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Reverse Collapse Worldview

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Keywords entries unlocked by advancing through the story of Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery. Some entries receive new material as the story progresses.

GAVIRUL Project[edit]

Virtual Cognition Image[edit]

A consciousness domain formed by lifeforms which are capable of accessing Relics. It is heavily influenced by the host's subconscious and has strong reifying properties, being able to visualize the will, thoughts, memories and other aspects of the host's will in concrete images.

In the absence of a neural inhibitor, it can be invaded by a genetically identical individual through Consciousness Resonance.

GAVIRUL Project[edit]

The "GAVIRUL Project" was a project aimed at nurturing GAVIRUL embryos in order to fully activate Relic sites, marking another of humanity's attempts to reproduce the GAVIRUL entity.

At the same time, it was also the first and only instance of URNC and AU scientists collaborating on a Relic research project.

Said project began in 2078, chaired by the URNC biologist Professor William, with the AU biologist Professor Philip and others participating.

A total of three viable embryos survived to maturity. Professor William named the three subjects "Jefuty" (G-179), "Noylu" (G-214) and "Lunasia" (G-264), and placed them under a three-year observation period.

By 2084, philosophical differences between Professors William and Philip led to further research coming to a standstill.

In 2087, Subject G-214 "Noylu" was confirmed to be under URNC control, while Subject G-264 "Lunasia" was in AU hands. Meanwhile, Subject G-179 "Jefuty" had gone missing.

Nirvana Domain[edit]

A hyper-dimensional cognitive realm experienced by "Jefuty" (G-179) of the GAVIRUL Project after connecting to the "Relics". The exact cause of this phenomenon is unknown.

Consciousness Resonance[edit]

Within the "GAVIRUL Project", this refers to the phenomenon where its three observation subjects "Jefuty" (G-179), "Noylu" (G-214) and "Lunasia" (G-264) are able to sense other test subjects with identical genetic makeup to themselves.

The Consciousness Resonance phenomenon was first discovered when the three subjects became able to sense the rough location of genetically identical test subjects. The accuracy of this sensing decreased with distance from the other party, but on the whole, this margin of error did not exceed more than 1 kilometer.

There is no conclusive reason as to why Consciousness Resonance took place. It is generally theorized to be caused by the genetics of the GAVIRUL entity.



An abbreviation for Eurosky Low-Emission Infectious Disease.

It is a highly lethal disease caused by radiation from Relic sites, with its mechanism of action being Collapse radiation-induced cellular mutation. The organelles of mutated cells then undergo mitosis and continue emitting Collapse Radiation, restarting the cycle. Clinical symptoms include, but are not limited to epidermal silicification, accelerated metabolism, immunosuppression, and unstable cerebral activity.

In the early stages, patients exhibit accelerated metabolism, increased red blood cell count, decreased white blood cell count, and show signs of immune system suppression. Mild auditory and visual hallucinations may also occur, with brain waves showing unstable alpha rhythms and localized high-amplitude beta waves. Theta wave activity also increases significantly, and theta waves can be periodically observed. At this stage, the patient's internal organs and bones do not exhibit any abnormalities and appear no different from normal.

In the middle stages, the patient continues to exhibit rapid metabolism. While the red and white blood cell counts return to normal, the body loses its normal immune function. At this point, the patient may experience severe hallucinations, with occasional mental disturbances and heightened aggression. The frequency of alpha wave activity slowly decreases while beta waves increase greatly. Occasional large-scale concentrations of high-amplitude delta wave activity can be observed, along with irregular silicification of internal organs and skin.

In the advanced stages, the red blood cell count decreases while the white blood cell count increases, and the immune system goes into a hyperactive state. Patients experience increased bone density, pronounced silicification of internal organs and skin, and significant alterations in the body's elemental composition - carbon drops from 18% to 13%, and silicon rises from less than 0.1% to 5.1%.

Infected Individual/ELID Creature[edit]

These are special cases of E.L.I.D infection, also known as ELID Creatures.

