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RO635 Story Quotes Live2D

Base Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 初次见面,长官。9毫米冲锋枪正在待命,等候你的差遣。 初めまして、指揮官。コルト9ミリサブマシンガン、ご指示を。Play Nice to meet you, Commander. RO635 is on standby, awaiting your orders.
Introduction 以M16A2为基础开发的9毫米冲锋枪,在那个几乎被MP5垄断的时代,打出了一片新市场。平衡感和性能都很出色,不过更自豪的是,我曾经被执法机构和特种作战单位使用,参与过各种打击犯罪的行动,我很荣幸。 9mm SMG developed with M16A2 as the basis, actually manage to maintain a fair share of the market, even in the era dominated by MP5. Great balance and performance, but my proudest achievement was my service in policing agencies and special combat units, took part in all kinds of anti-crime operations, it was my honour and glory.
Secretary 要出任务吗,长官? 任務ですか指揮官?Play Is there a mission, Commander?
嗯?哪里有问题?让我看一下。 え?なにか問題でも?Play Hm? What's wrong? Let me take a look.
M16?……那家伙……今天要来?……啊不,说我在这儿就好了…… M16(えむいちろく)?…来るんですか?…もし来るなら、留守って伝えてください…。Play M16? ...That person...is coming today? ...Ah no, just say I'm here...
Secretary (post OATH)
Get rid of this ridiculous picture! You only beat me once in a game, I won't hold back next time!
I believe you have your reasons for choosing me...But, please don't stand so close, because everyone...everyone's watching... I'm so embarrassed!
Greeting 早上好,长官,这个是……今天的报表,请过目。 おはようございます、指揮官、今日のレポートをどうぞ。Play Good morning Commander, this is today's report, please review.
T-Doll Produced 长官,新的队员准备报到。 指揮官、新しい隊員の準備が出来ました。Play Commander, a new squad member is reporting in.
Joining an echelon 收到命令。全员,准备行动! 全員、行動に移ります!Play All units, prepare for operation!
Enhancement 备用零件多了一点,M16,你要吗? 部品が余ったようね、M16、いる?Play Some spare parts, M16 you want it?
Dummy-linking 这样就不会输给你了呢,MP5。 これで負けることはありません。Play With this we won't have anything holding me down.
Logistics (start) 保持警惕,小心戒备,出发! 周囲に注意して出発します。Play Stay alert, watch your surroundings, move!
Logistics (end) 行动结束,完成目标。 任務完了、予想以上の成果でした。Play Operation finished, target achieved.
Autobattle 一直袖手旁观的话,就如同亲自犯罪一样! 傍から見てるだけでは何もできません!Play Standing by doing nothing is equally as guilty as the criminal!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 犯罪分子已定位,出发! 敵位置確認、出撃します!Play Enemy location confirmed, moving out!
Starting a battle 发现目标,立即排除! ターゲット発見、直ちに排除します!Play Target confirmed, commence removal!
Skill activation 细数你们的罪行吧! オマエの罪を数えろ!Play Answer for your crimes!
嫌疑人,休想得逞! そうはさせない!Play I won't let you do that!
正义,是不会输的! 正義が勝つ!Play Justice will win!
Heavily damaged 呃!情报……是从哪里泄露的! 情報が…漏れたのか?Play No... How did they get our intel!?
Retreat 抱歉,长官……这次行动,只能提前收工了…… すみません、指揮官…今回の作戦…ここまでのようです…。Play Sorry Commander... We'll have to prematurely cancel this operation...
MVP 地狱才是你们该去的地方。 地獄がお前らの行き先だ。Play Hell is where you're headed.
Restoration 长官,这是我的请假条……希望您批准…… 指揮官、これはわたしの欠席届です…ご許可をお願いします…。Play Commander this is my vacant request slip... Please review...
Attack ついて来てください!Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween M4の奴と来たら口先ではハロウィンに興味ないと言いながらキャンディを一山買ってるんですよ。私も少し欲しいと言っておけば良かった。Play That girl M4, saying she isn't at all interested in Halloween when she'll still get candy anyway. Maybe I should have taken some, too...
Christmas メリークリスマス指揮官。今日は気を村けてくださいね。M16がきっと酒を飲むはずですから。Play Merry Christmas, Commander. Be careful out there, alright? M16 will definitely be out drinking.
New Year's Day 指揮官、明けましておめでとうございます。M16には金賞薦めるよう、どぞよろしくお願いします。


Happy New Years, Commander. If possible, I would like to recommend M16 for a gold medal. My thanks in advance.
Valentine's day 指揮官…あの…私が何を言いたいか…分かってますよね!?これは私からの気持ちです!


