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Zangyin Profile Quotes
Full name Zangyin
Index 1053
Rarity 3
Class Sniper
Affinity ?
Affiliation/Company Cyber Media
Vocation ?
Birthday ?
Voice actor Satsuki Yukino
Artist 雨时狸追
Released on CN (蔵音) (2022-7), EN (2023-8), KR (장음), JP (蔵音)
Arma Inscripta No
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Playable character in Project: Neural Cloud.


This unit is available in Advanced Search some time after its introduction banner, some Targeted Search (banners marked as "Limited") and some Exclusive Search. It may be the rate-up unit in certain Targeted Search banners (marked as "Limited"). It can also be unlocked from its index page by gathering 90 Neural Fragments during events.

Stats / Data[edit]

Initial Stats scaling[edit]

At level 1 and lowest Neural Expansion.

Type Rating
Attack Growth
Hashrate Growth
HP Growth
Physical DEF Growth
Operand DEF Growth

Stats (for CN server)[edit]

How to use
Max HP Crit Rate
Attack Crit Damage
Hashrate Physical Penetration
Physical Defense Operand Penetration
Operand Defense Dodge Rate
Attack Speed Post-battle HP Regen


How to edit skills

Algorithm Slots[edit]

White tiles are unlocked by default. Blue tiles are unlocked by upgrading the Doll. Black tiles cannot be used.

Offense Stability Special

Preferred and Disliked Gifts[edit]

How to use[edit]

Background info[edit]

A Cyber Media EF-55 Folklore Researcher Doll, made to order on a massive budget that vastly overran initial estimates, but perfectly meets required specifications. She specializes in researching and preserving human cultures and uses top-of-the-line memory storage and processors to filter, collect, organize and preserve information on any kind of subject, even if it's the experience of eaten grilled fish. She assisted her owner, Professor Fuji Kenkou, in the preservation of the folklore of Mizune Village, producing the book The Riddle of Mizune Village. She joined Project Neural Cloud shortly after.[1]


Main artworks

Alternative artwork


  • Zangyin is sometimes designated crypter in game files.
  • Zangyin's name is made of the Japanese character for “to store, to hide”, and the Japanese and Chinese character for “sound”. Even on the CN server, the Japanese form (蔵) is used for the first character of her name instead of the Chinese form (藏). Her name is officially pronounced in Chinese regardless.
  • Is a reoccurring character in Nora's novels, having died a total of 11451 times in them per the Tale of Intersecting Dimensional Interstice