The Infected are those individuals who did not die after being infected by E.L.I.D but instead underwent genetic recombination. Their body structure has changed, they have lost their rationality, and they are highly aggressive.

Such entities and the exact nature of their genetic recombination typically vary on an individual level and thus each of the Infected is different from others of their kind.


Mineral Water City[edit]

A central city in North Caucasus, located at the northern foot of the Caucasus Mountains, at the junction of the Kuma River and the railroad line connecting Rostov-on-Don with Baku. Belongs to Stavropol Krai.

It was once a famous mineral spa and ecological resort in Caucasus. The main line of the North Caucasus Railway passed through it with a direct connection to the mineral spa. Once the population reached over 80,000, and a large passenger airport was built.

Later, it fell into disuse due to the emergence of a large contamination zone in North Caucasus. The population declined sharply, and now it is deserted.

Inner Caucasus Region[edit]

Located in the Northern Caucasus Mountains, to the north and west of the Elbrus Peak and surrounding highlands. The main languages spoken thare are Russian, Abaza, and Nogai. It is currently under URNC military jurisdiction.

Radiation intensity is moderate, so most residents who remain in the area have varying degrees of radiation poisoning.

Less than 20,000 people remain there. They are being gradually evacuated to Green Zones or to specialized hospitals with the help of the URNC and the Global Rescue Foundation.

The Inner Caucasus once contained a wealth of mineral resources, with numerous mines within its mountains. However, these mines were gradually abandoned due to their proximity to contamination zones and the mass exodus of the local population.

Contamination Zone[edit]

his refers to areas which need to be decontaminated and restored according to the European Collapse Contamination Restoration and Revitalization Joint Development Agreement, but where decontamination work has yet to be completed.

The URNC has five distinct classifications of contaminated areas in order of increasing radiation intensity: "White Zone", "Green Zone", "Yellow Zone", "Red Zone", and "Black Zone".



This refers to molecular collapse and reconstruction technology, which was derived from Antarctic Union research on Relics.

Analysis of the Relics indicates that the civilization which created them used some kind of Collapse Fluid to internally disrupt intermolecular repulsive forces in matter, thereby inducing an orderly collapse phenomenon and leading to a quantization of said matter. Meanwhile, the original macroscopic orientation of the matter would be recorded on a storage device. This process is known as the "Collapse" phase of Relic technology. During the "Reverse Collapse" phase, the collapsed mass particles would regain their original intermolecular repulsive forces and macroscale particle orientation based on the data recorded in the storage device, thus causing the matter in question to be reconstituted.

Collapse and Reverse Collapse technologies allow for the discorporation and reconstruction of matter at will, and even the transmission of matter over long distances. As such, it has been the focus of both the AU and the URNC's research. Its advent has rewritten the book on fundamental physics knowledge and to date, humanity still does not fully understand this branch of technology.

Currently, the Antarctic Union has used Reverse Collapse technology to create the Material Shuttle, which allows them to provide certain kinds of resources and support over long distances.


Mimicry is the ability of Shrike cells to perfectly imitate other creatures or lifeforms within the environment and gain their biological characteristics.

This characteristic is one of the reasons why Shrike cells are considered to be such an extreme threat.

Neural Cloud[edit]

Also known as the Neural Cloud system. It refers to a form of data backup technology used by Autonomous Dolls.

In 2057, the research institution 16Lab was founded. Its funding came from I.O.P. and it was nominally affiliated with 42Lab.

During the same year, 42Lab launched "Project Neural Cloud", which was intended to devise a cloud-based backup system for A-Dolls' neural cloud data, thus ensuring that said data could be preserved even after suffering damage to the Doll's structural frame. This backed-up data could be re-downloaded into a Doll when it was re-manufactured and reduce costs.

Neural cloud technology was successfully developed by the end of 2060.

Human Targeting Protocols[edit]

Addresses Tactical Dolls' ability to initiate offensive action against human beings.

In order to prevent T-Dolls from causing accidental injury to human beings, all Dolls have "may not attack a human being" encoded into their base layer logic, which prevents them from attacking humans.

