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Stechkin: Difference between revisions

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{{T-Doll|title =  Stechkin
|index = 7
|index = 7
|nationality = Russian<ref name= "wiki">[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stechkin_automatic_pistol Wikipedia entry on Stechkin]</ref>
|nationality = Soviet Union
|classification = HG
|classification = HG
|rarity = 4
|rarity = 4
|manufacturer =  Vytatsky Polyany Machine-Building Plant "Molot"<ref name= "wiki"></ref>
|faction = [[Griffin & Kryuger]]
|artist = [http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2827240 鳗鱼子]
|manufactureringame = [[I.O.P.]]
|fullname = Avtomaticheskiy Pistolet Stechkina<ref name= "wiki"></ref>
|manufacturer =  Vytatsky Polyany Machine-Building Plant "Molot"
|chname = 斯捷奇金
|artist = {{artist name|鳗鱼子}} (Original Artist);<br/>
|voiceactor = [[wikipedia:Eri_Kitamura|Eri Kitamura]]
{{artist name|_椿日_}} (Neural Upgrade, Miss Camellia's Special Service, Brilliance of the Peach Blossoms);<br/>
{{artist name|小星}} (Witch's Potions Selling Like Hotcakes)
|fullname = Автоматический пистолет Стечкина<br/>("Avtomaticheskyy pistolet Stechkina", Stechkin's Automatic Pistol)
|voiceactor = {{voice actor name|Kitamura Eri}}
|releasedon = {{doll_server_alias|server=CN|alias=斯捷奇金|year=2016|month=5}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=TW|alias=斯捷奇金}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=KR|alias=스테츠킨}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=EN|alias=Stechkin}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=JP|alias=スチェッキン}}
|GFL2=Ksenia (GFL2)
|weaponinfo =
The Stechkin automatic pistol or APS (Russian: Автоматический Пистолет Стечкина) is a Soviet selective fire machine pistol designed by Igor Stechkin. It was designed to serve as a replacement for the larger and bulkier submachine guns used during the Second World War, and was one of the last pistols in the world designed to incorporate a combined stock and holster.
Entering into the Cold War, the Soviet Union sought to adopt a compact personal defense weapon similar to the M1/M2 carbines used by the US. The idea behind the personal defense weapon concept was for a weapon that would be given to army personal that couldn't/shouldn't carry full size combat rifles such as vehicle crews/officers, in order to free up rifle inventory for frontline troops. Igor Stechkin's automatic pistol design underwent development throughout the 1940s, and was finalized at the beginning of the 1950s.<ref name = "stechkin forgottenweapons">[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J-1y5RKnNo Forgotten Weapons video on the APS]</ref>
Initially, the APS was designed to chamber the 7.62×25mm Tokarev cartridge, which was in standard use with the Soviet Red Army at the time. However, Stechkin later redesigned the pistol to accept the new 9×18mm caliber round used in the recently adopted Makarov pistol, as it became clear that this cartridge was set to become the new service ammunition for handguns/submachine guns of the Soviet military.
The APS is capable of both semi-automatic and fully automatic fire, as it was intended to replace full-auto submachine guns like the PPSh-41 and PPS-43. The fire selector is located above the grip on the left side of the slide. This toggles the gun between semi and fully automatic mode and also functions as the weapon's safety. To assist with controlling the weapon during automatic fire, the APS is designed to be fired with a detachable stock, made of either wood or Polyresin/bakelite. The stock itself also functions as the pistol's holster as well as a place to store repair/cleaning kits. The APS's rate of fire is kept in check by a built-in rate reducer located behind the magazine housing, and the barrel of the APS is fixed to the frame to achieve a higher mechanical accuracy. The pistol is fed by 20 round capacity double stack magazines and is capable of firing at a rate around 600 rounds per minute.<ref name = "stechkin modernfirearms">[https://modernfirearms.net/en/handguns/handguns-en/russia-semi-automatic-pistols/stechkin-aps-selective-fire-eng/ Modern Firearms article on the APS]</ref>
In 1951, the Stechkin was introduced into the Soviet military arsenal in short numbers. However, it was quickly phased out of service due to reports that it was awkward and uncomfortable to fire even with its shoulder stock, as well as lack of stopping power. APS pistols were put into storage shortly after being decommissioned, and the role of a small PDW-type weapon was eventually fulfilled by the AKS-74U. Around the same time that the AKS-74U was being rolled out to Soviet troops, a number of APS pistols were retrofitted with extended and threaded barrels, to improve accuracy and allow compatibility with a suppressor. These refitted APS handguns are known as the APSB and they were used by various Spetznats units.<ref name= "Stechkin wiki">[[wikipedia:Stechkin automatic pistol|Wikipedia entry on the Stechkin pistol]]</ref>
