Heavy Ordnance Corps
- Heavy Ordnance Corps (HOC) units appear as normal units on the battlefield
- You can have only one of each HOC unit as they are unlocked not gained
- So called Chips (Tetris like stones) are used as "equipment" for the HOC units
- All interactions are within the Dormitory menu
Todo: More information.
Research center
Mission board
Provides up to 3 additional quests. Quest rewards are Raw Samples and Pure Samples.
Data receiver
Every 8 (ToDo: 8?) hours Raw Samples and Pure Samples can be harvested here. ToDo: Does this stack?
Data storage
Defines how many Raw Samples and Pure Samples you can hold.
Processes your Raw Samples and Pure Samples.
- The level of the Computer determines the research tasks you can start parallel and the time it will take (down to 4 hours).
- A research task can be started either with 20 Raw Samples or 20 Pure Samples.
- You can instantly finish a research task with a Quick Analysis Contract similiar to repair or production.
- The result will be a Chip (Tetris like stone) or a HOC Data Unit (ToDo: What's it called?).
- Pure Samples have a higher chance to result in a HOC Data Unit.
- HOC Data Units will be automatically assigned to the corresponding HOC unit.
- Once you aquired 5 Data Units of a HOC unit you can tap the + symbol on it to unlock it.
- Once unlocked all further Data Units will upgrade the HOC unit.
- Upper button on the left side: The overview of all your Chips
- Lower button on the left side: Here you can scrap unneeded HOC data samples
- Lower button "Support units": General overview of your HOC units. You can upgrade them here.
Level determines the amount of Chips you can collect.
Washing machine
Used to restore your HOC units. Level adds another slot up to a max level of 3 (=4 slots).
Shooting range
Used to train your HOC units. You can chose to increase base experience or skill experience here. You need and to do so.
In Battle
- HOC units can only be deployed on a specific helipad (ToDo: insert image and better name here)
- You can deploy a normal echelon or a HOC unit on it
- Can first be found in chapter 9
- The only field where a HOC unit can resupply
- ToDo: Can a HOC unit attack directly?
- HOC units support your echelons in a range of 2 (ToDo: is that so?)
- Multiple HOC units can support an echelon parallel
- ToDo: Can one switch the support on/off?
- Each support task will consume 1 ammo (ToDo: is that so?)
- If attacked by an enemy the HOC unit will flee (ToDo: Can it be redeployed again? Is there something like affection loss?)