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AK-15 Story Quotes

"We're not at an optimal state yet, commander."

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Elite T-Doll and member of Task Force DEFY. She is seen standing tall and confident with a permanent stern expression. She does not speak often, but when she does her attitude is brash, cold and direct, speaking in short to-the-point sentences. She does not express much of any emotion, but unlike AN-94 who speaks in much kinder words, her favorite subject of conversation is practical issues concerning the operation or preparations for combat. This direct attitude, in combination with her tall stature, has earned her the nickname “the female gorilla” from AK-12.

Main story

Wolf Pack Project

AK-15 fights with AR AK-12AK-12AK-12 to determine the stronger Wolf Pack member.

Paldiski Incident

AK-15 takes point during Task Force DEFY's fight against Yegor.

Operation Aeneas

Mod story

File 1

Persica and doctor Shaw have a conversation, Persica proposes her idea about a creation of 3rd generation of tdolls, stating that a Neural Cloud has an infinite potential. The idea in itself is to lift all restrictions and let them grow freely. However, doctor Shaw disagrees, stating that tdolls are weapons and giving freedom to robots is not only ridiculous, it's downright laughable. After that doctor Shaw states that in order to make a doll more human, instead of freedom they should be given the right to "defiance". "Absolute freedom is not freedom at all. Only in costraints can real freedom emerge". The story flips to AK-15 Mod3 having a chat with AN-94 Mod3, after that she scans the room they are in with her eyes and has a flashback of RPK-16 asking her a question: "I'm curious-what is the world is like in your eyes,15?". The next memory fragment begins to unfold before her when she was given a partner by doctor Shaw. They both enter a laboratory where AK-12 is, no one is inside but then AK-12 comes into the lab from behind the two and places two grenade replicas without pins on AK-15's waist. 15 reacts fast and kicks 12, sending her flying into a sliding door of a lab. 15 jumps with doctor Shaw and protects her with her body, throwing off the grenades she just had on her waist. After apologizing, 12 says that simply saying "hello" would be underwhelming. Shaw then stands up and says that they will be partners for the next operation. Mission file 11240601: "Incident Zero", 15 and 12 are being delivered on an aircraft to their designated location while having a little chit-chat. 12 states that their new commander Angelia will be observing the operation remotely.

File 2

AK-15 Mod3 has a chat with AN-94 Mod3 while underdgoing calibration and testing, AN states that AK15 now has a stronger body, 15 replies that having a better parameters is not enough, after that another flashback of RPK-16 appears, 16 says "What you lack is just the bigger picture. You're perfectly capable of making sound judgement". Mission file begins to play, it's a hostage rescue mission in which a VIP is situated inside a house along with other hostages, 12 proposes a plan to start a feint attack from four sides, while this is happening she will sneak into the building and get the hostages, therefore 15's strength in this operation is not needed and 12 gives her a command to stay at the temporary base. Some time passes with no information from 12, and 15 tells the temporary base commander to initialize another feint so that she could drop from the helicopter onto the building. 15 jumps off the helicopter and kills terrorists on the top level of the building. Terrorists, realizing what's going on initiate the final part of their plan and attempt to kill the VIP, 12 interjects and is about to get the hostage out of the building but then 15 crashes through the wall, looking at 12 briefly who proclaims that one of the terrorists should be captured alive, but 15 shoots him instantaneously in the head and the rigged explosives detonate.

File 3

AK-15 Mod3 has a chat with AN-94 Mod3, this time it's about her weapon being her

File 4