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KSVK Story Quotes

"I can't sleep yet, I still have work to do..."

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See also: Dushevnaya/Story


KSVK is a earnest T-Doll who is recognized for her achievements on the battlefield, but is also modest and gets bashful when praised. She displays eighth-grader syndrome and often speaks in a cryptic manner that makes her difficult to understand, but unlike other Dolls with this trait such as Nemesis, she easily drops her act.

Real name

When Pandea work conceived KSVK for her release in early 2019, he gave her the name 杜莎妮 (dùshānī), cyrilized as "душевный" (dushevnyj, the upper case was omitted), a word that translates to "sincere", "soulful" or "heartwarming"

This name was made official in the second chapter of KSVK's Neural Upgrade story in April 2020, and the CN story script used the artist's names as-is. In the English translation released in January 2021, the name was originally latinized as Dushevnyy.

However, душевный is a masculine word and the correct word for naming a female character is the feminine form душевная (dushevnaya). This was quickly corrected in the English script and changed to Dushevnaya and ДушевнAЯ (adding unnecessary upper case letters).

When DushevnayaDushevnaya was announced for Project Neural Cloud, her CN name was unchanged and latinized "Dusevnyj" at first. Her latinized name was later corrected to Dushevnaya in the CN game and Dushevnaya was used from the start in the Global version.

In Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, her CN name remains the same but is always latinized Dushevnaya.

Artist Canon

(Note: This section is based on various posts from SG DP-12DP-12DP-12 and RF KSVKKSVKKSVK's illustrator Pandea work and as such should be treated separately from the two characters official in-game representations.)

8 years prior to the current game timeline, KSVK was just a custom made android child (Children's day CG) adopted by a wealthy family and was given the name Dushevnyy. She was a very smart child after receiving the elite level of education provided by the family.

However this family estate was destroyed by a terrorist attack (Children's day damaged CG), having lost her legal guardians in the attack, she became an orphan, following the event an elite T-Doll (implied to be DP-12) from the local police department who was responsible for countering the terrorist attack and rescuing the little girl, stepped up and adopted her.

A few years later, out of desire of vengeance she left the doll family and began wandering aimlessly, however an unexplained event happened in which she lost her memory as a result. After being recovered and modified by I.O.P she was given the name KSVK and found a new job with G&K.[1][2]

Girls' Frontline

Main Story

KSVK is one of the Dolls deployed in Belgrade to protect Gilda Ulrich during Isomer.

Neural Upgrade

Prior to KSVK getting her Neural Upgrade, she was having a problem with her neural cloud space that keeps bringing up a vague old memory, this was due to KSVK's old original body being heavily damaged (although her neural cloud was intact) when IOP took her in and converted her to a Tactical Doll.

KSVK's original name was Dushevnaya and she was originally a caretaker doll with the physique of a child tasked to take care of an old lady (Lady James) together with Helena (DP-12's original name). Not long after Dushevnaya's and Helena's job was finished, Helena bought Dushevnaya's and her own freedom from the nursing home. This was due to Helena feeling guilty having Dushevnaya felt like she was abandoned by Lady James and she was facing a memory reset from the trauma. She suffered a tremendous psychological blow and kept on singing an old song and practiced her painting over and over again just like when she was together with Lady James. This however resulted in Dushevnaya developing envy towards Helena on how people are dependent on her and so that she wouldn't be cast away again. One day she left Helena a letter while she was at work mentioning that she wants to be a Tactical Doll and ran away on her own. Her actions however resulted in her loss of memory as Dushevnaya.

Helena (now named DP-12) after a long search finally found Dushevnaya (now named KSVK) working for G&K also started working for them while pestering on KSVK trying to bring back her old memory as Dushevnaya revealing that they're actually mother and daughter although this was flat out rejected by KSVK due to the nature of dolls having familial relationship is impossible while calling DP-12 delusional. DP-12 however finally succeeded in bringing back KSVK's old memories when she brought her to the old nursing house which is now in ruins. After KSVK regained her memories she finally got her Neural Upgrade retaining some of her old body's traits like her eyes and hairstyle so that she won't forget her past as Dushevnaya and no longer fear the future as KSVK.

Ashe's Letter

An important letter given to RF KSVKKSVKKSVK from SG DP-12DP-12DP-12 upon getting her to MOD3, you'll be able to view this letter in the in-game mailbox and it'll expire in a week.

Click to reveal.
An Old Letter

My dearest Dushevnaya,
First of all, I owe you an apology. I was so anxious to see my family I forgot to say goodbye to you and Helena, who had been by my side the whole time.
I have always assumed that you would never leave me, that even after I was reunited with my own family, you would still be with me... Yet by the time I returned to the sanatorium, you were no longer there. Perhaps this was God's way of punishing me for taking you for granted.
I know you might never receive this letter, but I am nevertheless writing it in the hope that it will one day find its way to you. If you ever grow tired of working at a sanatorium, you are always welcome at my home. I am now living in a safe area where the grass is green, the flowers are in full bloom, and the birds are chirping in the trees.
My granddaughter is a very good girl. Unlike you, she always does as she's told. I love her, just as I love you. I will always love the two of you and be a good grandmother.
Of course, you are probably taking care of another lonely old soul already. You are such a disarmingly innocent and endearing child. People just can't help but open up and let you into their heart.
This is your calling, I know. You will love your new charge the way you loved me, and you will carefully pick up the broken pieces of their heart and put them back together, just as you did mine. It is in your nature.
You have a heart that is as delicate as your hands. It may only recover from being broken with a memory reset, or you could try to overcome it and move on with all your memories and experience intact.
You could be reverted to your default factory settings countless times, but memories are unique and irreplaceable. The Dushevnaya who remembers me is a unique and irreplaceable member of my family.
I love you, and I'll spend every single day of the rest of my life waiting to hear back from you.
Yours truly,
Ash James

Side stories

Freaky Pandemic

The Undead Dolls (Darkside Moonwalk costume)

Alchemist takes over one of KSVK's dummies and causes some chaos during the Griffin base's test of courage.

No. 4 Symphony (The Truman Traveler costume)

While she has been using her old body for recent battles, KSVK goes back into her younger-looking Neural Upgrade body to fit into the dress RF QBU-88QBU-88QBU-88 prepared for her for the banquet.[3][4]

Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium

Sojourners of the Glass Island

After leaving Griffin & Kryuger and wandering the contamination zone, KSVK lost memories of her past again. After crossing path with a former Doll colleague, she was directed to the Doll community of Ullrid, where two other former Griffin Dolls, Littara and Suomi, could help her. KSVK worked for a bounty hunter to search for the Doll community, but she was damaged and left unconscious after a bad encounter. She was found some time later by Suomi, who recognized her and brought her back to the Doll community to receive basic repairs. Littara and Suomi didn't know her well from their time at Griffin but remembered that DP-12 used to call her Dushevnaya. They also talked about the Commander, which Duschevnaya remembered fondly. As thanks for helping her remember her name and two people close to her, Dushevnaya agreed to help the Doll community secure their next base camp.[5]