However, protocols which allow Dolls to attack humans can be enable by an authorized human commander to ensure that they are able to effectively fight human beings. However, enabling these protocols is often subject to review and approval, and is closely regulated.


The phenomenon where mutated cells from animals or plants infected by ELID extract silicon from the environment as part of their metabolism and accumulate it within the body.

Research has shown that after being infected by ELID, proteins within living creatures are phagocytosed and protein molecular bonds are broken, along with changes in bone structure, a marked accumulation of calcium and rapid increase in bone hardness.

The overall effects of silicification are the conversion of a carbon-based lifeform to a silicon-based one. Although most creatures die early on from disintegration of molecular bonds, some infected creatures manage to undergo genetic recombination, becoming mindless and highly aggressive ELID Infected individuals.


Purification Tower[edit]

These are Reverse Collapse devices intended to cleanse areas of Collapse radiation. They are primarily used to decontaminate Yellow Zones.

The URNC typically deploys them in conjunction with trains–multiple trains are linked together, demarcating a region for cleansing operations, and then large quantities of purification towers are built to decontaminate them.

Central Defense Bureau[edit]

The URNC's Central Defense Bureau (abbreviated as the CDB).

It is the URNC's supreme military command, charged with the coordination of all military forces within the URNC and managing its military operations. It answers to the URNC central government and is comprised of various military and intelligence services. The military departments include sea, land and air forces, as well as a special operations command, while the intelligence services are primarily focused on national security and reconnaissance work of a military nature. In addition, the CDB controls many labs which are mainly responsible for the development and study of Relic technologies.

The CDB was founded in 2064, after which the respective militaries of the URNC were placed under its overarching authority.

Warszawa Incident[edit]

Original version:

On January 6, 2088, a major incident occurred during the transfer of medical research equipment and vaccines from a laboratory. Antarctic Union special forces ambushed a convoy, deploying unidentified hazardous weapons. This resulted in widespread contamination of the Warszawa populace, and ultimately, a massive loss of life.

Local defense forces entered the contaminated zone within 3 hours. However, by that time, nearly ten thousand individuals had already been infected. Despite efforts to relocate the population to safety after reporting the situation, no one survived.

To prevent the spread of the contamination, the defense forces decided to carry out a bombing mission on the now "dead city."

The Warszawa Incident resulted in the deaths of approximately 18,000 civilians.

Fully revealed version:

On January 6, 2088, a significant mishap occurred during the transport of a hazardous biochemical material, "Cp57," from the Mazowiecki Laboratory of the Legionowo Special Military Medical Center. A transportation accident on National Road 63 led to a catastrophic leakage of the material.

The special response team, "Werewolves," arrived within 3 hours of the incident. By that time, thousands had been contaminated by the material, with tens of thousands more within the danger zone. The "Werewolves" team decided to immediately evacuate and destroy bridges on Expressway S610 and National Road 850, effectively sealing off the affected triangular area to prevent further spread of the contamination.

The URNC European Emergency Response Division deployed a squadron of bomber planes. Within 12 hours of the incident, all buildings within the affected area had been levelled by thermobaric weaponry.

At the time of the bombardment, about 20% of the residents in that city zone were in critical condition, while 40% had been contaminated by the material.

The Warszawa Incident resulted in the deaths of approximately 18,000 civilians.

Union of Rossartrist Nations Coalition[edit]

The Union of Rossartrist Nations Coalition (abbreviated as URNC).

Roasartrism[sic] primarily espouses a delayered style of resource distribution and a narrowly-defined management system, as well as a highly-automated system of societal guidance.

After World War III, Rossartrism was proposed as a solution to the problems of civilian needs and reconstruction, eventually being adopted as an internationally-accepted values system.

β Shrike[edit]

An evolved mitotic specimen with superior regenerative capabilities which can generate puppets from Shrike cells. Jefuty's blood still has a suppressive effect on it.

It is essentially the result of the combination of Subject G-214 "Noylu" and the Shrike cells. it has a certain degree of self-awareness compared to other mitotic specimens, but it is still controlled by the reflection of the Progenitor.

