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Sextans is a boss in Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium.
Sextans (normal)
An excellent chess player, able to use everything on the board ー including the enemy's pieces.
Boss of Campaign Stage 3-10.
Onyx Stele
Spawned by Sextans.
File:Onyx Stele S.png
Possible Weaknesses
Stability Index
Stability damage reduction
Critical values
0% critical chance (DMG×100%)
Movement Points
No attribute
Active / Targeted / Debuff
Range: 1
Area of Effect: 5
Select 1 direction around self and charge towards the farthest tile within 5 tiles in that direction, dealing melee physical damage equal to 100% of attack to the first enemy target on the path and applying Stun for 1 turn.
Battle Traits
No traits
Sextans' most dangerous ability is the Degradation Marks, which deal damage to the Dolls when they take action (especially dangerous if Sextans inflicted Delicate on the same Doll by attacking her). Waiting for the marks to wear off usually isn't an option because of other enemies on the field. Destroying Onyx Steles cleanses a mark (and prevent the Steles from stunning the Dolls) but the cleansing is random. If Sextans can't be gunned down in a few turns, bringing a healer like Colphne and Cheeta is mandatory.