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Full name Cyclops
Affiliation KCCO
Released on CN, TW, KR, EN, JP
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"Cyclops" model robotic infantry

“The Military's combat unit armed with a rifle and grenade launcher. Its armor is weaker compared to other models.”

A military-grade infantry unit, these robots have replaced most infantry roles to become the mainstay of European military forces. Each Cyclops is armed with an assault rifle capable of launching grenades and will coordinate its attacks with its squad to overwhelm the enemy with a carpet of explosives. Like many military enemies, Cyclops units are named after a mythological Greek creature, the Cyclops.

Stats / Data

  • Classification: Unarmored Humanoid
  • Damage: Low ~ Moderate
  • Accuracy: Moderate
  • Attack range: Long
  • Health: Moderate
  • Armor value: None ~ Moderate
  • Evasion: Moderate
  • Movement speed: Medium


Cyclops make their first appearance in Chapter 10-4E and throughout Singularity


Cyclops are comparable to Vespids due to their similar movement, range, and infantry role. However, the addition of an underslung grenade launcher to their weapons give Cyclops an edge in firepower. While their regular attacks deal a middling amount of damage at best, each individual unit can launch its own grenade and every grenade has a small area of effect. T-Dolls caught in the blast will suffer higher amounts of damage depending on how many dummy links they have. As a result, large groups of Cyclops can easily overwhelm enemies unprepared for the devastating grenade salvo.

Dolls with a high fire rate and damage are recommended for dealing with Cyclops, as dolls with slower rates of fire (such of RFs) can struggle to eliminate all the enemies in time. In the event that taking a grenade salvo in unavoidable, low HP dolls such as RFs and HGs may suffer crippling amounts of damage, so bringing SMGs or SGs is recommended. Shields, such as those given by Shield Fairy, SAT 8, FP6, HS2000, or P22 are also incredibly effective at mitigating the damage from grenades as the shield will prevent the explosion from damaging multiple links.

The Cyclops (SG) variant has armor.

