Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | Hello,我是RFB!充满挑战的游戏,从现在起就开始了哦! | ハロー!RFBだよ!早速このゲーム参加するよ! | Hello! I'm RFB! Let us begin the game full of challenges right now! | |
Introduction | 我是Kel-Tec研制的RFB步枪,作为凯尔的无托枪有着很漫长的研发历史,在这个名字之前我还叫做SRT-8,拥有独特的前抛壳系统和击发机构,一改Kel-tec给人低端产品的印象,毕竟出色的任务需要高端的玩家才能完成嘛! | I am RFB Assault Rifle developed by Kel-Tec, Kel-Tec's bullpup rifle designs phrase was significantly long. Before the name RFB I was named SRT-8. I have a very special forward shell ejection and trigger mechanism, changing the usual low-grade product imaging of Kel-Tec on the market, after all special missions are only meant for pro players! | ||
Secretary | 嗯!是新游戏哦!我已经准备好啦! | わーい!ニューゲームだ!準備オーけーだよ! | Ah! A new game! I'm already prepared! | |
哼哼,我领悟到了新的秘籍,下次一定能赢过KSG的! | ふふん~新しい攻略法を覚えた!今度こそKSGに勝ってみせる! | Hehe, I've discovered new strategy! I will beat KSG next time for sure! | ||
指挥官,好感度不够的话,请不要尝试这个选项哦♪ | 指揮官、好感度が足りないんなら、この選択肢は選ばないでね! | Commander, if you don't have enough affection, please don't try this option♪ | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 指挥官,工作都完成了嘛?下一个迷宫就要关闭了,快跟我在线上汇合吧!
Commander are the work done? The next dungeon will be closed soon, get online and meet me!
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OATH | 指挥官,您的攻略终于进行到这个地步了吗……嘻嘻,不要以为这样就通关了哦,真正的游戏才刚刚开始呢了♪新的游玩模式,让我现在就告诉你吧……❤
Commander you finally progressed this far... Hehe, don't think you've beaten the level just yet, the real game is just beginning♪ I'll tell you now, about the new game-mode...
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Greeting | 哎呀、这不是指挥官吗?Hello~ | あ、指揮官。ハロー! | Oh, Commander! Hello~ | |
T-Doll Produced | 出现新挑战者! | ニューチャレンジャー!(New challenger) | New Challenger! | |
Joining an echelon | 玩家RFB,上线! | プレイやー(player)RFB、ログイン(login)! | Player RFB, login! | |
Enhancement | 能力上升! | パワーアップ(Power up)だよ! | Power up! | |
Dummy-linking | 增加HP上限! | ライフアップゲット!(Life up, get!) | Life up, get! | |
Logistics (start) | 系统确认完毕!出发吧! | システムチェック(system check)完了!いざ、出発! | System check complete! Alright lets go! | |
Logistics (end) | 要多少钱呢~? | いくらするかな~? | How much would that be~? | |
Autobattle | 不过是简单模式,交给我! | ただのイージーモードだから、任せて! | It's just easy mode, let me handle it! | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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