User contributions for American Ronin
A user with 135 edits. Account created on 24 August 2019.
8 September 2019
- 20:2820:28, 8 September 2019 diff hist +18 m 9A-91 minor wording change for missing "the" and plural/singular inconsistencies in weapon info description
- 20:1820:18, 8 September 2019 diff hist +612 USP Compact/Quotes Updated soul contract JP and EN, attached HTML comment to explain decisions. Open for future suggestions
- 20:0220:02, 8 September 2019 diff hist +10 USP Compact/Quotes dialogue EN1: expanded translation to make a complete phrase in English rather than leave the hanging direct-word translation
- 20:0020:00, 8 September 2019 diff hist +5 USP Compact/Quotes combine EN: fixed English to match Japanese grammar / combine JP: added kanji for 過ぎる read as「すぎる」
- 19:5719:57, 8 September 2019 diff hist +11 m USP Compact/Quotes buildover EN: fixed grammar
- 00:0600:06, 8 September 2019 diff hist 0 m PPK/Quotes Tanabata JP: incorrect symbol for sentence-ending "wa", fixed as わ
- 00:0300:03, 8 September 2019 diff hist +20 PPK/Quotes Valentine JP: wrong Kanji used for "kneel", fixed / Valentine EN/ laugh added, changed pronoun to "them" instead of "it" since we're referencing plural "chocolates"
7 September 2019
- 23:4623:46, 7 September 2019 diff hist +189 PPK/Quotes Christmas JP: じゃない changed to 以上 「いじょう」 to match the audio. Still matches the English translation as like "this is all, and nothing else" / EN updated: Liberal translation of last sentence to match her tone
- 23:3823:38, 7 September 2019 diff hist +1 PPK/Quotes all hallows EN: removed excess words, added the laugh / All Hallows JP; punctuation changed from question mark to period, since it's a declarative statement
- 23:2823:28, 7 September 2019 diff hist +13 PPK/Quotes Break
- 21:4521:45, 7 September 2019 diff hist +39 m PPK/Quotes meet and skill 1 EN updated
- 21:3821:38, 7 September 2019 diff hist +756 PPK/Quotes BlackAction EN: Extensive explanation comment added in HTML comment, EN translation updated / JP completed missing pieces spoken in audio.
- 21:1821:18, 7 September 2019 diff hist +2 m PPK/Quotes combine EN: "it" changed to "them" for the plural implication
- 21:1721:17, 7 September 2019 diff hist −9 PPK/Quotes Hello EN : re-worded English to match her word choice / Hello JP : deleted unnecessary characters not found in audio clip
- 20:5720:57, 7 September 2019 diff hist 0 m PPK/Quotes soul contract JP : corrected misspelling of 止めて in the middle of the paragraph
- 20:4520:45, 7 September 2019 diff hist +53 PPK/Quotes Soulcontract EN: translation updated to match the Japanese / Soulcontract JP: incorrect letter replaced. Added missing ending phrase.
- 20:2920:29, 7 September 2019 diff hist −6 P38/Quotes Tanabata JP: fixed a misplaced letter / Tanabata EN: I'm capitalizing Tanabata to make it easier to recognize as the name of the event.
- 20:2620:26, 7 September 2019 diff hist +14 m P38/Quotes Christmas EN: minor wording and capitalization fix
- 20:1720:17, 7 September 2019 diff hist +14 P38/Quotes Valentine EN: grammar fixed, also "endure" changed for "settle for" with 我慢 in the context of giving 'just' an obligatory gift [instead of something more]
- 18:4118:41, 7 September 2019 diff hist −2 P38/Quotes Fix-EN : Translation updated : 肩を貸す is "lending support", largely in an emotional sense. No mention of "blanket" as was prior translation
- 18:3418:34, 7 September 2019 diff hist +17 P38/Quotes Retreat EN: corrected translation for 練習不足 => lacking sufficient practice / win EN: Corrected translation (増えた = increased, not "pleased" as was prior translation)
- 18:2718:27, 7 September 2019 diff hist +13 P38/Quotes Break JP: Kanji fixed / Break EN: Translation updated to match this fig. of speech 降板 is to be knocked out of a game/performance. +Suggestion: Instead of "Buhuu" for her cry, I suggest *Loli whining noises* instead
- 18:2218:22, 7 September 2019 diff hist +1 P38/Quotes Skill 2 EN updated: 撃ち負ける = lit. "shoot and defeat" rather simply "defeat" in the prior standing edit. Thus, my choice for "shot down"
- 18:1518:15, 7 September 2019 diff hist −2 m P38/Quotes just swapping a period for a question mark in Oath JP.
6 September 2019
- 19:1919:19, 6 September 2019 diff hist +4 9A-91/Quotes Feed/enhancement EN: Russian and (English subtitle) added. English translation clarified
- 19:1119:11, 6 September 2019 diff hist +15 9A-91/Quotes Hello EN = ハラショー refers to the Russian phrase [Хорошо] for "Alright" or "Very well". So she's mixing languages... So, I gave the Russian an put it in brackets like subtitles,.