Mitotic Specimen[edit]

The antithesis of the reflection of the Progenitor.

Specifically refers to the "Noylu" puppets formed from the mitotic regeneration of the "Shrike cells" after being combined with Subject G-214 "Noylu".

Mitotic specimens have a close link to the Progenitor whose nature is as yet unknown. In other words, mitotic specimens do not have individual egos. They are either completely controlled by the Progenitor or they merely possess predatory instincts.

Werewolf Commando Team[edit]

This special forces unit is the most elite fighting force of the URNC Army.

This special response team rose to prominence in 2088, receiving much favor from the URNC due to their exemplary performance during the severe outbreak caused by the accidental exposure of Stem Cell Line No. 57, AKA "Shrike".

Selection for the unit is a gruelling process, and they are given the URNC Army's finest gear. All members are equipped with thermoptic camouflage, which actively blends in with the surrounding environment and grants near-perfect invisibility. For this reason, the "Werewolf" Commandos are most famous for their signature ambushes.

Shrike Cell[edit]

Refers to Stem Cell Line No. 57 that was discovered by the "Aurora" research team and became one of their essential experimental materials.

It was originally stored in a hermetically-sealed liquid nitrogen storage container inside a Level 5 bio-safety laboratory equipped with the "Bird Catcher" system, located in the outskirts of Warszawa, codenamed "Shrike".

Given that this experimental material should never be removed from a Level 5 bio-safety storage condition under any circumstances, a special "Bird Catcher" system was designed and manufactured for potential leakage incidents. In addition, the special response team "Werewolves" was established to handle such situations.

Owner: William.


The antithesis of mitotic specimens, designation "Σ". Fully referred to as the reflection of the Progenitor, and the Progenitor is not unique.

Specifically refers to the highest-ranking Shrike entity which was born after consuming Subject G-214 "Noylu", which possesses free will and mitotic regeneration ability. It can control all Shrike entities descended from its cellular structure. Upon death, all controlled mitotic specimens will die with it.



The highest-ranking intelligence service in the Antarctic Union, responsible for all internal and external intelligence gathering in the AU.

Its full name is the Antarctic Union Army Main Intelligence Directorate (abbreviated to MID). This agency falls under the military's jurisdiction and possesses the authority to mobilize and command the elite First Special Operations Group of the Antarctic Air Service.

In 2092, MID intercepted intelligence regarding the URNC's discovery of subject "G-179" Jefuty's movements. As a result, they clandestinely deployed eight agents into the Caucasus region to make contact with and extract the subject to the Antarctic. This operation was codenamed "Bakery".

Neural Inhibitor[edit]

A device custom-designed by G-179 "Jefuty" with the assistance of Professor Philip for Lige. When worn on the head, it prevents the "Noylu" Progenitor from detecting, perceiving, and controlling Lige's virtual cognition image.

ELID Vaccine[edit]

A vaccine developed by scientists of the Antarctic Union to counteract Eurosky Low-Emission Infectious Disease (ELID).

Since Hollow City was located directly on top of the Hollow Relic site in the Antarctic, AU scientists began research into anti-radiation gene therapy and vaccines at an early date.

The stabilized ELID Vaccine is now a requirement for all AU citizens: every citizen must undergo at least one anti-radiation gene therapy treatment. Furthermore, newborns of the AU are given two rounds of treatments, one post-conception and another at the age of one. After undergoing both sessions of anti-radiation gene therapy, the majority of the AU citizens exhibit immunity to low doses of collapse radiation, enabling them to live for long periods while exposed to mild levels of Collapse radiation.


An elite unit of the Antarctican Internal Defense Force and one of the most formidable combat units operating under the Antarctican Air Service 1st Special Operations Group.

Their full name is the Tactical Air Shock Army (abbreviated to TASA)

They are famous for their rapid dominance combat style, harsh selection and training procedures, as well as their high mortality rate.

Material Shuttle[edit]

A device that uses microwave energy to perform at-will matter collapse, teleportation and reassembly.

