Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | ST AR-15,正式加入,请注视着我,好好认清我的价值吧。 | コルトAR15よ、正式に綺麗の部隊に加わります、私の活躍をしっかりと目に預けてください。 | ST AR-15. Please allow me to formally join this honorable squad and watch me as I bring you victory. | |
Introduction | 战争结束后成型的小口径步枪,AR15。经过各种波折后,最终以M16的名字被军方采用。而AR15这个名字,则作为民用武器被各大公司仿制。现在的我已经是全新的产品了,别把我当成M16那种老家伙。 | AR-15 was created as a small caliber rifle after the end of the war. After numerous setbacks, I finally entered military service as the M16. However, the name AR-15 is used when I'm produced for the civilian sector. I have been updated as a modern weapon, so please don't confuse me with antiquated things like the M16. | ||
Secretary | 什么时候……才能轮到我呢? | いつになったら、私の出番が来るのかしら。 | When... will it be my turn? | |
指挥官,你在看哪里,不、不是商标吧? | 指揮官、どこを見てるの?トッ、トレードマークではないですよね。 | Commander, what are you looking at? It- it's not my trademark, is it? | ||
不要以为我是民用武器就可以……总之!在我生气之前,请停手吧! | コマーシャルモデルだからと言って、私のことを、アぁッ、私が怒る前にやめてください。 | Don't think that just because I'm a civilian firearm you can... Anyway! Please stop before I get angry! | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 指挥官,我今天的表现还可以吧?大家又离各自的目标近了一步呢,总有一天,我们的理想……都会实现的。
Commander, is my performance today acceptable? Everyone is one step closer to their goal, one day, our dreams... shall all come true.
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OATH | 指挥官……这是梦吗?(笑)我之前的迷茫……到底是为了什么呢?……请让我一直看着您吧,因为一闭上眼睛……我就担心自己会醒来……
Commander... is this a dream ? (laughs) What was...I lost for all this time ? ...Please allow me to keep looking at you, as I'm afraid... that I'll wake up from this reverie if I close my eyes...
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Greeting | 指挥官,准备好今天的行动吗?我随时都在等待。 | 指揮官、今日の作戦指示まだ頂いてません。わたしはいつでもいけますよ。 | Commander are today's operations prepared? I'm available on standby. | |
T-Doll Produced | 这次的战术人形……是哪一边的呢? | 今回の戦術用の娘(こ)はこれですか? | The new T-doll... which side will she be from? | |
Joining an echelon | 卡尔特AR15,加入!去赢得胜利吧! | コルトAR15(えいあーるじゅうご)が勝利を勝ち取る! | Colt AR15, entering formation! Let us bring back victory! | |
Enhancement | 这就是我……一直渴望的力量吗…… | これがわたしがずっと望んでた力(ちから)か…。 | This is... the power I always craved for... | |
Dummy-linking | 增加多少都无所谓,她们只会被同一份意志所驱使…… | ダミーはいくら増やしても構いません、わたしの意志で彼女たちを動かしているから。 | No matter how many you add, they will always be driven by one will... | |
Logistics (start) | 我出发了,指挥官,请保重。 | 指揮官、物資の調達に行って参ります。 | Commander, please take care while I'm escorting the logistics. | |
Logistics (end) | 我回来了,指挥官,接下来的命令是? | ただいま戻りました。指揮官、次の指示を。 | I've returned, Commander your next orders? | |
Autobattle | 我的机会……终于来了吗! | チャンスがわたしに巡ってきた!? | My chance... is it finally here? | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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