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Tosk is a boss in Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium.
This mech is a crude copy of Ravn. It's missing parts here and there, but its clumsy movements are on point. Its performance is pretty much the same as the original, but its firepower is a little bit on the low side.
Boss of Campaign Stage 1-8.
Possible Weaknesses
Stability Index
Stability damage reduction
Critical values
0% critical chance (DMG×100%)
Movement Points
Targeted Bombardment
No attribute
Basic Attack / Targeted
Range: 8
Area of Effect: Target
Selects 1 enemy target within 3 to 8 tiles and deals physical damage equal to 100% of attack to them.
Flame Strike
No attribute
Active / AoE / Cover Destruction
Range: 2
Area of Effect: --
Selects 1 direction and marks a 3x5 area in front. At the start of the next turn, deals AoE physical damage equal to 130% of attack to all enemy targets in the marked area.
Powerful Deterrence
No attribute
Active / AoE / Cover Destruction / Terrain
Range: Self
Area of Effect: Map
Marks an area covering a 3x3 area, centered on the location of each enemy. At the start of the next turn, deals AoE physical damage that ignores Cover equal to 130% of attack to all enemies within the marked area.
Component Stacking
No attribute
Passive / Buff / Stability Regen
Range: Self
Area of Effect: Target
When stability is greater than 0, reduces damage taken by 60%. When this unit enters Stability Break, applies Limited Mobility for 2 turns. Unable to receive stability restoration effects during Stability Break. Restores stability to full 2 turns after Stability Break.
Battle Traits
Blast Zone, Deep Blocker, Large Target
- Tosk is the Norwegian word for “fool”.