For a doll that represents a handgun, Stechkin is relatively tall when compared to some of the other HG dolls. Using her pistol in hand as a reference (assuming it is drawn to scale), Stechkin is estimated to be around 150cm tall. Her shiny raven hair is long and reaches her knees, and she sports a signature lightning bolt-shapde 'ahoge' (Idiot hair, or Cowlick). This ahoge even became her exclusive MOD3 equipment.
Aside from changes in art style due to being drawn by a different artist, post neural upgrade Stechkin received a different hue to her long hair, with it now being more purple in color. In terms of outfit and attire, she now carries more tactical equipment along with her weapon. The pistol itself also appears to have undergone extensive modernization refits. The wooden stock has also been replaced, and is now of a lighter-weight polymer construction. However, the new modern-looking stock does not appear to be hollow, which means it can no longer function as the weapon's holster.
Regarding the costume ''Miss Camellia's Special Service'', {{artist name|_椿日_}} shared that he was asked to redraw the face because it looked “too innocent”.<ref>[https://weibo.com/2427633281/IyBxAwfPo Weibo]</ref>
|min_dmg= 11
|min_dmg= 11
|max_dmg= 28
|max_dmg= 28
Line 16: Line 42:
|max_acc= 44
|max_acc= 44
|min_rof= 45
|min_rof= 45
|max_rof= 64
|max_rof= 65
|min_hp= 42
|min_hp= 42
|max_hp= 83
|max_hp= 83
|mov= 15
|mov= 15
|craft= 0:55:00
|craft= 0:55:00
|aura1= Affects all guns
|aura1= Affects all guns
|aura2= Increases damage by {{HG aura|12}}
|aura2= Increases damage by {{HG aura|12}}
|mod1_aura2= Increases damage by {{HG aura|16}}
|aura3= Increases rate of fire by {{HG aura|24}}
|aura3= Increases rate of fire by {{HG aura|24}}
|tile2= 1
|tile2= 1
|tile3= 1
|tile3= 1
|tile8= 1
|tile8= 1
|tile9= 1
|tile9= 1
|tile5 = 0  
|tile5 = 0  
|skillname = Assault Command T
|skillid = rateBuff
| characterid = APS
| GAIN_CN = 军用冲锋手枪,斯捷奇金APS,为您服务。今后好好相处吧,我亲爱的长官。
| GAIN_JP =自動拳銃、スチェッキンAPS、参上!
| GAIN_EN = Automatic Pistol Stechkin, A.P.S. Rising !
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 和平的日常……最棒了。
| DIALOGUE1_JP =平和の日々…いいわ~。
| DIALOGUE1_EN = These peaceful days...  They're the best.
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 干嘛,长官?今天挺主动呢。
| DIALOGUE2_JP =なーに?指揮官。今日は特にアクテイブだね。
| DIALOGUE2_EN = What is it, commander?  You're quite forward today.
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 喂,你!没事乱碰什么!那么喜欢我,不如多捐点钱给我啊!
| DIALOGUE3_JP =ちょっと!変なとこ触んないで!お金取るよ!
| DIALOGUE3_EN =Hey, you! You can't just touch me like that! If you really like me that much, then how about donating some money to me instead?
| INTRODUCTION_CN =关于我的构想,早在大战之前就开始了,但直到战后,一位设计师才完成了这项任务,而“斯捷奇金”正是以这位同志的名字命名的。作为唯一作为制式军备的冲锋手枪,和马卡洛夫一起入伍,至今还有服役记录哦。
| SOULCONTRACT_CN =指挥官,您这么坚定地选了我,真不怕我把家里的东西都卖光吗?哈哈,那就这样吧!你的就是我的,我的还是我的!
| SOULCONTRACT_JP =アタシを選んでホントにいいの?じゃ…今日から指揮官のものはアタシのもの、アタシのものはアタシのもの!ねっ!
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = Are you sure on choosing me? Then... from today onward your belonging will be my belonging as well. Mine will still be mine! Okay!
| HELLO_EN = Hello ! Stechkin APS is right here !
| BUILDOVER_EN = A new recruit has come. Everyone, applause !
| FORMATION_EN = At your order !
| FEED_EN = Ok. The next one where will we get it ?
| COMBINE_EN = I just duplicated ! <!-- "i have increased/augmented" -->
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = Maybe... Well, from time to time we gotta go !
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = I'm back ! Do you want to see... All these goods ?
| BLACKACTION_EN = Now, leave it to me !
| GOATTACK_EN = Let's go !
| MEET_EN = We can't have the ennemy to beat us !
| SKILL1_EN = Fast ! Even faster ! <!-- yup, that's it... -->
| SKILL2_EN = Stop dreaming you mongrels. Your future will never come !
| SKILL3_EN = AH, it can't be helped. This is the last !
| BREAK_EN = Tsh ! Don't get too confident !
| RETREAT_EN = This is really bad... I'm falling apart.
| WIN_EN = <!-- thank you for "something", take care on your way back. -->
| FIX_EN = Yes. Making savings is really hard !
|CHRISTMAS_EN = Merry Christmass Commander ! Everybody looks busy.. So i'm gonna stay with you !
| NEWYEAR_EN = Happy new year Commander ! Hurry, hurry my offering !
| VALENTINE_EN = Here, have some chocolate ! Heh ? That's the rules !
|DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN =啊?什么?家里什么都没少啊!……哎呀反正都是一家人啦,您就资助一下我的梦想呗,嘿嘿……
|DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN =Ah? What? Nothing is missing from the house !....... Oh since we're family, just give financial aid to my dream, hehe.....
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 变装的节日到了!诸位,除了穿上华丽的服装,表情和举止也要好好注意哦。
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = <!-- something like "It's halloween. Everyone got some funny outfit. I wonder how i will look into one ! -->
| backgroundinfo = The Stechkin automatic pistol or APS (Avtomaticheskiy Pistolet Stechkina, Russian: Автоматический Пистолет Стечкина) is a Russian selective fire machine pistol. It bears the name of its developer, Igor Stechkin.

