 rifle. Several other companies, including H&K and SIG Sauer, contested the results of the trial, complaining that there was had been lack of fairness in the proceedings. Despite this, the results of the trial were finalized in September of 2020, and procurement of the Haenel MK 556 was expected to begin in mid to late October. However, the contract was cancelled in early October after it was found that several internal components of the MK 556 infringed on patents held by Heckler and Koch.[8] Several months later in the spring of 2021, the HK416A8 would be selected to replace the G36 instead of the Haenel rifle. Haenel filed a lawsuit in an attempt to reverse the decision, but a German court dismissed the lawsuit in June 2022. In December 2022, the Bundestag approved initial funding to begin procuring the rifles. The German military is expected to purchase around 118,718 HK416 rifles (these rifles are designated as the G95A1 within German military service). The Bundeswehr is expected to begin fielding the new rifle in 2024.

Character Design

A neat and tidy T-Doll in formal maid attire with piercing green eyes. G36 has curvy blonde hair that she typically keeps in a long braid. Her height is estimated to be between 150 and 160 cm. G36's character designer and artist, Imoko, was interviewed on the 28th of May 2018 about how the design of G36 came to be. Apparently, the maid concept was suggested by a fellow developer (along with the overall body proportions).[9]

G36's character design features many square metallic rings on the head piece, hair ornament, and combat boots. These square metallic rings resemble the gaps on the weapon itself (the one between the carrying handle and the barrel, as well as the ones on the gun stock). The bodice she wears around her midsection has six holes, referencing the holes on the handguard of the rifle.

Her default outfit, her 'Petit Waitress' costume, and her neural upgrade outfit have sewing patterns on the side of their dress that resembles the Roman numerals III and VI, representing the 3 and 6 in G36. However the correct way to write 36 should be XXXVI, but perhaps this was too long to fit on the costume.

Following her neural upgrade, G36's outfit changes significantly. G36 has seemingly removed her long braid, and now keeps her blonde hair at shoulder length. Most of the frills on the upper part of her uniform have been removed, and she now wears a metal breastplate over a white dress shirt and short black jacket. The wrapping around her torso has been done away with, and G36 now bares her midriff proudly. Her frilly skirt has been retained, although she now wears a set of black pantyhose underneath it, and she has swapped out her combat boots for a pair of high heels. Truly, she has become the spitting image of a 'combat maid'.

Petit Waitress

The first costume released for G36 was gifted to players as part of the 2017's Children's Day event. Being a child version of G36, she is considerably shorter than in her default state, reaching only 110 cm in height. The outfit itself is a shrunken version of her default maid costume, made to fit her smaller body frame.

The costume's chibi sprite features a different tint on the gun itself, and the firing animation has the rifle recoil much higher than in her other costume chibis, hinting that such a petite body frame is unable to operate the weapon as effectively (this has no effect on her accuracy performance in-game).


The second costume for G36 is a manly bespoke suit, as she was chosen to be part of the 2017 Princes' Frontline procurement pool. Imoko revealed that the inspiration for the bartender-esque costume came to her while on a train ride during her holiday. This outfit sees G36 evolve from a maid to a butler, now sporting the classic suit set, bow tie, formal shoes, and monocle.

Pure White Cornflower

A pure white dress with elements of sky blue, this outfit has G36 putting on a beautiful wedding dress. The outfit is named after the national flower of Germany, and she can be seen wearing cornflowers as her earring piece, hair ornament, and as ankle bracelets. The hexagonal shapes on her veil represent snowflakes. Afraid of her arms feeling cold, Imoko incorporated a light cyan colored fur wrap into the outfit.

Fifty Days with G36

As part of a company of T-Dolls engaging in a much-needed vacation, G36 has slipped into a swimsuit for their journey to the beach. She has put her blonde hair up into a ponytail, in order to keep it out of her face while she works. She sports a black bikini top, with a red bow in the center and white frills along the top and shoulder straps. She is likely wearing a matching bikini bottom, but it is obscured by the large yellow and orange beach sarong she's wearing. A pair of sandals with white tropical flowers on them completes the ensemble.

Every Child's Christmas Dream

G36 reverts once again to the child form from her 'Petit Waitress' outfit, and changes her outfit to match the holiday season. Her headband now sports a pair of tiny antlers, as well as a set of floppy reindeer ears. A red cloak with a hood and fuzzy white trimming is worn over her maid dress, held on by a large red and green bow with a golden bell in the center. A pair of fuzzy white stockings covers her legs, and she's smartly chosen a pair of thick snow boots to keep her feet warm.

