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Full name Lycaon
Affiliation KCCO
Released on CN (莱卡翁), TW, KR, EN, JP
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A light mech used by infantry, it features high-performance mobility systens[sic] which allow it to nimbly negotiate complex terrain. It is equipped with two large-caliber machine gun arms and boasts impressive firepower against infantry targets.


Introduced in Longitudinal Strain.


The Lycaon initally fires at two of your closest units. Its second attack, Crippling Blow, targets the lowest HP member in your team, which moving the lowest HP member out of the marked target is highly recommended. Thankfully, Lycaons are vulnerable to RF Carcano M91∕38Carcano M91∕38Carcano M91∕38's skillshot, since they are not Elite units. Lastly, RF General LiuGeneral LiuGeneral Liu's reinforcements distract the Lycaon's targeting during its second attack, allowing your other allies to deal damage without much worry.



  • Named after the Ancient Greek character who was punished by the gods and changed into a wolf. Called “AA02 Mini” in game files.