The Stechkin automatic pistol was originally chambered for 7.62×25mm Tokarev. Designer Stechkin redesigned the pistol to accept the new 9 mm caliber used in the recently adopted Makarov pistol (PM), as it became clear that this cartridge was set to become the new service ammunition for handguns of the Soviet Army. In 1951, both the Makarov and Stechkin were introduced into the Soviet military arsenal, replacing the aging Tokarev pistol (TT-33).<ref name= "wiki"></ref>
|equipsetname= Stechkin Bash
| trivia = <!-- content under trivia header-->
|equipsetdesc= With a full set of 16LAB special equipment, Stechkin receives a powerful boost to her ability to support her echelon and boost its overall combat performance.
*Some of Stechkin was modified with suppressor and replacing the fixed stock with detachable stock called APB.  
|equipset3= While Assault Command is active, all RF Dolls will inflict an additional instance of 10% damage that can crit after hitting with a normal attack. If there are only two gun types on the field at the start of the battle, the enemy unit with the highest base damage gains Taunt status. This can trigger up to 3 times and lasts until the end of battle.
| references = <references/>
|costume1 = [Neural Upgrade]
|costume2 = Miss Camellia's Special Service
|costume3 = Brilliance of the Peach Blossoms
|costume4 = Witch's Potions Selling Like Hotcakes
File:Stechkin_S.png|Profile image
File:Stechkin.png|Full artwork
File:Stechkin_D.png|Full damaged artwork
File:Stechkin_costume1 S.png|Neural Upgrade Profile image
File:Stechkin costume1.png|Neural Upgrade Full artwork
File:Stechkin_costume1 D.png|Neural Upgrade Full damaged artwork
File:Stechkin costume2.png|"Miss Camellia's Special Service" Full artwork
File:Stechkin_costume2 D.png|"Miss Camellia's Special Service" Full damaged artwork
File:Stechkin costume3.png|"Brilliance of the Peach Blossoms" Full artwork
File:Stechkin_costume3 D.png|"Brilliance of the Peach Blossoms" Full damaged artwork
File:Stechkin costume4.png|"Witch's Potions Selling Like Hotcakes" Full artwork
File:Stechkin_costume4 D.png|"Witch's Potions Selling Like Hotcakes" Full damaged artwork
File:Mysterious Language of Flowers Login Wallpaper.png|"Mysterious Language of Flowers" login wallpaper illustrated by ???
File:Downy Snow in Spring Login Wallpaper.png|"Downy Snow in Spring" Login wallpaper illustrated by ???.

