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Z-62: Difference between revisions

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{{T-Doll|title =  Z-62
|index = 116
|index = 116
|nationality = Hispanic
|nationality = Spain
|classification =  SMG
|classification =  SMG
|rarity = 3
|rarity = 3
|manufacturer =  STAR Bonifacio Echeverria SA company
|manufacturer =  STAR Bonifacio Echeverría S.A.
|artist = Allenes
|artist = {{artist name|ALLENES}}
|fullname = Star Model Z62
|fullname = Star Model Z62
|voiceactor = Nomizu Iori
|voiceactor = {{voice actor name|Nomizu Iori}}
|faction = [[Griffin & Kryuger]]
|manufactureringame = [[I.O.P.]]
{{doll_server_alias|server=CN|alias=Z-62|year=2016|month=8}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=TW|alias=Z-62}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=KR|alias=Z-62}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=EN|alias=Z-62}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=JP|alias=Z-62}}
| weaponinfo = The Star Model Z62 is a submachine gun of Spanish origin.
The Star Z62 was developed by STAR Bonifacio Echeverria SA company of Spain circa 1962, and was adopted by Spanish army, police and Guardia Civil in 9mm Largo. For export it was offered in more common 9mm Luger/Parabelum chambering. In the 1971 Star company came with updated version of Z62, called Z70b. This gun had minor modifications, described below, and also was manufactured in 9mm Largo for Spanish service and in 9mm Luger for export. In Spanish army it was replaced in mid-1980s by the Star Z84.
Star Z62 is a blowback operated, selective fire submachine gun. The tubular receiver in its front part also acts as a heat-shield, the cocking handle is located at the left side and does not move when gun is fired. The firing pin is mounted within the massive cylindrical bolt and is operated by lever, which protrudes from the bolt and moves the firing pin off the bolt face only when bolt is its forward most position. Another interesting feature is a two-finger trigger, which also acts as a fire selector, depending on what part of the trigger (upper or the lower) user pressed. The safety was of cross-bolt type. The metallic buttstock folds under the gun when not in use and can be used as a handguard. Rear sight has flip-up "L"-shaped blade with two settings, for 100 and 200 meters. Z70b is in most aspects similar to the Z62, but it utilizes more conventional safety / fire selector switch above the trigger guard and a conventional trigger, and also has magazine catch of different type.
|design =
|nonormalcraft = 1
|drop = [[Operation Cube]] (E1-2, E1-3, E1-4), [[Operation Cube Plus]] (E1-2, E1-3, E1-4)
|craft= 2:05:00
|min_dmg= 10
|min_dmg= 10
|max_dmg= 27
|max_dmg= 28
|min_eva= 10
|min_eva= 10
|max_eva= 77
|max_eva= 77
Line 19: Line 37:
|max_hp= 168
|max_hp= 168
|mov= 12
|mov= 12
|craft= N/A
|aura1= Affects assault rifles
|aura1= Affects assault rifles
|aura2= Increases damage by 12%
|aura2= Increases damage by 12%
|aura3= Increases evasion by 10%
|aura3= Increases evasion by 10%
|tile1= 1
|tile1= 1
|tile4= 1
|tile4= 1
|tile5 = 0
|costume1 = Swimming Lesson
|costume2 = Casual Afternoon Game
|skillname = Incendiary Grenade
|skillid = Napalm
|gallery= <gallery>
| characterid = <!-- For voice acting, put on character name if unsure-->
File:Z-62_S.png|Profile image
| GAIN_CN = 我是星Z-62,指挥官,很荣幸获得您的收留,我会好好表现。
File:Z-62.png|Full artwork
File:Z-62_D.png|Full damaged artwork
File:Z-62 costume1.png|"Swimming Lesson" Full artwork
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 嗯,我在这里,请下达指示。
File:Z-62_costume1 D.png|"Swimming Lesson" Full damaged artwork
File:Z-62 costume2.png|"Casual Afternoon Game" Full artwork
| DIALOGUE1_EN = Yes, I'm here, please give me your instructions.
File:Z-62_costume2 D.png|"Casual Afternoon Game" Full damaged artwork
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 指挥官,这一页的理论,您能指点我一下吗?
| DIALOGUE2_EN = Commander, about the theory form this paper, can you give me some pointers?
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 指挥官,您是没事可做了吗?有这个时间,不如多看几本书呢。
File:Z-62_D (Censored).png|Full damaged artwork (Censored)
File:Z-62 costume1 (Censored).png|"Swimming Question" Full artwork (Censored)
| DIALOGUE3_EN = Commander, do you really have nothing to do? It's better if you use this time to study.
File:Z-62_costume1 D (Censored).png|"Swimming Question" Full damaged artwork (Censored)
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 指挥官,您最近推荐的书也充满格调呢。我们真是越来越有默契了,那么今后还拜托您了哦。
File:Summer Waves Login Wallpaper.png|"Summer Waves" login wallpaper Illustrated by 废人
| INTRODUCTION_CN =星式Z-62冲锋枪,是基于MP40研制的Z-45冲锋枪的改进版。吸取了那个时代各类冲锋枪的特点,我对此深感荣幸。而且,虽然是比较陈旧的武器,却被大家信赖了数十年之久,也是值得自豪的地方
| SOULCONTRACT_CN =指挥官,感谢您的选择,只是……我不确定,能不能胜任您的信赖。不过,如果是您期望的,我就会向这个方向努力,请看着我吧!
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 今天的夜晚……一定很吵吧,我还是在屋里看书好了。
| backgroundinfo = The Star Model Z62 is a submachine gun of Spanish origin.

