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Rescue Station

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Base Facility
Data Room · Dormitory · Intelligence Center · Hangar
Forward Basecamp · Protocol Control Center · Springfield Cafe · Fairy Lodge · Rescue Station
Organization Overview


The Rescue station is where various stray animals are available for adoption and managed by several T-Dolls. Commander can choose among four type of pets, and paying the adoption cost of either x600 or x600. These pets aren't just a mere decoration, they are used to improve the comfort level in the Dormitories and increase the chances to encounter specific areas during exploration.

Pets are categorized into four types; Cats, Dogs, Birds, and Others. The availability of a larger variety of animals correlates with the level of the Facilities, with more common strays at lower levels and additional rare animals at the higher levels.

Some pets come from limited event or furniture completion bonus, thus they are not available for adoption through rescue station. However, they eventually will be added to the Rescue Station.