| trivia =
*Stechkin is known for her love for money. She would do anything to rake in money, be it through rightful or unjustful method.
**In one occasion, she sold the base supplies to black market<ref>Stechkin Neural Upgrade Story</ref>.
**She scammed {{doll name|P38|HG|2}}, {{doll name|HK45|HG|3}}, and {{doll name|Spectre M4|SMG|2}} to pay for {{doll name|Desert Eagle|HG|5}} booking fee, which was actually free. The trio got enraged after learning the truth from the instructor herself<ref>Griffin Memories: Glänzenden Stern</ref>.
**{{doll name|M950A|HG|5}} need to pay her the standard Griffin overtime fee just to switch duty with her<ref>Stechkin Costume Story: Miss Camellia Special Service</ref>.
**She tried to sell the wedding dress assigned to her by {{doll name|Carcano M1891|RF|5}} which actually belong to the company<ref>Stechkin Costume Story: Miss Camellia Special Service</ref>.
***The collection of wedding dresses were obtained from an old mansion during [[The Photo Studio Mystery]] mission.
*Stechkin resembles a [[Universal Anything Services]] Waitress 3.0 model. A similar Doll named [[Ksenia]] participated in the [[Project Neural Cloud]] experiment in 2058, but since she isn't listed in the [[:File:NC ASST Report 2060.jpg|Griffin transfer file]] it is unconfirmed whether they are the same Doll. Ksenia's waitress outfit is however quite similar to Stechkin's Neural Upgrade costume.
*She is the first T-Doll to be obtainable in 3 different games made by MICA. A 4-star HG in Girls' Frontline, A 2-star Specialist in Neural Cloud, and a 2-Star Support in Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium.

Latest revision as of 13:55, 24 January 2025

Stechkin Story Quotes
Gun Information
Full name Автоматический пистолет Стечкина
("Avtomaticheskyy pistolet Stechkina", Stechkin's Automatic Pistol)
Country of origin Soviet Union
Manufacturer Vytatsky Polyany Machine-Building Plant "Molot"
Game Information
Faction Griffin & Kryuger
Manufactured /
Revised by
Voice actor Kitamura Eri
Artist 鳗鱼子 (Original Artist);

_椿日_ (Neural Upgrade, Miss Camellia's Special Service, Brilliance of the Peach Blossoms);
小星 (Witch's Potions Selling Like Hotcakes)

Released on CN (斯捷奇金) (2016-5), TW (斯捷奇金), KR (스테츠킨), EN, JP (スチェッキン)
Chibi Animation

Click the marked area to switch between animations. For details regarding animations, please see Animations on the Wiki.

