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Creepy Doll

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Creepy Doll
Creepy Doll
Full name Creepy Doll
Affiliation Marley Thermal Power Plant
Released on CN ()
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Creepy Doll is a boss in Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium.


Creepy Doll

A specter wandering through desolate ruins, seemingly guarding, awaiting, and resisting something simultaneously.

Boss of Sojourners of the Glass Island UA-1-7 and UA-1-10.

Possible Weaknesses Heavy AmmoMeleeFreeze PhaseHydro Phase
Stability Index 21
Stability damage reduction 60%
Critical values 0% critical chance (DMG×100%)
Movement Points 6
No skills defined
Battle Traits
No traits


A melee-focused boss able to teleport and summon a concealing mist. When concealed, she'll be revealed if a Doll steps close to her (ending her action immediately, so her turn will be wasted) or she's hit by an AoE attack. After she summoned a clone, don't attempt to move your Dolls in its vicinity or they'll be interrupted and waste their turn. The boss' teleport attack is AoE so don't bunch up your Dolls.

Lore / Story involvement

The Creepy Doll's true name is Lambertia, one of the Dolls working in the experimental agricultural station camouflaged as Marley thermal power station. The true goal of the station was to make agriculture in the Yellow Zone possible by establishing underground fields. After hundreds of seeding cycles without results, the project was stopped and Lambertia was left in charge of the site's disposal, using the station's cooling towers to increase the area's Collapse radiation to lure ELIDs in and ravage the area. Contrary to her orders, Lambertia continued the project while the ELIDs invaded the region. She slowly lost the ability to speak but after thousands of cycles managed to get the crops to bud. However, she was unable to communicate her results to the researchers who had abandoned her.

When the Doll community led by Ullrid found the Marley thermal power station and discovered its many resources for Doll maintenance, they explored the complex but were chased out by the Creepy Doll. Fearing that the area was secretly under human control, the community was about to give up on living in the ruins until Ullrid, Dushevnaya, Suomi and Lotta won over the Creepy Doll and learned the truth about the complex from her personal reports.[1]



  • Called StrangeDoll in game files.