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UMP9 Story Quotes Live2D

Base Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition UMP9,加入作战。既然是家人,就让我们一起努力吧! UMP9ただいま就任!みんなこれからは家族だ!Play UMP9 has come home! Everybody, we're family now!
Introduction UMP冲锋枪的新款型号,就是我,UMP9了!和UMP45、40一样,是为了取代MP5而研发的新式冲锋武器。和其他姐妹不同的是,装配的是9X19毫米手枪弹,无论性能和市场销量,都是很受好评的哦,指挥官,让我们好好相处吧! New model of UMP sub machine gun, that's me, UMP9! Just like UMP45, 40, I'm developed to replace MP5. The difference between me and my sisters, is that I'm chambered for 9x19 handgun ammo. Whether it be performance or sale figures, I'm very well regarded~  Commander, let's get along~!
Secretary 指挥官!……嘻嘻♪没事,就是想叫你一下。  指揮官!…えへへ、何でもないよ~Play Commander! ...heehee♪ It's nothing, I just wanted your attention for a bit.
45姐,是你在后面吗?……唔……还是指挥官呢? 45姉、いる?あ…指揮官か。Play 45 sis, is that you behind me? ...oooh ...or is it Commander?
干什么呀,指挥官!我不是你想象中的那种人!……至少,现在还不是……" 何するんですか指揮官!まだそういう関係じゃないでしょう。Play What are you doing, Commander? I'm not the kind of person you're thinking of! least, right now, I'm not...
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander are you leaving right now? As your family, should I give you a "Goodbye kiss"? You expected it just now didn't you! I can see it in your eyes!
This warm feeling... So this is what "Love" is? Commander it seems like, our relationship progressed even further... Now we are truly a family... Thank you...
Greeting 早啊,指挥官。今天有什么安排,要早点和我说哦。 おはよう指揮官!今日も何かあったら言ってよね。Play Good morning Commander. Please inform me of today's plan at your earliest convenience.
T-Doll Produced 新同伴……是谁呢?偷偷告诉我吧? 新しい仲間…誰だろう…。Play New comrade...? Who might it be...
Joining an echelon UMP9,加入作战。既然是家人,就让我们一起努力吧! UMP9、作戦に入ります。一緒に頑張りましょう!Play UMP9, ready for combat. Since we're family now, let's look out for each other!
Enhancement 啊,给我的?指挥官,非常感谢! わたしに?ありがとう指揮官!Play Oh, for me? Thank you Commander!
Dummy-linking 扩编完成!指挥官,你今后要更辛苦了哦! 編成拡大(へんせいかくだい)~もっと働くぞ~。Play Expansion complete! Commander you'll have more to deal with from now~!
Logistics (start) 好!向新的世界,出发! よしっ!新しい世界へ、出発!Play Right! Towards the new world! Let's go!
Logistics (end) 我们回来啦,指挥官,说好的点心呢? あら、約束のおやつは?Play We're back Commander, where are the promised desserts?
Autobattle 支援小队抵达!大家要撑住啊! 支援隊到着!もうちょっとふんばって!Play Supports on their way! Everyone hold on!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 只要是您的任务,我就一定会做到! 任務を必ず遂行します!Play The mission will be accomplished!
Starting a battle 请指示! 指示を!Play By your commands!
Skill activation 再见了! さようなら。Play Bye bye!
消失吧! 消えちまえ!Play Disappear!
碍事的东西,别妨碍我的任务! わたしの任務を邪魔しないで!Play Get out of my way, I have a task to do!
Heavily damaged 这……这该怎么办,指挥官,不要看啊! ど…どうしよう!指揮官見ないで!Play Wh...How did it end up like this! Commander...!
Retreat 呜……对不起,指挥官,我们……我们这就回去…… うううぅ…ごめんなさい指揮官…いま帰ります…。Play Wuuhh... Sorry Commander, We... We're returning now...
MVP 任务成功!嘻嘻♪指挥官,你要怎么奖励我呢? 任務成功!えへへ~指揮官、どんなご褒美をくれるの?Play Missions accomplished! Hehe, What kind of rewards awaits me Commander?
Restoration 指挥官……你的肩膀……请借我一下…… 指揮官…肩…貸してくれる?Play Commander... Please... Lend me your shoulder for a moment...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 变装之夜到了,要和45姐集合呢……啊?!……45姐,是你吗……别,别吓我啊! トリックオアトリート!Play Trick or treat!
Christmas メリークリスマス!今日は416ちゃんと料理するから火事ならないよう…頑張ります!Play Merry Christmas! Today I'll be cooking with 416, so hopefully we won't start a goes!
New Year's Day 明けましておめでとうございます!どうです?私が一番早く挨拶でしょう?


