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Soviet Union

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"The truth is much more complicated than you think."

This article is written from a Lore perspective. It contains spoilers and different reference materials might be contradictory.

The Soviet Union was a federal union of numerous Soviet republics across Eurasia following a Communist ideology, whose political power was centralized in Russia. They were historical opponents of the United States. In the fictional universe of Sunborn, the Soviet Union endured beyond 1991, but was left weakened after World War Three like most governmental organizations, and was renamed New Soviet Union (新苏联).[1]

The Soviets were pioneers in researching relics technology and managed to secure the use of the powerful Servitors before their downfall, but this came at a steep price in human life.

Organizations in the New Soviet Union


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The KCCO are the Special Forces Command of the New Soviet Army (正规军特种作战司令部), often simply called "The Military" (军方) in the game. A clique within KCCO led by logistics General Carter were prevented from leading a coup d'état by the Bureau of State Security in 2064.

Bureau of State Security

The Bureau of State Security (国家安全局,[2] sometimes translated "Ministry of National Security"[3][4]), also shortened StateSec (安全局), is the secret police of the New Soviet Union, directed by Zielinski.[2] Its name is similar to the old Soviet Committee for State Security (國家安全委員會) or KGB (克格勃) and it is sometimes called by this name.[5] AR M16A1Thumb button.pngM16A1 , AR HK416Thumb button.pngHK416 , SMG UMP45Thumb button.pngUMP45  and SMG UMP40Thumb button.pngUMP40  worked for the Bureau at some point in the past, and Angelia used to be part of the Bureau before being expelled and working for them in an unofficial capacity only.

The Bureau was involved in the Butterfly Incident and in exposing the planned coup d'état by KCCO's General Carter. They later forced the Commander to work for them after they were exposed to classified data, using them to track down Angelia in Belgrade and investigate the ruins of the Paldiski Submarine Base near Tallinn.

Ministry of Internal Affairs

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (內务部) is a branch dedicated to maintaining the internal stability of the New Soviet Union. It shares its name with the real-world Russian MVD, successor to the Soviet People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs, or NKVD (内务人民委员部). They worked with the Bureau of State Security to counter Carter's coup d'état.[5]

Berezovich Kryuger worked for this ministry before retiring and founding the Griffin & Kryuger PMC in 2053.[6]

Air Force

The Air Force Command of the New Soviet Army was opposed to Carter's clique during his attempted coup d'état.[5]


Pioneers of relics technology research

Russia was the first nation in history to discover a relics site near Tungus river, in 1905, under Tsarist rule. The Tsar himself commanded the research, which took place at the Lomonosov State University of Moscow. This early work gave Russia a 40 years headstart in relics technology over the rest of the world, though it did not come without danger. The Tunguska event of 1908 was in fact the first time humans produced catastrophic events while not handling relics properly, as a reactor went haywire and produced an atom-bomb like explosion at the site of the relic.

During the last year of World War Two, the Soviet Trade Federation, a special war spoils committee controlled by the GKO, competed with the American Team Alsos to plunder the war secrets of the Nazi and the Japanese. The Americans seemingly plundered much more materials than the Soviets, but this was because they were focused on acquiring relics technologies rather than nuclear, rocket and aircraft technology. Their main objective was Urkunde-01, a complete relic and the first site excavated by the Third Reich by their Organization Todt in Bleicherode under the Nordhausen-Harz mountains, as part of Project Koschei. Bleicherode is where the US forces captured Wernher Von Braun, but the understaffed Alsos team prioritized the rocketry equipment and personnel, essentially yielding 10 years worth of relics research to the advancing Red Army's vanguards. The Trade Federation also recovered Josef Mengele and the results of his human experiments at Auschwitz, which the Soviets later combined with the Kaiser Wilhelm Research Institute medical archives of Berlin and their own Gulag experiment to further gain an advantage in their research work.