- 18:5918:59, 6 September 2019 diff hist −1 m 9A-91/Quotes dialogue 3: "approve" changed to "recognize", since she wants attention (not permission, as implied by "approve") Also, see my comment on use of "anata"
- 18:4918:49, 6 September 2019 diff hist −5 K5/Quotes Tanabata JP: Incorrect Kanji use fixed. / Tanabata EN: second sentence: figure of speech changed. It's no so much "leave you in the dust" but more like "never shows up in the first place"
- 18:4318:43, 6 September 2019 diff hist −3 m K5/Quotes Tanabata EN: second sentence "If [you're] keep hesitating" --> "If you keep hesitating"
- 18:4118:41, 6 September 2019 diff hist +130 K5/Quotes Valentine JP: Kanji fixed for "omen of good luck" / Valentine EN: translation added: Note: If "depression" is too striking, it can be replaced with "lows". Mod's choice.
- 18:3018:30, 6 September 2019 diff hist +146 K5/Quotes new year JP kanji fixed: 占 is the verb for "fortune-telling" but is often missed in auto translations. / NewYear EN translation added
- 18:2318:23, 6 September 2019 diff hist −28 K5/Quotes Christmas EN: bad English fixed
- 18:2118:21, 6 September 2019 diff hist +182 K5/Quotes All hallows EN: Translated... note I've never heard the phrase "血を使う", but it's literally, "To use up blood". Has a spooky mood to it, even if it's not a common phrase... so I think getting blood "drained" fits
- 18:1018:10, 6 September 2019 diff hist +4 m K5/Quotes Retreat EN: "miss" changed to "overlook" for clarity because of the double-meaning "miss" for like "failing to hit a target", but she's talking about foreseeing the outcome, not gunning someone down... thus "overlook"
- 18:0318:03, 6 September 2019 diff hist +7 K5/Quotes meet EN = bad grammar and misspelling fixed. Also, 進んでいく is more like "proceed" than simply "go". Thus, I chose "proceed" for EN.
- 17:5817:58, 6 September 2019 diff hist +21 K5/Quotes win EN translation : "やっぱり" is not "Finally" in this context. Here, it indicates a confirmation of expectation (anyway, improved the English)
- 17:4817:48, 6 September 2019 diff hist −6 K5/Quotes break EN: Original had bad grammar "have my prediction gone wrong?" --> "was my prediction wrong?" (if she's supposed to sound more "eloquent" then as an alternate --> "Was I mistaken in my prediction?")
- 17:4517:45, 6 September 2019 diff hist +11 m K5/Quotes skill active 3 EN: added "once more" as a translation of "もうひと". Alternate suggestion: "Brace again", though I think "stand firm" is fine
- 16:0316:03, 6 September 2019 diff hist 0 m MP-446/Quotes Halloween JP: the second line ”燃え上がる” should be "盛り上がる"; there's clearly a "ri" sound in the voice clip. Still means "get excited/fired up" though.
- 15:5615:56, 6 September 2019 diff hist +4 m MP-446/Quotes halloween EN : added ( "get" fired up)
- 15:3815:38, 6 September 2019 diff hist −1 m MP-446/Quotes combine EN "named" changed to "name", incorrect English grammar
- 15:3615:36, 6 September 2019 diff hist +7 m MP-446/Quotes EN Hello changed from "today" to "all day long" as a more true translation of 今日一日
28 August 2019
- 19:4619:46, 28 August 2019 diff hist +4 NTW-20/Quotes Improved translation of the EN for the greeting (based off the Japanese audio), skill 3 EN corrected (note:やつめ is derogitory for "a person/chap", so "goon/hoodlum/punk" might fit)
- 19:3919:39, 28 August 2019 diff hist +45 NTW-20/Quotes Improved translation of the EN for the greeting (based off the Japanese audio)
- 18:4818:48, 28 August 2019 diff hist +102 m TAR-21/Quotes tanabata EN translated, missing japanese piece added in to complete the sentence.
- 18:1418:14, 28 August 2019 diff hist +71 Noel/Quotes break and retreat EN translated (note: on retreat the が at the end justifies the use of the ellipse [...] in ENG) current
- 17:5417:54, 28 August 2019 diff hist +49 Noel/Quotes victory and fix EN added
- 17:5017:50, 28 August 2019 diff hist +246 Noel/Quotes dialogue 2 EN edited, "I'll never admit defeat" --> "I can't be defeated" ; a the phrase including "admit" is not this one in Japanese, so it's more direct here. Also, I think skill 3 shout is a reference to Noel's own game/background
- 17:3417:34, 28 August 2019 diff hist +24 Noel/Quotes dialogue 2 EN edited, "I'll never admit defeat" --> "I can't be defeated" ; a the phrase including "admit" is not this one in Japanese, so it's more direct here.
24 August 2019
- 20:3420:34, 24 August 2019 diff hist +10 m P38/Quotes "I'll singing" (incorrect English) changed to "I'm singing" Dialogue wedding, EN "secrete" changed to "secret" ; soulcontract EN "Why you said?" -> "What did you say? Really?"