The Antarctic Union has succeeded in miniaturizing Reverse Collapse devices to the level of infantryman portability. In addition to the Reverse Collapse hardware used by their naval and air forces, the AU's renowned TASA members are all equipped with personal-scale Reverse Collapse devices.

Antarctic Union[edit]

The Antarctic Union (abbreviated as AU).

It began as the governing body of Hollow City, which was originally founded for the purposes of investigating the Relic site found in the massive hollow under the Antarctic ice cap, and jointly chaired by Professors Jonas and Li Deming.

Once World War III broke out in 2045, the AU promptly declared Hollow City as an independent nation for self-defense purposes and cut off all means of entrance to it, which marked the beginning of 20 years of silence.

Squad Fox[edit]

A squad commanded by Carl Mindefeld that was formed to carry out "Operation Bakery" and reporting to the Antarctic MID.

Squad Fox is responsible for finding and contacting the objective within the Caucasus region. During the operation, the eight-man squad entered the area of operations in disguise and split into two teams to conduct reconnaissance and obtain information about the mission objective.

The first team is led by Captain Carl Mindefeld, while the second team is lef[sic] by Lieutenant Anderson King.

Operation Bakery[edit]

Operation Bakery is a covert operation initiated by the Antarctic Union to extract a VIP codenamed "Bakery" from the Caucasus region, within the area of the URNC's military jurisdiction.

In 2092, the AU's MID intercepted intelligence regarding the URNC's discovery of subject "G-179" Jefuty's movements. As a result, they clandestinely deployed eight agents into the Caucasus region to make contact with and extract the subject.

The operation was commanded by Captain Carl Mindefield. The eight agents were split into two teams and inserted into the mountains 20km west of the city of Teberda, in the Karachay region. There, they would conduct preliminary surveillance and reconnaissance. After making contact with their target, a third team from TASA would assist in their evacuation.

Squad Razor[edit]

A fire support squad under TASA, formed for the purposes of "Operation Bakery" and commanded by Captain Jevon Sterling.

Squad Razor is responsible for securing Squad Fox's extraction route. In the early phases of the operation, they are to establish safe houses, establish extraction points and provide fire support when necessary.



A mutated plant that can absorb Collapse radiation.

Outside of its blooming period, areas populated by clusters of Epiphyllum exhibit noticeably lower radiation levels, thanks to the plant's absorption capabilities. However, the radiation concentration in the area rises dramatically when these flowers bloom. Research has indicated that the Epiphyllum releases an extremely high dose of radiation at the moment of blooming, making it highly dangerous.


A type of unofficial currency used in the North Caucasus region, also known as "Collapse Crystal Shards".

They are mineral crystals which have been exposed to Collapse radiation and are generally a light blue color. They are difficult to extract since they usually occur in Yellow Zones. Their levels of radiation emission are within safe limits and their high industrial value means they are widely circulated on the black market and used in private transactions.


Dolls are robots which closely resemble humans in appearance and which possess advanced AI capabilities. They are capable of performing daily tasks and rendering simple combat assistance. They are also known as Autonomous Dolls (A-Dolls) and entered experimental trials in 2033.

IOP rolled out the first generation of Tactical Dolls (T-Dolls) in 2054.

In 2092, the vast majority of Dolls have been upgraded to sixth-generation Doll technology, featuring carbon-based biomimetic epidermal coverings, carbon-fiber skeletons and a fifth-generation neural cloud system running on the fourth generation of the Zener protocol in a self-evolved tree-shaped networked AI configuration.



Dr. Helena Martin, a physicist, and the Deputy Director of the Collapse Radiation and Gene Medicine Institute of the Antarctic Union Military Medical Research Institute.

She worked alongside Philip Martin at the institute, and the two got married in 2068. Two years later, they welcomed their son, Mendo.

In 2078, the[sic] followed Philip to the Berlin Laboratory to participate in the "GAVIRUL Project" research, and volunteered as a surrogate mother.

In the same year, she gave birth to the experimental Subject "G-179" Jefuty through natural childbirth.

