
The Elmo (艾莫号) is a Mobile Construction Vehicle[1] (MCV)[2] or Mobile Base Vehicle[3] (MBV)[4], originally owned by IOP, then passed on to Griffin & Kryuger and to the Commander, who uses it as the main base of their bounty hunting operation. It is named after Saint Elmo (Erasmus of Formia), the Christian patron saint of sailors, protecting them from storms and lightning.
The Elmo is a superheavy tracked vehicle externally resembling an industrial structure painted yellow and dark grey, with a white Griffin & Kryuger logo on the sides (some artworks show the logo of BRIEF instead). Based on various artworks, the Elmo can be very roughly estimated to be around 10 meters high and around 40 meters long.
Looking at its main artwork, it appears to be moved by twin rows of 10-wheeled tracks, with four rows on each side, potentially making it a 16-tracks vehicle. It appears to be articulated at about a fourth of its total length from the front. On its forward face, a shield at ground level serves to create a path through minor obstacles. Two sets of five headlamps, plus two headlamps near the top, provide forward-facing illumination. A large circular structure with glowing orange (sometimes shown blue) parts of unknown nature make up the most of the front side. A command and observation bay, which is where the main menu of Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium takes place, provides direct visibility at the top.
The Elmo is large enough to house and deploy several jeeps,[5] and also carries a repair workshop for Tactical Dolls. It also provides protection against harmful environments, such as the high level of radiations from Black Zones.[6] In 2074, it has a drone elevator capable of launching heavy fire-support and transport drones,[3] as well as a small-scale neural backup storage terminal preserving the Neural Clouds of the Doll crew. The storage terminal is not completely reliable and tends to delete memories, which is why the Dolls prefer not to rely on it.[7] It is propelled by “vector engines”[8] capable of reaching 210kph.[9]
Alternate views of the Elmo from Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium's official website.
Command bay interior during the Battle of the Dead Sea.
In Girls' Frontline
During the events in Berlin, Griffin Lyons asked Havier Witkin from IOP to dispatch the Elmo to the Griffin & Kryuger Area S09 base. Its stated mission was to transport Griffin reinforcements from the Neo-Soviet Union to Germany to participate in the planned Battle of the Dead Sea against Paradeus.[1] It would later be revealed to be a trap.
After the G&K base was leveled by the KCCO during the Fireworks Incident in the night of 3 to 4 October 2064, the Elmo picked up the G&K survivors,[10] but was stopped at the German border when Statesec's entry permit was refused[11] and they were accused of trafficking illegal technology.[12] This was a ploy from Griffin, who was trying to stop the Commander from commencing the battle,[13][14] but the Commander's allies in the Stasi resolved the situation.[15] Passing through the Red Zone east of Poznań, the Elmo intervened to rescue the passengers and Statesec agents on the “Future”, the intercontinental train which had been attacked by the KCCO and Paradeus.[4][16][17]
The Elmo picked up the Commander in Berlin and arrived in the Dead Sea as Operation Aeneas concluded.[18] It served as the command center for Operation Muromets until Avernus was destroyed on 23 October 2064. As the Elmo left the Dead Sea, it was targeted by a powerful EMP attack and the Commander, Dandelion and the prisoner William seemingly vanished. Following a tip from SG Stevens M520Stevens M520Stevens M520, AR AR-18AR-18AR-18 directed the Elmo towards Frankfurt, but encountered new enemies outside the Dead Sea.[6]
In Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium
The Elmo was considered the property of Griffin & Kryuger at the time the PMC was disbanded and downsized by the URNC. The Commander took it and left to become a bounty hunter.[19]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, E3-9
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, menus
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, 1-1
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Girls' Frontline, Longitudinal Strain, 27
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Slow Shock, E3-2
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Girls' Frontline, The Summer Garden of Forking Paths, E1
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, SL-3-3
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, 1-1 Beginning
- ↑ Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, 3-6
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Poincaré Recurrence, E6-6, E6-12
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E1-4
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Eclipses & Saros, E7
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E2-5
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E3-7
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Fixed Point, E4-2
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Longitudinal Strain, 31, 34, 35
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Longitudinal Strain, 34
- ↑ Girls' Frontline, Slow Shock, E3-1
- ↑ GFL2 official website