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Full name Colphne
Affiliation Elmo MCV
Body type SSD-62D
Signature Weapon Taurus Curve
Rarity ██ Standard
Role Support
Specialty Heal & Stability Regen / Assist
Weapon Type HG
Imprint Boost None
Affinities Light AmmoHydro Phase
Weaknesses Shotgun AmmoCorrosion Phase
Meta information
Released on CN (寇尔芙) (2023-12), EN (2024-11)
Voiced by Oozora Naomi (JP)
Shi Haku (CN)
Sung Yewon (KR)
Artist Unknown
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Colphne is a playable character in the game Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium.

How to obtain[edit]

GachaThis Doll is available in standard gacha.RewardSL-2-2 mission reward.


How to edit skills

Neural Helix[edit]

Starting Node Enhancement Node Enhancement Node (Level 20) Evolved Nodes (Level 20) Enhancement Node (Level 25) Enhancement Node (Level 30) Evolved Nodes (Level 30) Enhancement Node (Level 35) Enhancement Node (Level 40) Evolved Nodes (Level 40) Final Node
Gain Cover protection when stability index is greater than 0. Attack +24.0
Defense +21.0
Health +75.0
Attack Boost +5.0%
Fixed Key - Doctor's Orders: The active skill Crisis Aid applies Defense Up I and Shelter to the target for 1 turn. Attack +29.0
Defense +29.0
Health +103.0
Health Boost +5.0%
Fixed Key - Emergency Express: The effects of the active skill Battlefield Glow is enhanced. It also recovers HP to allied targets within 3 tiles. Attack +34.0
Defense +38.0
Attack +39.0
Health +135.0
Fixed Key - Recovery at Rest: Randomly cleanse 1 debuff from the target after healing. Common Key - Fabricated Life: Health Boost +3.0%
Before using a single target active heal, cleanses 1 random debuff from the target.
Fixed Key - Quick Surgery: If an allied target enters Stability Break after being attacked, gain Movement Up II for 1 turn for self. Fixed Key - Combat Medic: When the HP of the user is above 80%, increases their attack by 10%. Fixed Key - Fast Recovery: When using active heals on targets below 50% HP, increases the healing effect by 20%.

Preferred Gifts[edit]


How to use[edit]

Colphne is a defensive support healer. She can be a good early T-Doll to use in terms of AoE heals, defensive buffs, and stability recovery but keep in mind she may not deal decent damage and doesn't provide offensive buffs. Her best in slot gun is her Papa-Figo.

Weapon Background

The Curve is a concealed-carry .380 ACP pistol by Brazilian company Taurus Armas.

Character Background

Although she often appears cheerful and enthusiastic, her face can sometimes take on a completely different, cold expression. The syringe in her handーis it meant to save lives, or take them?

Colphne came across the Elmo crew as they were weary after a mission and offered to join them as a medic. She also doubles as an efficient mediator when crew members butt heads, mostly because they are a bit afraid of her mannerisms and she keeps blackmail material at hand. Also likes reading.[1] The Commander later gifted her the book "The Art of Speechcraft" hoping she would become more careful in choosing her words when acting as the team's mediator, but it just made it worse.[2]

Lore / Story involvement

Colphne is featured in the following:

Colphne was sent by Poludnitsa to join the Elmo crew as replacement for parts she couldn't procure for the Commander. She asked to be outfitted with a Fire Control Core and become a T-Doll, saying she wanted to help in combat on top of her medical duties, but her bubbly attitude conceals a past that deeply haunts her.[3] Formerly registered as medical support Doll TS-K-2076 for 3rd Medical Team of the 11th Medical and Chemical Regiment of the Central Army Emergency First Response unit,[4] Central Army Sixth General Hospital, her regiment was wiped out during an ELID extermination campaign[3] in October 2073, and Colphne was officially declared MIA.[5] She'd rather not talk about her past, but when cornered she's adamant that she never abandoned her unit.[6] She hasn't yet given hope that someone in her unit survived.[4]

The one Doll who can consistently makes Colphne drop her act is Vepley. It seems Colphne cannot stand someone who is genuinely hyper and bubbly.[7]


  • Outfit - Sweetheart Rescue: Default costume.
  • Combat Suit - Colphne's Training Outfit: Obtained by completing phase 4 of Beginner Evaluation missions.
  • Outfit - Unspoken Feelings (静默心声): Obtained from limited-time minor event.


Main artwork

Gallery consisting of artworks used primarily in-game.

Alternative artwork

Alternate gallery consisting of artworks with slight alterations as well as miscellaneous artworks.

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  • As a Doll in the third medical team, Colphne does not have taste modules and cannot taste food including chocolate [8]