Commander...ummm...what I wanted to say was...here! You understand right?! These are my feelings!
Tanabata 指揮官、m16が何か行ってきませんでしたか?あいつに短冊の願い事をみられてしまって…えっ!そんなの、内緒です!


Commander, did you happen to see M16 pass through here? She saw the wish I wrote onto the tanzaku...huh!? Th-that's a secret!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 援護!Play
Phrase 目手の通り。Play
Tip 指揮官に伝えておかなけばならないことがあります。Play
Loading 指揮官、少しお待ちいただけますか?Play

MOD3 Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 好久不见,指挥官。这样的我,一定能为您解决更多的难题。请对我下令吧。 お久しぶりです、指揮官。今のわたしなら、より多くの難題を解決することができます。どうぞご指示を。Play 오랜만입니다, 지휘관님. 지금 이 모습으로 더 많은 고민을 해결해드릴 수 있겠죠. 바로 명령을 내려주세요. It's been a while, Commander. I'm sure that as I am now, I'll be able to solve many more problems for you. Awaiting your command.
Secretary SOP2,不要在基地的走廊里玩百米冲刺了!还有15,不要以为我不知道你又在偷喝16留下的酒!宿舍守则都好好学习一下啊! こら!SOP II、基地の廊下で全力ダッシュはやめろと言ったでしょ!それとAR-15!M16の残していったお酒をこっそり飲むんじゃありません!宿舎のルールはきちんと守って!Play SOP2, 기지 복도에서 100m 달리기하지 말라고 했지! 그리고 AR-15, 몰래 M16이 남긴 술을 마시는 거 내가 모를 줄 알아? 다들 숙소 규정 좀 지키라고! SOP-II, stop doing the hundred-meter dash in the base corridors! And 15, don't think I don't know you've been secretly drinking the whisky that M16 left behind! Both of you, learn the dorm rules already!
指挥官,您怎么脸色不太好看?电脑蓝屏了吗……不要紧,我很快就能修好。您先喝杯咖啡缓缓吧,文件一定都会完好无损的。 指揮官、顔が真っ青ですよ?え、PCがフリーズした……?大丈夫ですよ、わたしに任せてください、すぐに直してみせます。ファイルもきっと無事ですから、指揮官はコーヒーでも飲んで、くつろいでいてくださいね。Play 지휘관님, 안색이 왜 그렇게 안 좋아보이시죠? 컴퓨터가 고장 났군요... 걱정 마세요, 제가 금방 고쳐드릴 테니까, 지휘관님은 커피 마시면서 기분을 풀어주세요. 파일은 분명 다 멀쩡할 거예요. Commander, why do you look so pale? I see, so your computer bluescreened... Don't worry, I can fix it right away. Have some coffee and relax, I'm sure the documents will all be intact.
真是难得清闲的日子呢……没有人形的头被卡在奇怪的地方,没有逃出救助站的动物群,也没有棘手的紧急任务……反倒有些不习惯啊。 今日はやけに静かですね……頭が変な場所に嵌って抜けなくなった人形も、救護室から逃げ出した動物も、厄介な緊急任務も無いなんて……なんだか、逆に落ち着きません。Play 모처럼 한가한 날이네요... 이상한 틈새에 머리가 낀 인형도 없고, 구호소에서 탈출한 동물도 없고, 번거로운 긴급임무도 없고... 오히려 좀 어색하네요. Peaceful days like this don't come by often... No Dolls with their heads stuck in strange places, no animal hordes escaping the Rescue Station, and no tricky emergency missions... I'm actually not too used to this.
Secretary (post OATH)
指揮官、また徹夜で仕事ですか?ま、待って下さい、まだ誰かが近くに……はぁ、 仕方がありませんね、一生懸命頑張った指揮官へのご褒美に、少しだけハグさせてあげます。
지휘관님, 또 밤새 야근하셨나요? 잠깐, 다른 인형이 보고 있잖아요... 하아, 네. 고생하셨으니 잠깐 안고 계셔도 좋아요.
Commander, have you been pulling an all-nighter again? Wait, there are Dolls looking... Oh all right, on account of how hard you've been working, I'll let you hold me like this for a while.
为什么会选择我,您一定有自己的理由。 而我的信念也终于获得了您的认可,不过…… 能不能别靠得这么近,大家……大家都在看着呢……
私を選んでくれたのは、きっと指揮官なりの理由があるのでしょう。 でも… 近寄りすぎです。みんなが…みんなが見てるし、恥ずかしすぎます。
저를 선택해주신 건 분명, 지휘관 나름대로의 이유가 있겠죠. 그래도, 너무 가까워요. 모두가...모두가 보고 있고, 너무 부끄러워요.
I'm sure you have your reasons for choosing me... But, please don't stand so close, because everyone...everyone's watching... I'm so embarrassed!
