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"We're not at an optimal state yet, commander."

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Full name Ravn
Affiliation Varjagers
Released on CN (), EN (2024-12)
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Ravn is a boss in Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium.


Ravn (normal)

Every component of the Ravn appears to originate from different pieces of engineering machinery, all personally "acquired" by Berserl. The machine gun, main cannon, and massive hammer are all formidable weapons in their own right.

Non-mandatory boss of Stage 1-1 (Note: This boss does not have its stats shown only for this stage).

Possible Weaknesses None
Stability Index
Stability damage reduction 60%
Critical values 0% critical chance (DMG×100%)
Movement Points
Reckless Shot I No attribute
Basic Attack / Targeted
0 Range: 5 Area of Effect: Target

Selects 1 enemy target within 5 tiles and deals physical damage equal to 120% of attack to them.

Battle Traits
Frontal Assault

Ravn (hard)

Every component of the Ravn appears to originate from different pieces of engineering machinery, all personally "acquired" by Berserl. The machine gun, main cannon, and massive hammer are all formidable weapons in their own right.

Boss of Campaign Stage Hard DF-1-5.

Possible Weaknesses Light AmmoMedium AmmoElectric PhaseCorrosion Phase
Stability Index 33
Stability damage reduction 60%
Critical values 0% critical chance (DMG×100%)
Movement Points 3
Precision Bombing No attribute
Basic Attack / Targeted / AoE / Displacement
4 Range: 2 Area of Effect: 3x3
  • Expulsion: Select 1 enemy unit within a 2-tile radius, dealing melee Physical damage equal to 80% of attack on the target and all enemy units within a 3x3 area around it, and knock the target back by 3 tiles.
  • Pillage: Select 1 enemy target within a 3 to 8-tile radius, dealing Physical damage equal to 120% of attack, and increase stability damage by 1 point.
  • Select the nearest enemy target, prioritizing Expulsion for the attack.
Hammer Crush No attribute
Active / AoE / Cover Destruction
4 Range: 2 Area of Effect: --

Selects 1 direction and deals AoE physical damage equal to 100% of attack to all enemies within a 3x5 area in front.

Burning Discipline No attribute
Active / AoE / Cover Destruction / Terrain
4 Range: Self Area of Effect: Map

Marks the location of all enemies and an area of 2 tiles around them. At the start of the next turn, deals 150% of attack as AoE Burn PhaseBurn damage that ignores Cover to all enemies on the marked tiles and generates Lava tiles for 2 turns.

Anchoring Deterrence No attribute
AoE / Split / Cover Destruction / Terrain Traversal
4 Range: Map Area of Effect: 3

Marks the farthest enemy target. At the start of the next turn, deals AoE physical damage equal to 180% of attack that ignores Cover to all enemy units within 3 tiles of the marked target. This damage can be shared.

Focused Flameburst No attribute
Passive / AoE / Cover Destruction / Terrain
5 Range: Map Area of Effect: 3x3

At the end of the action, if stability index is greater than 0, gain 1 stack of Energy Storage. When Energy Storage reaches 3 stacks, mark 1 random enemy target. At the start of the next turn, deal AoE physical damage equal to 150% of attack to all enemy units within the 3x3 area around the marked target. For each point of stability, deal additional damage equal to 20% of attack.

Component Stacking No attribute
Passive / Buff / Stability Regen
0 Range: Self Area of Effect: Target

When stability index is greater than 0, reduce damage taken by 80%. When entering Stability Break, cleanse all Energy Storage. Unable to receive stability restoration effects during Stability Break. Restore stability index to full 2 turns after Stability Break.

Battle Traits
Blast Zone, Deep Blocker, Large Target



  • Ravn is the Norwegian and Danish word for “raven”.
