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Full name Nemesis
Affiliation Elmo MCV
Body type SST-05A2
Signature Weapon OM 50/SAN 511
Rarity ██ Standard
Role Sentinel
Specialty Single Target Damage / Assist
Weapon Type RF
Imprint Boost None
Affinities Heavy AmmoCorrosion Phase
Weaknesses Light AmmoHydro Phase
Meta information
Released on CN (纳美西丝) (2023-12), EN (2024-11)
Voiced by Endo Aya (JP)
Qin Ziyi (CN)
Shin Nari (KR)
Artist Unknown
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Nemesis is a playable character in the game Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium.

How to obtain[edit]

GachaThis Doll is available in standard gacha.RewardStarting Doll.


How to edit skills

Neural Helix[edit]

Starting Node Enhancement Node Enhancement Node (Level 20) Evolved Nodes (Level 20) Enhancement Node (Level 25) Enhancement Node (Level 30) Evolved Nodes (Level 30) Enhancement Node (Level 35) Enhancement Node (Level 40) Evolved Nodes (Level 40) Final Node
Gain Cover protection when stability index is greater than 0. Attack +33.0
Defense +19.0
Health +70.0
Attack Boost +5.0%
Fixed Key - Potent Curse: If the enemy target is marked with Prophecy of Mourning, apply Defense Down II before launching an active attack. Attack +40.0
Defense +27.0
Health +96.0
Attack Boost +5.0%
Fixed Key - Fortune's Call: If there is Cover nearby while under the effects of Insight, reduce AoE damage taken by 20%. Attack +47.0
Defense +35.0
Attack +53.0
Health +125.0
Fixed Key - Fated Calamity: When a target marked with Prophecy of Mourning is killed by this unit, gain 1 point of Confectance Index. Common Key - Blessing of the Morning Star: Attack Boost +3.0%
When this unit is under the effects of Insight, gain 3 additional tiles of movement after killing an enemy target.
Fixed Key - Changing Fortune: When this unit is under the effects of Insight, the range of the active skills Enlightened Star and Penetrating Casket are increased by 1 tile. Fixed Key - Silent Catastrophe: When a target marked with Prophecy of Mourning is killed by this unit, gain Attack Up I and Damage Up I for 1 turn. Fixed Key - Focused Gaze: When this unit is under the effects of Insight, gain immunity to all displacement effects from enemy units.

Preferred Gifts[edit]


How to use[edit]

Nemesis can target any enemy on long range and debuffs them as well, unfortunately she has the lowest mobility in the game. One fixed key to get is Potent Curse which is very important if you are going to use her. Her best in slot gun is her Arcana.

Weapon Background

The OM 50 Nemesis, now designated SAN 511, is a .50 BMG bolt-action rifle produced by the Swiss branch of SIG Sauer.

Character Background

Passionate in mysticism and divination, she always carries a magical divination tool known as the "Prism". Her divination results are often expressed in a cryptic and enigmatic manner. Though she can be difficult to communicate with, she remains a dependable companion.

Her previous name was C7U29. She was recruited by the Commander after a chance meeting in the contaminated region, the manpower shortage aboard the Elmo being enough to disregard her strange behavior. She may be full of delusions, insist to speak in metaphors only Krolik understands and come up with terrible battle plans, but she is still an excellent sniper.[1] She is compared to a star, tranquil but with immense inner potential. Also acts as the Amos' navigator and has an interest in fortune-telling,[2] but she makes noticeably worse predictions when using her divination rather than regular analysis. She calls the magic trinket attached to her bag “the prism”.[3]

Lore / Story involvement

Nemesis is featured in the following:

Nemesis started her operational life as Test Doll No.397_Zeta_39287, used to test programs able to boost the efficiency of second-generation Dolls. The tests were not conclusive. Later, under the designation EU-2497, she was used by Paradeus to test their deep reinforcement learning module in second-gen Dolls, for the purpose of determining how best to communicate with prospective cult members. The tests yielded the best results with a certain amount of cryptic language, but Dolls were deemed inappropriate for this process since most humans don't trust them. She was converted into a combat Doll and assigned to the Cohors No. 7 Guards Combat Squad under the designation C7U29.

During an escort mission, C7U29 was seemingly the last survivor of her squad and retained no memory of the incident. When she tried to return to her Cohors base, she was chased out because she had been deleted from their database. After taking refuge from a Collapse storm in a crumbling ruin, she found a strange mask and a conical crystal in an Obshare nest. While trying to compute an escape route from the ruins, she accidentally dropped the crystal, which pointed in one of the possible escape routes. C7U29 serendipitously followed it and successfully escaped, leading her to register the crystal as a viable choice determination method. The divination somehow always led her to the resources necessary to survive.

C7U29 established a shelter in the contamination zone and started living a reclusive life. But after she helped a lost convoy find their way, she became the center of rumors about a witch performing divinations and started receiving unwanted visitors, some of which started more rumors that she would provide divination in exchange for leaving dead rats, frogs or worms near her refuge. The Commander eventually heard about the "all-knowing witch" and paid her a visit with Groza and Suomi to locate a fugitive, as a replacement for the high price asked by regular info brokers. The prediction turned out to be accurate and the Commander wanted to buy her services again, but C7U29 refused and instead requested, in her own cryptic way, to join the Elmo, where she was nicknamed "Whitey" (assumedly because of the color of her clothes).

C7U29's strategic ability was thoroughly lacking, but the Elmo was understaffed enough that the Commander kept her as an extra fighter. After finding a leaflet representing a diviner named "Nemesis" with similar tools as her, she requested to use Nemesis as her official name and named her divination tool "the Prism". Around the same time, the previous functions of her communication modules caused her to develop a completely incomprehensible speech pattern. She was aware that she couldn't be understood but couldn't fix it either since her language module considered the wording appropriate.[4] Mayling had also determined that her speech module was functioning normally and concluded that she was speaking this way by choice.[5][6] Nemesis could only communicate with body language until Krolik joined the Elmo in early 2074. For unknown reasons, Krolik could naturally understands Nemesis' speech pattern, though she was also quickly angered by Nemesis' teasing.[7] However, this implied that Krolik always had to be teamed up with Nemesis to solve the problem of strategic communication. Later inspired by Vepley's multilingual singing module, the Commander tasked Mayling with building an automated translator, dubbed the NemesisPod. However, the translator proved too inaccurate and slow to be usable in combat and Krolik remained stuck in the role of Nemesis' interpreter. The NemesisPod remained in use when Nemesis wanted to speak privately with someone.[5]


  • Outfit - Galaxy Interpretation: Default costume.
  • Combat Suit - Nemesis' Training Outfit: Obtained by completing Phase 2 of Beginner Evaluation.
  • Outfit - Serene Dark River: Obtained by completing Phase 5 of Beginner Evaluation.
  • Combat Suit - Wandering Star Trail: Premium costume.


Main artwork

Gallery consisting of artworks used primarily in-game.

Alternative artwork

Alternate gallery consisting of artworks with slight alterations as well as miscellaneous artworks.


  • The Paradeus logo can be seen on her Wandering Star Trail costume.