Greeting 报告指挥官,需要您审核的文件还有……其他人形送来的私人信件已经全部整理好,放在您的桌上了。 指揮官、目を通して頂きたい書類はこちらに……人形たちからの個人的なメッセージは、整理してデスクに置いておきました。Play 보고드립니다, 지휘관님. 지금 결제가 필요한 서류가... 다른 인형들이 보낸 편지는 정리해서 테이블에 올려놨습니다. Commander, there are still some documents which require your inspection... I've also sorted out the personal letters from the other Dolls and left them on your table.
T-Doll Produced 有新的人形来报道了,指挥官不去看看吗? 新しい人形がやってきたようです。指揮官、会いに行きませんか?Play 새로운 인형이 신고하러 왔습니다, 지휘관님도 보시겠나요? There's a new Doll reporting, don't you want to go see her, Commander?
Joining an echelon 做好随时出发的准备。 いつでも出発できるよう、準備を整えておきます。Play 언제든지 출발할 수 있도록 준비하겠습니다. Prepare to move out at any time.
Enhancement 阻止SOP2捣乱的成功率又高了一点。 SOP IIの行き過ぎた行為を、阻止できる確率が上昇しました。Play SOP2의 말썽을 막을 성공률이 더 상승했군요. The odds of keeping SOP-II from misbehaving have gone up a little.
Dummy-linking 这样就不会输了呢。 これで負けることはありません。Play 이걸로 질 일은 없겠군요. Now I won't lose.
Logistics (start) 保持警惕,小心戒备,出发! 周囲に注意して出発します。Play 주변을 조심하면서 출발합니다! Stay alert, stay on your guard, and head out!
Logistics (end) 行动结束,超额完成目标。 任務完了、予想以上の成果でした。Play 임무 완료, 예상을 초월한 성과였습니다. Mission complete. Things went better than expected.
Autobattle 一直袖手旁观的话,就什么都改变不了! 傍から見てるだけでは何もできません!Play 가만히 보기만해선 아무것도 할 수 없어요! Nothing will change if you only watch from the side!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 目标已锁定,发起进攻。 ターゲットロックオン、攻撃開始。Play 적의 위치 확인, 추적합니다! Target locked, commencing attack.
Starting a battle 发现目标,立刻执行清除指令。 ターゲット発見、直ちに掃討を開始します。Play 목표 발견, 즉시 제거합니다. Objective sighted, carry out elimination orders at once.
Skill activation 细数你的罪孽吧! お前の罪を数えろ!Play 너의 죄를 세어라! Count up your sins!
接受正义的裁决吧! 正義の裁きを受けてみろ!Play 정의의 심판을 받아라. Accept the verdict of justice!
绝不认输! 負けるものか!Play 절대 지지 않아! I'll never admit defeat!
Heavily damaged 作战……出现了意外…… 予想外の……事態が……Play 작전에... 불의상황 발생... Something unexpected...came up...
Retreat 正义只会迟到……但绝不会不来! たとえ遅れようとも……正義は必ずやってくる!Play 정의가 늦을 순 있어도... 반드시 찾아온다! Justice may be late...but it always arrives!
MVP 这是必然的结果。 当然の結果です。Play 이것도 당연한 결과입니다. This outcome was inevitable.
Restoration 长官,这是我的请假条……希望您批准…… 指揮官、これはわたしの欠席届です……ご許可をお願いします……Play 지휘관, 여기 제 휴가신청서입니다... 결제 부탁합니다. Commander, this is my leave application... I hope you'll approve it...
Attack 形势对我们有利,抓住机会! 形勢有利、チャンスです!Play 이쪽이 유리하다, 기회를 잡아라! The odds favor us, take this opportunity!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Play
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day




Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 不要大意,保持防御姿态! 油断しないで、防御体勢を維持してください!Play 방심하지 말고, 수비태세를 유지하라! Don't be careless, maintain your defensive posture!
Phrase 如您所见。 見ての通り。Play 보시다시피. It is as you see.
Tip 长官,我有件事必须要告诉您。 指揮官に伝えておかねばならないことがあります。Play 지휘관께 전달할 내용이 있습니다. Commander, there's something I need to tell you.
Loading 长官,可以请您稍等一下吗。 指揮官、少しお待ちいただけますか。Play 지휘관, 잠시 기다려주시겠나요? Commander, could you wait a moment?