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Makiatto Story Profile
Full name Makiatto
Affiliation Zucchero Café
Body type SSD-62D
Signature Weapon WA2000
Rarity ██ Elite
Role Sentinel
Specialty Single Target Damage / First Strike
Weapon Type RF
Imprint Boost Bittersweet Caramel
Affinities Heavy AmmoFreeze Phase
Weaknesses Light AmmoBurn Phase
Meta information
Released on CN (玛绮朵) (2024-4), EN (2024-12)
Voiced by Tomatsu Haruka (JP)
謝莹 (CN)
Lee Myeongho (KR)
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Makiatto is a playable character in the game Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium.

    For the corresponding character in Girls' Frontline, see WA2000.

How to obtain

GachaThis Doll can only be obtained in time-limited gacha banners.RewardNot obtained as a reward.


How to edit skills

Neural Helix

Starting Node Enhancement Node Enhancement Node (Level 20) Evolved Nodes (Level 20) Enhancement Node (Level 25) Enhancement Node (Level 30) Evolved Nodes (Level 30) Enhancement Node (Level 35) Enhancement Node (Level 40) Evolved Nodes (Level 40) Final Node
Gain Cover protection when stability index is greater than 0. Attack +39.0
Defense +23.0
Health +77.0
Attack Boost +5.0%
Fixed Key - Additional Intelligence: When the active skill Cold Precision Shot results in a kill, gains 1 point of Confectance Index. Attack +48.0
Defense +29.0
Health +105.0
Attack Boost +5.0%
Fixed Key - Indomitable Lone Wolf: After using the active skill Professional Tactics, if there are no other allied units within 3 tiles, gains 1 stack of Lone Wolf. Attack +56.0
Defense +38.0
Attack +64.0
Health +137.0
Fixed Key - Heated Caramel: At the start of the battle, applies Murderous Intent to the enemy unit with the highest HP. Common Key - Survival Instinct: Attack Boost +5.0%
At the start of the action, if own HP is greater than 80%, reduces stability damage taken from attacks by 2 points. This can trigger at most once per turn.
Fixed Key - Iced with Milk Foam: Gain 3 points of Confectance Index at the start of the battle. Fixed Key - Time for a Break: When using Lone Wolf Territory, Cold Precision, or Professional Tactics over a Freeze PhaseFreeze tile, cleanses all Freeze PhaseFreeze debuffs from self and gains 3 tiles of Additional Movement. Fixed Key - Absolute Concentration: Increases attack by 10% at the start of the battle. This effect lasts until HP drops below 100% for the first time.

Preferred Gifts


How to use

A decent single-target damage dealer who has Alert when an enemy tries to attack any ally, she intercepts them while her own shield is active. Her v1 is a massive improvement of damage. Her best in slot gun is her Bittersweet Caramel.

Weapon Background

Character Background

A calm, proud, yet awkward Doll who isn't good at expressing herself. She loves fluffy little animals and overly sweet macchiatos. Always a loner, her gaze often lingers somewhere. When will she finally get the response she's been longing for?

Outstanding, haughty, a true elite, and a tsundere (don't say that to her face). After leaving G&K, she began taking commissions in the Green Zone. She took the name of the most elites of drinks, the caramel Macchiato (she'll deny it). Her words are sharps, but she can't hide the blush on her face. She rehearsed your reunion thousands of time, but will she be able to keep it together when you'll meet again?[3]

Lore / Story involvement

Makiatto is featured in the following:


  • Outfit - Caramel Melody: Default costume.
  • Outfit - Ballroom Interlude: Premium costume.
  • Outfit - Embroidered Bamboo, Blooming Shadows: Premium costume.


Main artwork

Gallery consisting of artworks used primarily in-game.

Alternative artwork

Alternate gallery consisting of artworks with slight alterations as well as miscellaneous artworks.


  • Character PV
  • Her name is derived from the Italian word “macchiato” (pronounced mak'kia'to), better known from the beverage “coffee macchiato”. She chose it on a whim based on the drink Springfield made to satisfy her sweet tooth.[4]
    • "macchiato" is transcribed 玛奇朵 in Standard Chinese, but her name uses the slightly altered 玛绮朵, with the second character replaced by a character meaning "beautiful".
    • Before the Global release of Exilium, her name was transcripted in the CN servers in “Macqiato”, because the letter "Q" is used in the Pinyin method of Chinese-to-English transcription to represent a variant of the "tch" sound from received Italian pronunciation.
  • A special PV showcasing Su Embroidery, a National Intangible Cultural Heritage of China, was produced to promote the Embroidered Bamboo, Blooming Shadows costume.