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Logistic Support

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Revision as of 11:04, 14 November 2018 by TheLaw (talk | contribs) (Logistics 8-1 duration corrected to 1:00:00 and logistics 8-4 duration corrected to 9:00:00)
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Girls' Frontline
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The Logistics Support interface can be accessed through the Combat menu. There, players may send up to four echelons on logistics support missions, which complete after a set amount of time, yielding a fixed amount of resources, with a chance of obtaining one of available additional rewards.

Logistic Support missions have 2 requirements: Min-Level of your Echelon's leader and how many T-dolls in said echelon. There is a chance for logistics to be completed with Great Success status, increasing resource obtained for 50% and higher chance to obtain an additional reward. The chance increases with your average Echelon's level, capped at 60% (Assuming all level 100). (Great Success Rate Up raises the cap to 90%, assuming they're at level 100). With the advent of the mod series raising the level cap, the great success rate can be higher.

Available Missions

Number Additional Rewards Timer
0-1 0 145 145 0 00:50:00
0-2 550 0 0 350 03:00:00
0-3 900 900 900 250 12:00:00
0-4 0 1200 800 750 24:00:00

Number Additional Rewards Timer
1-1 10 30 15 0 00:15:00
1-2 0 40 60 0 00:30:00
1-3 30 0 30 10 01:00:00
1-4 160 160 0 0 02:00:00

Number Additional Rewards Timer
2-1 100 0 0 30 00:40:00
2-2 60 200 80 0 01:30:00
2-3 10 10 10 230 04:00:00
2-4 0 250 600 60 06:00:00

Number Additional Rewards Timer
3-1 50 0 75 0 00:20:00
3-2 0 120 70 30 00:45:00
3-3 0 300 0 0 01:30:00
3-4 0 0 300 300 05:00:00

Number Additional Rewards Timer
4-1 0 185 185 0 01:00:00
4-2 0 0 0 210 02:00:00
4-3 800 550 0 0 06:00:00
4-4 400 400 400 150 08:00:00

Number Additional Rewards Timer
5-1 0 0 100 45 00:30:00
5-2 0 600 300 0 02:30:00
5-3 800 400 400 0 04:00:00
5-4 100 0 0 700 07:00:00

Number Additional Rewards Timer
6-1 300 300 0 100 02:00:00
6-2 0 200 550 100 03:00:00
6-3 0 0 200 500 05:00:00
6-4 800 800 800 0 12:00:00

Number Additional Rewards Timer
7-1 650 0 650 0 02:30:00
7-2 0 650 0 300 04:00:00
7-3 900 600 600 0 05:30:00
7-4 250 250 250 600 08:00:00

Number Additional Rewards Timer
8-1 150 150 150 0 01:00:00
8-2 0 0 0 450 03:00:00
8-3 400 800 800 0 06:00:00
8-4 1500 400 400 100 09:00:00

Number Additional Rewards Timer
9-1 0 0 100 50 00:30:00
9-2 180 0 180 100 01:30:00
9-3 750 750 0 0 04:30:00
9-4 500 900 900 0 07:00:00

Resource per Hour

0-1 0 174 174 0
0-2 183.33 0 0 116.66
0-3 75 75 75 20.83
0-4 0 50 33.33 31.25

1-1 40 120 60 0
1-2 0 80 120 0
1-3 30 0 30 10
1-4 80 80 0 0

2-1 150 0 0 45
2-2 40 133.33 53.33 0
2-3 2.5 2.5 2.5 57.5
2-4 0 41.66 100 10

3-1 150 0 225 0
3-2 0 160 93.33 40
3-3 0 200 0 0
3-4 0 0 60 60

4-1 0 185 185 0
4-2 0 0 0 105
4-3 133.33 91.66 0 0
4-4 50 50 50 18.75

5-1 0 0 200 90
5-2 0 240 120 0
5-3 200 100 100 0
5-4 14.285 0 0 100

6-1 150 150 0 50
6-2 0 66.66 183.33 33.33
6-3 0 0 40 100
6-4 66.66 66.66 66.66 0

7-1 260 0 260 0
7-2 0 216.66 0 100
7-3 163.63 109.09 109.09 0
7-4 31.25 31.25 31.25 75

8-1 150 150 150 0
8-2 0 0 0 150
8-3 66.67 133.33 133.33 0
8-4 166.67 44.44 44.44 11.11

9-1 0 0 200 100
9-2 120 0 120 66.67
9-3 166.67 166.67 0 0
9-4 71.43 128.57 128.57 0

Recommended Missions

All numbers are based from resource per hour.

7-1 260 0 260 0
5-3 200 100 100 0
0-2 183.33 0 0 116.67
9-3 166.67 166.67 0 0
Total 810 266.67 360 116.67

5-2 0 240 120 0
3-3 0 200 0 0
4-1 0 185 185 0
0-1 0 174 174 0
Total 0 799 479 0

7-1 260 0 260 0
3-1 150 0 225 0
5-1 0 0 200 90
9-1 0 0 200 100
Total 410 0 885 190

8-2 0 0 0 150
0-2 183.33 0 0 116.67
4-2 0 0 0 105
6-3 0 0 40 100
Total 183.33 0 40 506.67

1-4 0~0.5
0-2 0~0.33
7-2 0~0.25
9-3 0~0.22
Total 0~1.3
0-1 0~1.2
3-3 0~0.67
9-2 0~0.67
4-2 0~0.5
Total 0~3.03
0-1 0~1.2
1-3 0~1
2-2 0~0.67
3-3 0~0.67
Total 0~3.53
4-1 0~1
8-1 0~0.4
5-3 0~0.25
3-4/6-3 0~0.2
Total 0~1.85