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Full name Oljefat
Affiliation Varjagers
Released on CN (纵火者), EN (2024-12)
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Oljefat is a boss in Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium.



The Oljefat revel in the thrill of destruction. They are deeply feared, even within the Varjagers. The voracious flames bring them a twisted euphoria, as if they hold dominion over all. "Losing 800 of their own to take out a thousand enemies? They wouldn't even bat an eye"

Boss of Stage 6-10.

Possible Weaknesses Light AmmoMedium AmmoShotgun AmmoElectric PhaseCorrosion Phase
Stability Index 21
Stability damage reduction 60%
Critical values 0% critical chance (DMG×100%)
Movement Points 3
Flashpoint Overdrive
Basic Attack, Targeted
6 Range: Map Area of Effect: Target

Selects the farthest enemy target and deals Burn damage equal to 120% of attack to them.

Thermal Sterilization
Active, AoE, Cleanse, Debuff
Range: 1 Area of Effect:

Selects the direction of the nearest enemy target and deals AoE Burn damage equal to 100% of attack to all enemy units within 4 tiles in a cone-shaped area, cleansing all buffs, and applying Burning II for 2 turns.

Infernal Torrent
Active, AoE, Tile
Range: 1 Area of Effect:

Selects the direction of the nearest enemy target and deals AoE Burn damage equal to 100% of attack to all enemy targets within a 5x3 area in the selected direction and generates Lava tile for 2 turns.

Arsonist's Instinct No attribute
Active, Buff
Range: Self Area of Effect: Targe[sic?]

Enters the Frenzy state for 1 turn.

Fireproof Paint No attribute
Passive, Buff
Range: Self Area of Effect: Targe[sic?]

Immune to Burn damage. When stability index is greater than 0, damage taken is reduced by 80%. Stability index will be fully restored after being in Stability Break for 2 turns.

Battle Traits
Lingering Impact, Deep Blocker

