Guide:Research Menu

Research allows T-Dolls to improve their skills and Upgrade Equipment,
It is unlocked after the Commander reaches Level 12.
Skill Training

Training a T-Doll to improving their T-Dolls skill effects and it's activation rate.
Requires Training Data that is acquired from data collection missions. It is also gained via random drop points.
To start, tap on an empty slot and select the T-Doll you wish to train.
Research will be completed when the timer hits 00:00:00
The amount and level of training data required for T-Doll skill training varies based on the level of the skill.
Unlike for T-Dolls, the amount of data used for skill training fairies depends on the kind of fairy being trained:
Equipment Strengthen
Upgrade and Strengthen rare equipment requires standard equipment and resource. It is unlocked after finished 1-4 of Night Battle difficult.
Equipment Calibration
Calibration and make better equipment status. It is unlocked after finished 2-4 of Night Battle difficult.
Fairy Strengthen
Upgrade and Strengthen Fairy requires another Fairy and resource. It is unlocked after recived fist fariy from Advance Produce Equipment.
Fairy Calibration
Upgrade and Strengthen rare equipment requires standard equipment and resource. It is unlocked after recived fariy.
Digi-mind Upgrade
Upgrade T-doll to MOD-1 Version and increase more power and ability. Unlock by reach Commander Level 60 and active from G&K Cafe in Dorm menu