Moonlit Wishes

This costume sees G36 change into a lovely kimono in order to partake in the summer festival. G36 has her hair done up in a complex bun, with a green and white flower pinned into the side. Her kimono is a deep blue color, turning into a lighter blue once it approaches her feet. Purple, green, and blue flowers adorn the dress, and a large purple sash is tied around her midsection with a large bow at the back. When she isn't dipping her feet into the cool waters of the pond, she wears a nice pair of wooden sandals.

Watcher of the Light

Here, G36 dons a military marching band uniform, complete with oversized hat sporting black fur. The dress she's chosen is white in color with black and gold highlights, with a dual row of buttons up the front and gold tassels around her shoulders. She has opted to leave her arms bare, save for a pair of black cuffs around her wrists. The bottom section of her dress features gold, black, and red piping, matching the colors of the German flag. Black frills adorn the bottom of her dress, and G36 has finished off this uniform with a pair of black heeled boots that reach her upper calves. The instrument she carries appears to be a piccolo.

Poise of the Jade Vase

An outfit G36 wore during the New Year's celebrations. A pale green 'China-style' dress with floral designs. The section connecting the neck of the dress to the upper chest is translucent, with white flowers and gold leaves embroidered onto it. This translucent section also features a teardrop-shaped cutout to show off G36's cleavage. The dress is cut very high up on the left side, exposing pretty much the entirety of her leg. G36 has paired this dress with a pair of heels in a matching green color. These heels sport the same floral embellishments as the dress itself. Finally, G36 has done up her hair in an elegant bun, and a red ornament pinned on her right side.

Mocha Partner

An office worker style outfit for G36. A fairly standard white dress shirt, pencil skirt, black pantyhose, and matching black heels. G36 has apparently opted for a white ribbon in place of a more traditional tie. When asked about the damaged artwork for this particular outfit, Imoko stated that she wanted to depict a secret agent disguised as an office lady who failed a mission.[10]


Main artwork

Gallery consisting of artworks used primarily in-game. For information on how to obtain certain costumes, see Skin Catalogue.

Alternative artwork

Alternate gallery consisting of artworks with slight alterations as well as miscellaneous artworks.


  • G36 was (and for some players, she still is) the rarest craftable 4* AR doll in the game. Many players have gone on record to state that they had almost full sets of 5* T-Dolls collected but had yet to unlock G36.
    • Her artist Imoko also struggled to craft for her for a very long period of time. She even put out a wanted poster.[17]
  • G36 has unique idle animations in the dorm where she will stand and sit with both hands placed on her lap, imitating the archetypal maid posture.
  • G36 currently holds the record for the highest amount of alternative arts (costumes and modified) amongst all T-Dolls in the game. This may be due to Imoko working directly with MICA's art department, her undying love for her daughter, or both.
  • G36 is portrayed as having poor eyesight, often requiring glasses or squinting in order to see clearly.[20][21] Imoko commented that she came up with this idea while researching the weapon's unique sighting system.[22] The G36's hybrid optic provides different magnification levels, and rapidly switching between the two in actual combat may produce stress on operator's eye sights.
  • At various points throughout the story, G36 has commented on her model being old and unable to dissipate body heat as effectively as the newer models,
    even breaking down during the summer heatwave on the beach.
    This is likely a reference to the controversy over the weapon's performance.
  • The bayonet issued with the G36 is the AKM Type II bayonet, which were in service in the National People's Army of East Germany for their Kalash style service rifles. With the reunification of the nation, that stock of bladed weaponry found it's way into the newly merged Bundeswehr of the unified Germany.
  • There are several different variant models of the G36, each designed to fill a unique combat role: the G36K (a carbine variant with a shorter barrel); the G36C (an even more compact version of the G36 derived from the G36K); and the MG36 (a light squad automatic weapon).
  • G36 is Gentiane's adjutant in Girls' Frontline: Doll's Song.
  • G36's real name is Centaureissi, a Universal Anything Services Butler-36 model belonging to a German military officer. After being inducted into the Project Neural Cloud experiment, her neural cloud was offered to Griffin & Kryuger to field test Imprint Technology.[23]
