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Scout Assimilated
Full name Scout
Affiliation Sangvis Ferri
Released on CN, TW, KR
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Low-grade Sangvis Ferri combat unit. It has poor combat power, but is highly mobile and can hide easily. It's frequently used in frontline reconnaissance.

Stats / Data

  • Classification: Machine
  • Damage: Low
  • Accuracy: Low ~ Moderate
  • Attack range: Short
  • Health: Low ~ Moderate
  • Armor value: N/A
  • Evasion: Moderate ~ Very High
  • Movement speed: Fast


Scouts make their first appearance in 1-3 and will appear as common enemies throughout the game, notable for their obnoxious EVA stat.


Scout's are the second machine type enemy the player will encounter in the game and will become the most annoying enemy to deal with throughout the game, a Scout is very notable for their high base EVA and low ~ moderate HP pool, causing great frustration to players who didn't optimize their echelons with ACC buffing T-dolls or equipment. Scouts dont pose a massive threat and they deal very little damage, however the difficulty in dealing with them is due to their high base EVA which can cause problems if said Scouts are being escorted by even more dangerous units such as Jaeger's, Jaguar's and Dinergate's.

Where Scouts go from simply being irritating to one of the most frustrating units in Girls Frontline is at night. The 90% accuracy debuff and the evasion of high-level Scouts means they will often be missed by virtually every attack your T-Dolls throw, except for those with blast ranges or which automatically hit. The late stages of Defense Drill are hallmarked by outright swarms of Scouts backed by increasingly big teams of Jaegers; very few squads are actually capable of weathering the assault without taking serious damage.

Which is the best tactic to use against Scouts depends on where you're fighting them. In open terrain and during the day, Hunting Impulse MGs are often the best choice, alongside RFs. At night, or when dealing with high-level Scouts, evasion debuffers like HG FNP-9FNP-9FNP-9, HG SPP-1SPP-1SPP-1 and SMG MP-448MP-448MP-448 should be given serious consideration. Piercing RFs like RF Pzb 39Pzb 39Pzb 39 and RF JS05JS05JS05 are excellent for cutting through packs as well.

By far the most efficient choice, however, are SMGs with with Incendiary or Frag Grenade and Assault Rifles with Grenade based skills whether its an AP grenadier like AR M4 SOPMOD IIM4 SOPMOD IIM4 SOPMOD II, HE grenadier like AR StG44StG44StG44 or even special grenadiers like AR Zas M21Zas M21Zas M21, all of which are capable of doing moderate ~ large amounts of AOE damage and can help whittle down the enemy formation before it can do too much harm. SMG T-dolls such as SMG ViviViviVivi, SMG Sten MkIISten MkIISten MkII-MOD3, SMG PP-19PP-19PP-19 and SMG KLINKLINKLIN are also exceptional T-dolls to use against Scouts.