In 2086, she and her husband Philip were stranded in Canberra. Due to the outbreak of large-scale unrest among the outlying nations, attempts to recover them failed and their current whereabouts are unknown.


Colonel Kämpfe Campbell is the commander of the TASA Aerial Assault Unit, an elite division under the Special Operations Command of the Antarctic Union.

Kämpfe has a close relationship with Captain Carl Mindefeld and Professor Philip Martin. After Philips' disappearance, he adopted his son, Mendo.

He has intricate connections with the "GAVIRUL Project"; the TASA forces under his leadership have repeatedly been responsible for the protection and extraction of individuals and assets related to the experiment.

Kämpfe was once suspected by the highest leadership of the Antarctic Union that he might be concealing critical information related to the "GAVIRUL Project", but investigations yielded no results.


General Vasiliy Mitrovic, a high-ranking officer of the URNC, serves in the Central Defense Bureau of the Eastern European Theater.


Lieutenant Anderson King, born in 2052, is an AU officer attached to the MID's Seventh Division. He is a seasoned field operative with a history of complex operations.

He is a junior of Captain Carl Mindefeld and was influenced by Carl to join MID to carry out intelligence missions.


Dr. Philip Martin, a physicist, the former Director at the Antarctic Union Microphysics Research Institute. He was instrumental in the Antarctic Union's efforts in the research and development of Relic technology.

At the young age of 23, he was invited to the Antarctic Union's Research Institute of Microphysics, where he made significant contributions to the establishment of supercomputer microscopic models and the derivation of the Reverse Collapse theoretical formula. He had also proposed some theoretical hypotheses on the molecular flow transition technology.

Known for his affable nature, he married Helena Oberstein in 2068. The couple had a son, Mendo, in 2070.

In 2078, representing the Antarctic Union, he collaborated with the URNC on the "GAVIRUL Project", relocating from the Antarctic to Berlin.

In 2085, due to escalating political tensions between the Antarctic Union and the URNC, he received orders to evacuate from Berlin. The evacuation plan was thwarted by URNC agents.

In 2086, both Philip and his wife Helena were stranded in Canberra. Due to the large-scale unrest in the neighbouring countries, their extraction mission failed, and their current whereabouts remain unknown.


Codename "William", name unknown, age unknown. A biologist, archaeologist, academician of the URNC Department of Science and Technology, a key figure in the Relic Agency, and one of the technical directors behind the "GAVIRUL Project".

William is known for his cold and arrogant nature, meticulousness, and refusal to form personal relationships outside of academic discussions. He has no close colleagues to speak of. In addition to his expertise in biology, genetics, and archaeology, he also demonstrates high academic proficiency in artificial intelligence, cloning, medicine, and other fields.

In 2078, he collaborated with Professor Philip from the Antarctic Union and co-led the "GAVIRUL Project", providing technical support for the reshaping of sample bodies.

In 2084, a divergence in research philosophies with Professor Philip led to a stagnation of the "GAVIRUL Project".

In 2088, he was suspected to have died in the "Warszawa Incident."

In 2091, he reappeared in the Caucasus region, and led the development of military equipment for the URNC.



Refers to ruins from an unknown civilization discovered in 1905, during the reign of Tsarist Russia. Relic sites have been found all over the globe, with many nations having found Relics within their territory.

The technological level of these Relic sites far surpasses the pinnacle of modern human science, and as such they have become the focus of every nation's research.

However, the E.L.I.D outbreaks triggered by the excavation of Relic sites became a global pandemic, forcing the nations of the world to sign a treaty prohibiting the further excavation and study of Relics.

The Relic site explosion during the Beilan Island Incident covered the world in Collapse particles, and the ensuing struggle for resources and living space led to a third world war, which in turn spurred the creation of the URNC and the AU.

Thanks to the Reverse Collapse Technology that the AU obtained from Relic research, they gained a tactical advantage in the ensuing war with the URNC. This also forced the URNC to restart their research into Relic technology to once again regain the advantage in the field of Relic science.

Fully-Immune Individual[edit]

An individual who is completely immune to ELID.

