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Magrasea (麦戈拉日志, màigēlārìzhì) is the world's first superserver, created by 42LAB, designed in 2053 and activated in 2057.[1] Its immense processing power and storage space is rented to various companies likes Svarog Heavy Industries, Cyber Media, Universal Anything Services and Ultilife, as well as governments, NGOs, research teams, public services and private individuals. Data from different companies or industries are stored in standalone sectors to provide sufficient space for data simulation and ensure privacy, and standalone AI routines can be run in individual sectors. However, it is still possible to exchange data between sectors and the Sanctifiers have access to all sectors to provide security.

It is where the events of Project Neural Cloud take place.


Sectors are akin to city-states within Magrasea[2] and are overlooked by their Administrator, who hold the Permission Key to the entire sector.[3] They are protected from external intrusion by firewalls of varying intricatedness.[4]

  • Sector Rossum: First sector built on Magrasea, housing their AI research projects. Numerous AIs are installed in this sector to ensure high operational efficiency and the sector is also managed by a high-performance AI. Project Neural Cloud used to be housed in this sector, but it was migrated to a new sector when its quantity of data became too big.[5]
  • Sector Cyclopes (Military): One of the earliest sectors in Magrasea, set up for Svarog Heavy Industries' military research data. The data within is extremely sensitive and as such it is protected by many sifter AI programs along with Sanctifier, as well as the towering Isolation Wall.[6]
  • Sector Enigma (Computing): An sector granted with the best computing capacities, housing the quantum computing research by Neumann, an AI based on the simulated cognitive data of John von Neumann and other famous scientists, developed by 42LAB in collaboration with another high-tech company.[7]
  • Sector Pierides (Technical): A unique sector that is not used by a single megacorporation, but instead by many NPOs, community benefit groups, SMEs and private individuals. It acts as a digital museum dedicated to digitizing and storing cultural artifacts of human progress, civilization, art and culture to protect it from the unstable times of the real world. It is by far the sector with the lowest processing power consumption.[8]
  • Sector Burbank (Entertainment): Used by Cyber Media, an international entertainment and media conglomerate. It houses a massive quantity of data ranging from social media, digital entertainment, real idols and other businesses. Its many specialized simulation programs create cloud-based digital entertainment ready to be exported anywhere on Earth, granting Cyber Media a decisive tactical advantage on its market by providing comprehensive and tailored social media, entertainment, information and services to the masses.[9]
  • Sector Helios (Energy): Another sector used by Svarog Heavy Industry, this time for their clean energy R&D research. Despite how thriving the military-industrial complex has become after World War Three, Svarog has striven to restructure their corporation outside of military services and into building better cities. Many intelligent cloud programs, first of all the "World's Flame" supercomputer, are running simulations to research the possibilities of turning Collapse Fluid into an energy source as part of the Collapse Fluid Energy Project.[10] Their ultimate goal is the ignition of Arche Pyr.
  • Neural Cloud Sector: A highly secret sector containing the data of test subjects for the neural cloud upload/download functionality research "Project Neural Cloud". Subjects have been provided by partners such as Svarog Heavy Industries, Cyber Media, Universal Anything Services Co. Ltd and Ultilife Co. Ltd. Some Doll and AI production companies from around the world as well as some civilian volunteer Dolls have also taken part in this project. The Wipe-off Incident expelled all the Neural Clouds it used to house, and it is now considered lost.[11][12]
  • Oasis: A sector created by the Professor after the Wipe-off Incident to protect the Exiles from the Sanctifiers using the Sandbox Barrier.[13] The Codebreaker in Oasis periodically decrypts the new passcodes generated by the Magrasea to wall off each sector, enabling the Exiles to explore.[14]
  • Reverse Babylon Tower: An inverted tower floating ominously in the sky at the hub of Magrasea, the central surveillance tower of the Sanctifiers.[11][15]
  • Null Area: The unused zones between sectors, barren of any data.


The artificial consciousnesses inside Magrasea are called "Agents" and generally belong to one of three types: Resident Agents, who are system protocols with varying complexity of mind, Sanctifiers, the defense system of Magrasea, or Doll Neural Clouds.[16] It is however possible to digitize human consciousness and allow them to interface with Magrasea.

Agents are equipped with micro-firewalls to protect themselves from viral attacks,[4] but the main security force of Magrasea are the Sanctifier antivirus AI programs. Divided into Greater, Intermediate and Lesser Sanctifiers, they mostly obey human orders mechanically and track down Irregular Agents, which are either actual viruses or Agents with behavioral aberrations. Sanctifiers identify Irregular Agents as Agents who are not within their designated sector,[11][17] or whose specifications go over the complexity specified by the Neural Damper meant to prevent their neural development and evolution. Neural Dampers are the reason Resident Agents tend to have animal features.[18]


The basic unit of reality in Magrasea is the Operand, a unit of computation that can be used either as raw material to build structures or energy to operate or alter anything from buildings to Agents,[19] and it is considered an Agent's blood.[20] The ability of an Agent to allocate and discharge operands is their Hashrate.[21]



  1. Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - Magrasea
  2. Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - Sector
  3. Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - Sector Administrator & Permission Key
  4. 4.0 4.1 Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - Firewall
  5. Weibo - 42LAB Sector
  6. Weibo - Cyclopes Sector
  7. Weibo - Enigma Sector
  8. Weibo - Pierides Sector
  9. Weibo - Burbank Sector
  10. Weibo - Helios Sector
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - Sanctifier
  12. Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - Neural Cloud Sector
  13. Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - Oasis & Sandbox Barrier
  14. Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - Key
  15. Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - Reverse Babylon Tower
  16. Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - Agent
  17. Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - Irregular Agents
  18. Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - Neural Damper
  19. Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - Operand
  20. Project Neural Cloud, 0-3
  21. Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - Hashrate