Valentine's day 指挥官,今天收到的巧克力,是不是有点多呢?……所以,再多一份也不要紧吧,嘿嘿♪ 指揮官、今日もらったチョコ多すぎないですか?……だから、もう一つもらってもいいんじゃない、えへへ♪


Commander, you received so much chocolate today, isn't it too much?…… That's why, a little more won't hurt right? hehe♪
Tanabata 七夕の短冊を書けましょう指揮官!


Commander, let's write our Tanabata tanzoku!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

MOD3 Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 我回来了,指挥官!作为家人的我们才不会那么轻易就被分开呢! ただいま指揮官!家族なんだから、そんな簡単に別れしたりしないよ!Play I'm back, Commander! We're family after all, we won't be so easily separated!
Secretary 虽然不知道指挥官对于家人的看法是什么……但我相信我们想要保护她们的目标是不会变的! 指揮官にとっての家族が何なのか分からないけど、あの子たちを守りたい気もちは私と同じだと思う!Play Even though I don't know what Commander's opinion on family is... I believe we need to protect them, and that won't ever change!
嘿嘿,光听脚步声就知道不是45姐了,不过遇到指挥官你……也很开心哦。 ひひ!足音で45姉じゃないのよすぐ分かったけど、指揮官でも嬉しい!Play Hehe, I knew it wasn't 45-neesan just from your footsteps, but meeting the Commander instead... I'm happy too!
我们做的那么多事情……真的足够了吗? 私たち、色々やってきたけど…本当にこれでいいのかな?Play After everything we've done... is it truly enough?
Secretary (post OATH)
Emm? Don't think too hard about what to say. After all... in this big family, our hearts are already connected.
This warm feeling... So this is what "Love" is? Commander it seems like, our relationship progressed even further... Now we are truly a family... Thank you...
Greeting あ、指揮官!今日の仕事はもう決めた?Play Ah, Commander! Have you decided on a job for us today?
T-Doll Produced 新しい仲間だね!みんなに挨拶しよう!Play A new friend has arrived! Come say hello to everybody!
Joining an echelon 家族の為なら、なんだって出来るよ!Play For my family, I can do anything!
Enhancement 遠慮しないで!このお礼をきっと返すから!Play Don't be shy! I'll definitely pay this back!
Dummy-linking 編成拡大~!もっと働くぞ!Play Expansion complete! You'll have more to deal with from now on~!
Logistics (start) よし!新しい世界へ、出発!Play Alright! Time to head out into a brand new world!
Logistics (end) あら?約束のお八つは?Play Huh? Where are our rewards?
Autobattle 支援隊到着!もうちょっと踏ん張って!Play Support is on the way! Hang on for just a bit longer!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 家族の為なら、私は絶対止まらないよ!Play For my family, I will stop at nothing!
Starting a battle 私一人で十分!Play I alone am enough!
Skill activation 食らえ!Play Eat this!
私がみんなの宴号!Play I will support everyone!
邪魔しないで!Play Don't get in my way!
Heavily damaged はわ、なんでこんなことに…Play Ah, why is this happening...
Retreat 私に出来ることは、ここまでみたい、45姉!Play I can't do anything in this state, big sis 45!
MVP 予想通りだね!次の予定も決めないと!Play Just as I thought! I've already come up with a new plan!
Restoration 指揮官、肩返してくれる?Play Commander... please... lend me your shoulder for a moment...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
New Year's Day
Valentine's day