View page template
    For the corresponding character in Girls' Frontline 2, see Ksenia (GFL2).
    For the corresponding character in Project Neural Cloud, see Ksenia.

How to obtain[edit]

NORMALHEAVY Timer 0:55:00. See T-Doll Production for details.

DROP Not obtainable as a drop.

REWARD Not obtained as a reward

Exclusive Equipment[edit]

Costume Set

Stechkin Bash: With a full set of 16LAB special equipment, Stechkin receives a powerful boost to her ability to support her echelon and boost its overall combat performance.

  • Equipment*2: No effect.
  • Equipment*3: While Assault Command is active, all RF Dolls will inflict an additional instance of 10% damage that can crit after hitting with a normal attack. If there are only two gun types on the field at the start of the battle, the enemy unit with the highest base damage gains Taunt status. This can trigger up to 3 times and lasts until the end of battle.

Union Skill[edit]

There is no union skill for this T-Doll.

Stats / Data[edit]


42(x1)83(x1) / 415(x5) 10(x1) / 30(x5) 10(x1) / 30(x5)
11 28
9 66
6 44
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
45 65
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to other Dolls of the same type.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to every other Doll.

Affects all guns
Increases damage by
6%(x1) / 7%(x2) / 9%(x3) / 10%(x4) / 12%(x5)
Increases rate of fire by
12%(x1) / 15%(x2) / 18%(x3) / 21%(x4) / 24%(x5)
How to edit skills

42(x1)84(x1) / 420(x5) 10(x1) / 30(x5) 10(x1) / 30(x5)
11 31
9 67
6 50
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
45 65
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to other Dolls of the same type.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to every other Doll.

Affects all guns
Increases damage by
8%(x1) / 10%(x2) / 12%(x3) / 14%(x4) / 16%(x5)
Increases rate of fire by
12%(x1) / 15%(x2) / 18%(x3) / 21%(x4) / 24%(x5)
How to edit skills

42(x1)85(x1) / 425(x5) 10(x1) / 30(x5) 10(x1) / 30(x5)
11 31
9 68
6 51
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
45 66
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to other Dolls of the same type.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to every other Doll.

Affects all guns
Increases damage by
8%(x1) / 10%(x2) / 12%(x3) / 14%(x4) / 16%(x5)
Increases rate of fire by
12%(x1) / 15%(x2) / 18%(x3) / 21%(x4) / 24%(x5)
How to edit skills

42(x1)85(x1) / 425(x5) 10(x1) / 30(x5) 10(x1) / 30(x5)
11 32
9 69
6 51
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
45 66
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to other Dolls of the same type.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to every other Doll.

Affects all guns
Increases damage by
8%(x1) / 10%(x2) / 12%(x3) / 14%(x4) / 16%(x5)
Increases rate of fire by
12%(x1) / 15%(x2) / 18%(x3) / 21%(x4) / 24%(x5)
How to edit skills

Weapon Background[edit]

The Stechkin automatic pistol or APS (Russian: Автоматический Пистолет Стечкина) is a Soviet selective fire machine pistol designed by Igor Stechkin. It was designed to serve as a replacement for the larger and bulkier submachine guns used during the Second World War, and was one of the last pistols in the world designed to incorporate a combined stock and holster.

Entering into the Cold War, the Soviet Union sought to adopt a compact personal defense weapon similar to the M1/M2 carbines used by the US. The idea behind the personal defense weapon concept was for a weapon that would be given to army personal that couldn't/shouldn't carry full size combat rifles such as vehicle crews/officers, in order to free up rifle inventory for frontline troops. Igor Stechkin's automatic pistol design underwent development throughout the 1940s, and was finalized at the beginning of the 1950s.[1]

Initially, the APS was designed to chamber the 7.62×25mm Tokarev cartridge, which was in standard use with the Soviet Red Army at the time. However, Stechkin later redesigned the pistol to accept the new 9×18mm caliber round used in the recently adopted Makarov pistol, as it became clear that this cartridge was set to become the new service ammunition for handguns/submachine guns of the Soviet military.

