Events (EN)/2019/April
April 30th[edit]
Operation Deep Dive[edit]
April 30th 06:00 UTC-8 ~ May 27th 23:59 UTC-8
Major combat event with the story featuring the 404 girls. Story clear rewards include RF DSR-50DSR-50DSR-50 and SMG KLINKLINKLIN along with various items. A partial guide can be found here.
It comes with a crate gacha that contains items and T-Dolls, similar to Arctic Warfare, from which SMG UMP40UMP40UMP40 is guaranteed on the 777th crate.
Also like Arctic Warfare, Deep Dive has a ranking map where points are obtained to place on the scoreboards for prizes based on percentiles. The prizes include a PKN03M Night Scope, Golden Fairy(s), resources, and gems.
Prairial's Allure Rerun[edit]

April 30th 06:00 UTC-8 ~ May 27th 23:59 UTC-8
The costumes and furniture from Prairial's Allure will be added to the radiant collection gacha for the duration of the event. When obtaining a costume/furniture piece from the radiant collection, the chance of it being from Prairial's Allure is 50%.
It features the following:
- AR HK416HK416HK416's "Starry Cocoon"
- RF WA2000WA2000WA2000's "Ballroom Interlude"
- HG M950AM950AM950A's "Concert Diva"
- RF SpringfieldSpringfieldSpringfield's "Queen in Radiance"
- MG M1918M1918M1918's "Tender Nocturne"

Additionally, SMG SR-3MPSR-3MPSR-3MP's Rabbit Macchiato will be available for purchase for x2588 .
Also in the store are SMG KLINKLINKLIN's "The Three Crows" and RF PzB 39PzB 39PzB 39's "Raging Rider" costume packages.
April 20[edit]
Combat EXP Event[edit]
April 20th, 20:00 UTC-8 ~ April 26th, 23:59 UTC-8
Combat EXP gained from all combat missions will be boosted to 150%.
This boosts acts as a final modifier on top of MVP/Leader bonuses.
April 16th[edit]
Client Update[edit]
April 16th 00:00 UTC-8 ~ April 16th 06:00 UTC-8
Compulsory client update that contains a variety of quality of life features.
New T-Dolls Released[edit]
April 19th 00:00 UTC-8 ~ April 20th 23:59 UTC-8
Production rate up for the new dolls.
April 13th[edit]
Monthly Gems Card Double Bonus[edit]
April 13th, 00:00 UTC-8 ~ April 19th, 23:59 UTC-8
For the duration of the event, gems obtained from the "Monthly Gems Card" will be doubled (x30 → x60
This applies to Monthly Gems Cards purchased prior to the event.
April 6th[edit]
Princes' Frontline[edit]

April 6th 00:00 UTC-8 ~ April 29th 23:59 UTC-8
Costume and furniture gacha event.
- SMG ThompsonThompsonThompson's "Demon Hunter" (Live 2D)
- MG MG5MG5MG5's "Call of the Hunter"
- AR G36G36G36's "Sommelier"
- MG AEK-999AEK-999AEK-999's "Babe Driver"
- 5-Star Furniture Set "Top Jet"
- 4-Star Furniture Set "King's Tailor"
Available in Kalina's Shop are:

- HG ContenderContenderContender's "Opera Ghost"
April 2nd[edit]
Easter Voucher Event[edit]

April 2nd 00:00 UTC-8 ~ April 23rd 23:59 UTC-8
Kill bosses in chapters 1-6 to get special currency to be used in the event shop.