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Dushevnaya Story Profile Quotes


In the wake of the war which claimed so many young lives, a great number of the elderly were left uncared for in the 2050s. As a result, there was a great demand for nurses. To help alleviate the situation, some enterprises modified their housekeeping dolls to become nursing dolls. However, many of the elderly who had lived through the war were apprehensive towards these dolls and were reluctant to receive treatment from them.

UAS came out with the Caregiver T55 in response to this problem. Featuring all the advantages of a typical nursing doll, the Caregiver T55 was modeled after a small child, which put patients' hearts and minds at ease.

One of the Caregiver T55's, Dushevnaya, had an extraordinary time working at a nursing home. However, before she joined Project Neural Cloud, there was a gap in time on her resume that was rather difficult to explain.

Doll Profile 1

Dushevnaya is like a warm summer breeze among all sorts of dolls in the Cloud Sector. Her childlike appearance, along with her thoughtfulness and caring nature, makes it easier for others to confide in her. All of this has helped make her one of the most well-liked dolls in the base. When a patient sees Dushevnaya, they feel safe putting down their guard and letting her see what is inside their mind. Her words are simple, but effective in helping others heal.

Dushevnaya's capability of care-giving in real-life scenarios is also on par with that of a professional caretaker. Breakfast in the morning, laundry in the afternoon, reminding everyone to relax in the evening... Perhaps the childlike side of her is precisely what makes her ascribe so much importance to having a daily routine.

"I originally intended on looking after this kid, but she ended up looking after me! ... Would've never thought that possible, heh."
—Cloud Sector Doll Evaluation Report

Doll Profile 2

In the past, adults would expose children to arts as soon as possible in the hopes that this would provide them with an outlet for their innate gifts. Naturally, the same was expected of Dushevnaya.

While in the real world, she would often go outside and draw still-lifes in her spare time. Amongst the rubble and debris, she would find a corner of the world that had not yet deteriorated. With every stroke of her paintbrush, she would capture the beauty of the natural world as she saw it. This habit persisted during the testing phases of Project Neural Cloud. The only difference was that her subject changed to the objects in her immediate vicinity.

With her brush, she breathed life into the sterile laboratory and the cramped dormitory. Perhaps, the reason children take so well to painting is that they have an innate eye for beauty.

Doll Profile 3

Dushevnaya's predilection for oil painting stems from her time spent as a caretaker.

During her time in a nursing home, Dushevnaya was once assigned to look after an elderly widow. The fate of her entire family was uncertain due to the war, so Dushevnaya was the only one who could look after her. In time, the woman eventually warmed up to Dushevnaya, and even viewed her as her own granddaughter. She had once been a painter and she taught Dushevnaya the tricks of the trade, which Dushevnaya felt was a special bond that they shared.

However, good times never last. The moment the woman received news that her family was okay, she left the nursing home to be reunited with them. Dushevnaya had been abandoned, and for a moment she felt lost and frustrated. The fact she connected with people so quickly, also meant that it would hurt all the more when they had to part ways. This was a difficult truth that took some time for Dushevnaya to come to terms with.

Doll Profile 4

Normally, nursing dolls who no longer have someone to care for are sent back to the factory and reformatted for their next subject. However, things were different for Dushevnaya. Before she was reformatted, another doll whom she had worked with purchased her and took her away from the nursing home. In doing so, Dushevnaya was able to preserve the memories she had with the elderly woman.

Leaving the nursing home meant that Dushevnaya had to step outside into the cruel world of adults. Unlike at her previous job, she was nothing special to the outside world, where she was subjected to all of its wicked ways. Although the doll who had purchased her was a capable warrior, Dushevnaya did not enjoy the feeling of being looked after all the time.

One day, Dushevnaya seized an opportunity to slip away, leaving behind her faithful companion. Dushevnaya wanted to once again be self-reliant like she had been at the nursing home. She wanted to be someone that others could rely on.

Doll Profile 5

Dushevnaya doesn't remember what happened after that. When she came to, she was already in the Cloud. There seemed to be an unexplainable gap in her Neural Cloud Record, which made her unable to recall anything after she had set out on her own. The files sent from 42Lab only covered her time as a caretaker, with no mention of anything afterwards.

For Dushevnaya, being in the Oasis is just like it was being in the nursing home. She is just as vivacious and attentive as she always was, and the warmth of her personality is infectious amongst those around her. She is not too bothered by her missing memories, and instead focuses on what needs to be done in the present.

"I'm always driving to improve myself so that I can help more people. Since so many people need me, I've got to try even harder so I don't disappoint them! So, just leave it to me!"
—Doll Psychological Evaluation Recording