The APS is capable of both semi-automatic and fully automatic fire, as it was intended to replace full-auto submachine guns like the PPSh-41 and PPS-43. The fire selector is located above the grip on the left side of the slide. This toggles the gun between semi and fully automatic mode and also functions as the weapon's safety. To assist with controlling the weapon during automatic fire, the APS is designed to be fired with a detachable stock, made of either wood or Polyresin/bakelite. The stock itself also functions as the pistol's holster as well as a place to store repair/cleaning kits. The APS's rate of fire is kept in check by a built-in rate reducer located behind the magazine housing, and the barrel of the APS is fixed to the frame to achieve a higher mechanical accuracy. The pistol is fed by 20 round capacity double stack magazines and is capable of firing at a rate around 600 rounds per minute.[2]

In 1951, the Stechkin was introduced into the Soviet military arsenal in short numbers. However, it was quickly phased out of service due to reports that it was awkward and uncomfortable to fire even with its shoulder stock, as well as lack of stopping power. APS pistols were put into storage shortly after being decommissioned, and the role of a small PDW-type weapon was eventually fulfilled by the AKS-74U. Around the same time that the AKS-74U was being rolled out to Soviet troops, a number of APS pistols were retrofitted with extended and threaded barrels, to improve accuracy and allow compatibility with a suppressor. These refitted APS handguns are known as the APSB and they were used by various Spetznats units.[3]

Character Design

For a doll that represents a handgun, Stechkin is relatively tall when compared to some of the other HG dolls. Using her pistol in hand as a reference (assuming it is drawn to scale), Stechkin is estimated to be around 150cm tall. Her shiny raven hair is long and reaches her knees, and she sports a signature lightning bolt-shapde 'ahoge' (Idiot hair, or Cowlick). This ahoge even became her exclusive MOD3 equipment.

Aside from changes in art style due to being drawn by a different artist, post neural upgrade Stechkin received a different hue to her long hair, with it now being more purple in color. In terms of outfit and attire, she now carries more tactical equipment along with her weapon. The pistol itself also appears to have undergone extensive modernization refits. The wooden stock has also been replaced, and is now of a lighter-weight polymer construction. However, the new modern-looking stock does not appear to be hollow, which means it can no longer function as the weapon's holster.

Regarding the costume Miss Camellia's Special Service, _椿日_ shared that he was asked to redraw the face because it looked “too innocent”.[4]


Main artwork

Gallery consisting of artworks used primarily in-game. For information on how to obtain certain costumes, see Skin Catalogue.

Alternative artwork

Alternate gallery consisting of artworks with slight alterations as well as miscellaneous artworks.


  • Stechkin is known for her love for money. She would do anything to rake in money, be it through rightful or unjustful method.
  • Stechkin resembles a Universal Anything Services Waitress 3.0 model. A similar Doll named Ksenia participated in the Project Neural Cloud experiment in 2058, but since she isn't listed in the Griffin transfer file it is unconfirmed whether they are the same Doll. Ksenia's waitress outfit is however quite similar to Stechkin's Neural Upgrade costume.
  • She is the first T-Doll to be obtainable in 3 different games made by MICA. A 4-star HG in Girls' Frontline, A 2-star Specialist in Neural Cloud, and a 2-Star Support in Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium.


  1. Forgotten Weapons video on the APS
  2. Modern Firearms article on the APS
  3. Wikipedia entry on the Stechkin pistol
  4. Weibo
  5. Stechkin Neural Upgrade Story
  6. Griffin Memories: Glänzenden Stern
  7. Stechkin Costume Story: Miss Camellia Special Service
  8. Stechkin Costume Story: Miss Camellia Special Service