The Star Z62 was developed by STAR Bonifacio Echeverria SA company of Spain circa 1962, and was adopted by Spanish army, police and Guarda Civil in 9mm Largo. For export it was offered in more common 9mm Luger/Parabelum chambering. In the 1971 Star company came with updated version of Z62, called Z70b. This gun had minor modifications, described below, and also was manufactured in 9mm Largo for Spanish service and in 9mm Luger for export. In Spanish army it was replaced in mid-1980s by the Star Z84.
| trivia =
*Her "Swimming Question" costumes damaged CG was a lot more questionable during early sketches, though this was rejected for uhh... obvious reasons.

Star Z62 is a blowback operated, selective fire submachine gun. The tubular receiver in its front part also acts as a heatshield, the cocking handle is located at the left side and does not move when gun is fired. The firing pin is mounted within the massive cylindrical bolt and is operated by lever, which protrudes from the bolt and moves the firing pin off the bolt face only when bolt is its forwardmost position. Another intersting feature is a two-finger trigger, which also acts as a fire selector, depending on what part of the trigger (upper or the lower) user pressed. The safety was of cross-bolt type. The metallic buttstock folds under the gun when not in use and can be used as a handguard. Rear sight has flip-up "L"-shaped blade with two settings, for 100 and 200 meters. Z70b is in most aspects similar to the Z62, but it utilises more conventional safety / fire selector switch above the triggerguard and a conventional trigger, and also has magazine catch of different type.
| trivia = she is a drop from the event "operation cube"
| references = *[http://news.4399.com/snqx/qniang/3/m/661935.html Moegirl entry of Z62]
| references = *[http://news.4399.com/snqx/qniang/3/m/661935.html Moegirl entry of Z62]
*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Model_Z62 Wikipedia entry of Z62]
*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Model_Z62 Wikipedia entry of Z62]
[[Category:T-Dolls with censoring]]

Latest revision as of 18:36, 2 August 2024

Z-62 Story Quotes
Gun Information
Full name Star Model Z62
Country of origin Spain
Manufacturer STAR Bonifacio Echeverría S.A.
Game Information
Faction Griffin & Kryuger
Manufactured /
Revised by
Voice actor Nomizu Iori
Released on CN (2016-8), TW, KR, EN, JP
Chibi Animation

Click the marked area to switch between animations. For details regarding animations, please see Animations on the Wiki.

View page template

How to obtain[edit]

NORMALHEAVY Timer 2:05:00. See T-Doll Production for details.

DROP Operation Cube (E1-2, E1-3, E1-4), Operation Cube Plus (E1-2, E1-3, E1-4)

REWARD Not obtained as a reward

Exclusive Equipment[edit]

There is no exclusive equipment for this T-Doll.

Union Skill[edit]

There is no union skill for this T-Doll.

Stats / Data[edit]

84(x1)168(x1) / 840(x5) 25(x1) / 85(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5)
10 28
10 77
2 15
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
52 77
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to other Dolls of the same type.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to every other Doll.

Affects assault rifles
Increases damage by 12%
Increases evasion by 10%
How to edit skills

Weapon Background[edit]

The Star Model Z62 is a submachine gun of Spanish origin.

The Star Z62 was developed by STAR Bonifacio Echeverria SA company of Spain circa 1962, and was adopted by Spanish army, police and Guardia Civil in 9mm Largo. For export it was offered in more common 9mm Luger/Parabelum chambering. In the 1971 Star company came with updated version of Z62, called Z70b. This gun had minor modifications, described below, and also was manufactured in 9mm Largo for Spanish service and in 9mm Luger for export. In Spanish army it was replaced in mid-1980s by the Star Z84.

Star Z62 is a blowback operated, selective fire submachine gun. The tubular receiver in its front part also acts as a heat-shield, the cocking handle is located at the left side and does not move when gun is fired. The firing pin is mounted within the massive cylindrical bolt and is operated by lever, which protrudes from the bolt and moves the firing pin off the bolt face only when bolt is its forward most position. Another interesting feature is a two-finger trigger, which also acts as a fire selector, depending on what part of the trigger (upper or the lower) user pressed. The safety was of cross-bolt type. The metallic buttstock folds under the gun when not in use and can be used as a handguard. Rear sight has flip-up "L"-shaped blade with two settings, for 100 and 200 meters. Z70b is in most aspects similar to the Z62, but it utilizes more conventional safety / fire selector switch above the trigger guard and a conventional trigger, and also has magazine catch of different type.


Main artwork

Gallery consisting of artworks used primarily in-game. For information on how to obtain certain costumes, see Skin Catalogue.

Alternative artwork

Alternate gallery consisting of artworks with slight alterations as well as miscellaneous artworks.


  • Her "Swimming Question" costumes damaged CG was a lot more questionable during early sketches, though this was rejected for uhh... obvious reasons.