After dissections and cellular analysis of known fully-immune individuals, their tissues and organs were found to be fully adapted to contamination zones. However, when outside of such areas, they suffered from immune system disorders and organ failure due to a lack of ambient Collapse radiation.

The first known fully-immune individual is Kazusa Kawasaki (also known as Delta III).

Subsequent artificially-manufactured fully-immune individuals began to exhibit the capability to survive both in radiated and normal zones.

Collapse Particle[edit]

This is a type of particle-wave (also known as Collapse Radiation) whose composition is unclear. Only bottom quarks and photons have been observed. Inside a sealed circular polarizer, it can be visualized on the macro scale as a kind of fluidic (non-liquid) matter that reflects green light.

The substance known as Collapse Fluid is essentially a dense aggregation of these particles, which undergoes exothermic breakdown at extremely high temperature to become Collapse particles. Collapse particles are highly radioactive and penetrate matter rapidly, whereupon they begin emitting radiation in an omnidirectional fashion, inducing cellular mutation and leading to E.L.I.D.

Acute Collapse Radiation Sickness[edit]

The acute complications of Eurosky Low-Emission Infectious Disease. They can be easily triggered if one is exposed to areas of high radiation intensity without adequate protective measures.

Its symptoms are similar to those of ELID but are much more aggressive. Patients rapidly advance to the intermediate stages, experiencing severe audio-visual hallucinations and impaired mental function, though they do not exhibit aggressive behavior. Due to the extremely high radiation dosages involved, the complications often lead to multi-organ failure.

Treatment options are limited. Currently, the most effective known method involves hemodialysis for the patient, replacing the high-radiation-concentrated blood with normal blood to alleviate symptoms.


Global Rescue Foundation[edit]

This international non-profit organization was founded in 2075 for humanitarian purposes by a group of volunteers with paramilitary equipment and training.

Their primary purpose is the safe transport of refugees from contamination zones to the Green Zones. Due to the risk of radiation contamination, many of their rescue teams are comprised of Dolls.

Since refugee transfers were an effective way of increasing the URNC's population and ensuring a steady influx of people into the Green Zones, the URNC tacitly accepted their existence and provided them with a certain amount of assistance.

By 2090, their area of operations spanned all of Eurasia and the Atlantic, with 9,000 employees and 28,000 registered members.

Refugee Aid Program[edit]

The Refugee Aid Program is a humanitarian aid initiative jointly led and implemented by the Global Rescue Foundation (GRF), the URNC, and the AU. The program aims to help relocate civilians in Yellow Zones and war zones to Green Zones, and to provide necessary medical checkups and treatment for those infected with ELID.

The GRF sent many Doll squads into Yellow Zones to search for civilians who remained and was responsible for sending ordinary Infected who met the radiation dosage requirements to the nearest URNC or AU checkpoint. There, the relevant authorities would take responsibility for their living conditions and medical treatment. Moderately and severely infected individuals would receive preliminary care from the GRF on the borders of the Green Zones, to be sent on to the checkpoints after their condition stabilized.

Since its charter was established in 2085, the Refugee Aid Program has relocated millions of refugees. Even the deterioration of URNC-AU relations did not hinder their progress.

Relics Agency[edit]

The United Nations Relic Agency, also known as the Relic Agency.

The Declaration by the United Nations Relics Research Department was made on February 3rd, 1992 in New York, and ratified the founding of the Relic Agency.

All signatory nations have pledged to promote cooperation and mutual communication for the sake of promoting the safety and development of each other's citizens, as well as ceasing the development and manufacture of Relic-based weaponry, eliminating existing stockpiles of Relic weaponry, and limiting the uses of Relic technology for peaceful applications.

Eastern Contamination Control Association[edit]

A civilian oversight organization founded for the management of regional decontamination projects.

Typically, they are involved as a third party which works with local authorities to assist in the evacuation of existing refugees, assessing the feasibility of decontamination projects and supervising any subsequent decontamination work.

They work closely with the URNC and have jointly completed many regional decontamination projects.

Gallery of unused keywords artworks[edit]