When the Cold War started, the US advantage in the field of nuclear weaponry held only until 1949, when the Soviets matched their capabilities thanks to their own research.[7]

“Starfish” and Servitors

In 1950, the Soviets started experiments at the finished “Starfish”, officially called the Tabasar-B Proving Grounds. The installation was 146.63 km² large with five axes radiating from its center in a starfish-like shape, and was a replica of the production system which was the purpose of the Bleicherode relic. It would take eleven years for the first production cycle to bear fruits. The Starfish was a matter of great concern for the US because they couldn't know if it was an offensive system, and they kept over two bases' worth of strategic nuclear weapons pointed at the site as soon as they developed the necessary intercontinental ballistic missile capability.[7] The site was very heavily defended, with a regiment worth of aircraft, a cordon of anti-air turrets and a dense coverage of missiles including SA-2 Guidelines.

In 1957, the Soviets launched the first man-made satellite, prompting the US to reform their relics research structure, and in 1958, the Soviet Union discovered the existence of the American relics site D1. On direct instructions from Khrushchev, the KGB formed the 16th Directorate to direct all relics research and excavation, accelerating the rate of finds. Mengele's new research institute and his previous research circulated in Gulag camps for further experiments, the largest one being in the Falkland Islands.[8] M.J. Syrzrvia's work at the Starfish yielded results in 1961 with the first controllable Servitors based on the work of Professor Romansky of the Lomonosov State University, though only then did they truly realize what they had created. Only 4 to 6 units could be produced per year due the a lack of understanding of the production technology and process.[9] Continuing on the high notes of the Vienna Summit, the construction of the Berlin Wall and the resumption of illegal nuclear tests, Khrushchev took another occasion to frighten the US by making the first public display of relic research results by parading the Servitors during the October Revolution Parade in November 1961.[8]

OKb-10 incident and Servitors deployment

Following the success of the Starfish, no real progress was made by the Soviets because of their system of independent research sites, which hampered information sharing. Syrzrvia asked multiple time to the KGB's 16th Directorate to centralize information at the Lomonosov State University, but this system was too similar to the American centralization of research in ARPA and the KGB opposed the method until the 1973 OKb-10 incident.[9]

On 12 May, 1973, contact was lost with the OKb-10 relics site under the arctic polar cap. North Fleet Marines were deployed to investigate, and clashed with an unidentified enemy, briefly controlling the situation before being wiped out by biological degradation, reducing their life expectancy inside the relic to 20 minutes despite their Class III anti-biochemical equipment which should have shielded them from any biological or chemically-active environment for over an hour.[9]

Between 1950 and 1980, 5 relics sites were found on Soviet soil: OKb-37 in Ukraine, OKb-88 at Kapustin Yar on the shores of the River Volga, OKb-11 at Iturup Island, OKb-456 at Siberia’s Yamsk-1 and the infamous OKb-10 under the Arctic polar ice cap. These last two were estimated to be over 100 square kilometers in area.[8] In 1981, as the Soviet Union was bogged down in Afghanistan, it deployed a relic technology weapon in live combat for the first time by using Servitors to utterly destroy fortified villages sheltering mujahideen leaders. However, the rate of ELID infection was growing rapidly with the intensity of relics research, and by 1981 the growth rate was deemed dangerous both by the West and the East.[10]


With mediation from the Vatican and World Health Organization, the Dresden Accords took place in 1981 and were signed on November 3rd. Both parties agreed to stop relics research effort for the time being, to dismantle currently deployed relics weapons, and to work toward a vaccine for ELID, with research debuting on 1983.[10] The Falkland Islands gulag experimental installations passed under the United Nations Medical Research Institute as part of the Accords.[8]

The Accords would later be expanded into the Dresden Convention, paving the way to international collaboration on relics technology and GAVIRUL Reproduction Projects.[10] The Soviet Union's power was drastically reduced after the end of World War Three in 2051. Its spiritual successor is the Union of Rossartrism Nations Coalition, following the ideology of Rossartrism.


  1. Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, Purification Zone
  2. 2.0 2.1 Continuum Turbulence, Hurricane Rescue
  3. Girls' Frontline 4-2
  4. Deep Dive 2-3, Audio File 6
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Singularity, Last Resort I
  6. The Art of Girls' Frontline Vol.1, Confidential Files, The Second Generation of Tactical Dolls
  7. 7.0 7.1 Codename: Bakery Girl, Secret Document 2
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Codename: Bakery Girl, Secret Document 5
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Codename: Bakery Girl, Secret Document 3
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Codename: Bakery Girl, Secret Document 9