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Loading Play

Children's Day Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition UMP9,加入作战。既然是家人,就让我们一起努力吧! UMP9、ただいま就任!みんなこれからは家族だ!Play UMP9 has come home! Everybody, we're family now!
Introduction UMP冲锋枪的新款型号,就是我,UMP9了!和UMP45、40一样,是为了取代MP5而研发的新式冲锋武器。和其他姐妹不同的是,装配的是9X19毫米手枪弹,无论性能和市场销量,都是很受好评的哦,指挥官,让我们好好相处吧! New model of UMP sub machine gun, that's me, UMP9! Just like UMP45, 40, I'm developed to replace MP5. The difference between me and my sisters, is that I'm chambered for 9x19 handgun ammo. Whether it be performance or sale figures, I'm very well regarded~ Commander, let's get along~!
Secretary 指挥官你快看!45姐的小裙子转圈圈的时候会飞起来呢!人家也想穿小裙子嘛。 指揮官見て見て!45姉がくるくるル回ったら、スカートも一緒にひらひらしてるよ!私もスカート履な~Play Look Commander! 45 nee-chan's skirt flies when she twirls! I knew she wanted to wear one too!
指挥官,你醒着吗?指挥官,现在你还醒着吗?……唔,45姐说等你睡着了就可以给你画花脸了……啊不对,45姐说我不能说是45姐说的! 指揮官、起きてる?指揮官、まだ起きてる?ひ、指揮官が寝たら顔にらくがきしていいって45姉が言いてだから!あ違う!45姉が言いたって言っちゃダメって45姉が言いたんだから!Play Commander, are you asleep? Commander, are you asleep now? ...Uuu, 45 nee-chan said I can draw on your face when you fall asleep... Ah! 45 nee-chan said not to tell you she told me!
咦?带着狗狗包出门会很幼稚吗?不过我本来就是小孩子嘛,我才不要长大呢,大人的世界实在是太麻烦啦。 ふえ?わんちゃんのかばんって子供っぽいの?でも、わたしは子供だもん!大きくなんてなりたくないもん!だって、大人の世界は面倒くさいんだから!Play Hm? Do I look childish with Mr. Doggy? But I am a child! And I don't wanna grow up! Being adult looks like such a drag!
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, Commander, let's play train! I'll be the engine! Hm, don't wanna play? You're letting me down, Commander... Then I let you be the engine!
Uwaa! This looks way more expensive then a toy... Then, Commander will take care of me with 45 nee-chan from now on! Remember to help me with making breakfast everyday! Huh? Helping your little sister with these kind of things is just natural! Hehe~
Greeting 早啊,指挥官。今天有什么安排,要早点和我说哦。 おはよう指揮官!今日も何かあったら言ってよね。Play Good morning Commander. Please inform me of today's plan at your earliest convenience.
T-Doll Produced 新同伴……是谁呢?偷偷告诉我吧? 新しい仲間…誰だろう…。Play New comrade...? Who might it be...
Joining an echelon UMP9,加入作战。既然是家人,就让我们一起努力吧! 家族の一員として、UMP9!今日も頑張ります!Play UMP9, ready for combat. Since we're family now, let's look out for each other!
Enhancement 啊,给我的?指挥官,非常感谢! わたしに?ありがとう指揮官!Play Oh, for me? Thank you Commander!
Dummy-linking 扩编完成!指挥官,你今后要更辛苦了哦! 編成拡大~もっと働くぞ~。Play Expansion complete! Commander you'll have more to deal with from now~!
Logistics (start) 好!向新的世界,出发! よしっ!新しい世界へ、出発!Play Right! Towards the new world! Let's go!
Logistics (end) 我们回来啦,指挥官,说好的点心呢? あら、約束のおやつは?Play We're back Commander, where are the promised desserts?
Autobattle 支援小队抵达!大家要撑住啊! 支援隊到着!もうちょっとふんばって!Play Supports on their way! Everyone hold on!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン! 소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 只要是您的任务,我就一定会做到! 任務を必ず遂行します! The mission will be accomplished!
Starting a battle 45姉、わたし行くよ!
Skill activation びーびー!目くらまし
Heavily damaged うう痛い…新しい服がよぼれちゃったよ。 Wh...How did it end up like this! Commander...!
Retreat ふええごめんなさい指揮官。今帰ります。 Wuuhh... Sorry Commander, We... We're returning now...
MVP 任务成功!嘻嘻♪指挥官,你要怎么奖励我呢? 任務成功!えへへ~指揮官、どんなご褒美をくれるの? Missions accomplished! Hehe, What kind of rewards awaits me Commander?
Restoration 指揮官!痛いの痛いの飛んでけ~やってよ!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 变装之夜到了,要和45姐集合呢……啊?!……45姐,是你吗……别,别吓我啊! Night of transformation is here, time to meet up with 45... Ahh?! ...45, is that you... Don.. Don't scare me like this!
New Year's Day
Valentine's day 指挥官,今天收到的巧克力,是不是有点多呢?……所以,再多一份也不要紧吧,嘿嘿♪ 指揮官、今日もらったチョコ多すぎないですか?……だから、もう一つもらってもいいんじゃない、えへへ♪ Commander, you received so much chocolate today, isn't it too much?…… That's why, a little more won't hurt right? hehe♪

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English