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Ribeyrolles: Difference between revisions

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|title = Ribeyrolles
|index = 171
|index = 171
|nationality = France<ref name="wiki"></ref>
|nationality = France<ref name="wiki"></ref>
Line 6: Line 5:
|rarity = 4
|rarity = 4
|manufacturer = Ribeyrolles, Sutter and Chauchat (RSC)
|manufacturer = Ribeyrolles, Sutter and Chauchat (RSC)
|artist = [http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=74184 rei]<ref name="Moe">[https://zh.moegirl.org/%E5%B0%91%E5%A5%B3%E5%89%8D%E7%BA%BF:%E5%88%A9%E8%B4%9D%E7%BD%97%E5%8B%92 Ribeyrolles on Moegirl]</ref>
|fullname = Carabine-mitrailleuse Ribeyrolles Modèle 1918<ref name="wiki">[[wikipedia:Ribeyrolles_1918_automatic_carbine|Wikipedia entry on Ribeyrolles 1918]]</ref>
|fullname = Carabine-mitrailleuse Ribeyrolles Modèle 1918<ref name="wiki">[[wikipedia:Ribeyrolles_1918_automatic_carbine|Wikipedia entry on Ribeyrolles 1918]]</ref>
|chname = 利贝罗勒
|voiceactor = [http://osawa-inc.co.jp/women/hidakarina/ Hidaka Rina]
|faction=[[Griffin & Kryuger]]
|artist = {{artist name|rei}}
|voiceactor = {{voice actor name|Hidaka Rina}}
|releasedon= {{doll_server_alias|server=CN|alias=利贝罗勒}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=TW|alias=利贝罗勒}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=KR|alias=리베롤}}

| weaponinfo = The Ribeyrolles 1918 was an attempt to manufacture an automatic rifle for the French forces. Its official name was Carabine Mitrailleuse 1918 (Machine Carbine 1918 in English).
| weaponinfo = The Ribeyrolles 1918 was an attempt to manufacture an automatic rifle for the French forces. Its official name was Carabine Mitrailleuse 1918 (Machine Carbine 1918 in English).
Line 16: Line 20:
Ribeyrolles had the distinction of being fitted with a lightweight bipod on the front and a rifle bayonet identical to that of a Berthier Model 1907/15<ref name="wiki"></ref>.
Ribeyrolles had the distinction of being fitted with a lightweight bipod on the front and a rifle bayonet identical to that of a Berthier Model 1907/15<ref name="wiki"></ref>.

| characterinfo =  
|design=Ribeyerolles was intended to call to mind both a patient and a French soldier of the era; her outfit is colored like a uniform while calling to mind a patient's smock. She doesn't wear shoes and she has a small blood pack hooked to her, adding to her sickly apperance. Her pale complexion makes her look anemic, and often her hair is tousled like she just woke up.
=== Design ===
Ribeyerolles was intended to call to mind both a patient and a French soldier of the era; her outfit is colored like a uniform while calling to mind a patient's smock. She doesn't wear shoes and she has a small blood pack hooked to her, adding to her sickly apperance. Her pale complexion makes her look anemic, and often her hair is tousled like she just woke up.

=== Personality ===
=== Personality ===
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|max_hp= 110
|max_hp= 110
|mov= 10
|mov= 10
|craft= 3:40:00
|craft= 3:40:00
|aura1= Affects assault rifles
|aura1= Affects assault rifles
|aura2= Increases damage by 20%
|aura2= Increases damage by 20%
Line 48: Line 52:
|tile2= 1
|tile2= 1
|tile5 = 0  
|tile5 = 0  
|skillname = Crimson Encore
|skillid = powBuff
| GAIN_JP = リベロール1918です。今日からお世話になります。医務室のベッド増やした方がいいかもしれないですね。
| GAIN_EN = I am Ribeyrolles 1918; I'll be in your care from now on. I would appreciate it if you were to add an extra bed to the sick bay for me...
| INTRODUCTION_CN = 我是由Gladiator生产的利贝罗勒1918自动步枪,这可能是世界上第一把配有中间型弹药的步枪,但即便有着这样前瞻性的改进……依然会在使用中出现各种问题呢,果然是我运气不好吗?……
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 这个袋子?嗯……不用担心,死不了的。
| DIALOGUE1_JP = このふ袋は?…心配はありません…
| DIALOGUE1_EN = The blood bag? Don't worry, I'm not dying...
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 不要紧的,我的记忆里,只有吃苦是强项呢……
| DIALOGUE2_JP = 大丈夫です…辛抱強いことだけが…私の取り柄ですから…
| DIALOGUE2_EN = I'm okay... My perseverance is my only merit, after all...
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 好痛!……指挥官,您太用力了……
| DIALOGUE3_JP = 痛い!指揮官、力入れすぎです!
| DIALOGUE3_EN = Ouch! Commander, you're being too forceful!
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 指挥官,今天的伤也拜托您处理了……嗯,只有你能处理好的……
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 指挥官,这样……没关系吗?我不是给您添过很多麻烦吗……虽然,如果您执意这么做,我也不会拒绝……毕竟现在,除了您,我也无法依靠其他人了……
| HELLO_JP = お薬の置換ですか?
| HELLO_EN = Has my medication been resupplied?
| BUILDOVER_JP = 誰か…来たのですか?
| BUILDOVER_EN = Is anyone there?
| FORMATION_JP = 元気出して…見せます!多分…
| FORMATION_EN = I'll show you my strength!... Hopefully...
| FEED_JP = 本当に強くなったのですか?…なんか…余計疲れた気がしますが…
| FEED_EN = Does this really make me stronger? Maybe... Can I take some of this to my bed for medicinal use?
| COMBINE_JP = 医務室のベッドをもう一床お願いします…
| COMBINE_EN = Would you please prepare another bed in the sick bay?...

| trivia =  
File:Ribeyrolles_S.png|Profile image
File:Ribeyrolles.png|Full artwork
File:Ribeyrolles_D.png|Full damaged artwork
| trivia =
*Ribeyrolles was rejected in WWI because of several flaws:
*Ribeyrolles was rejected in WWI because of several flaws:
**The weapon was inaccurate at beyond 400m, therefore it wasn't suitable for long-range engagement but very effective for trench ambush. Even so, .351 Winchester Self Loading caliber considered as a pinnacle of Assault Rifle caliber.<ref>[https://forum.cartridgecollectors.org/t/french-351-w-s-l/8368/17 French .351 W.S.L. entry on International Ammunition Association, Inc.]</ref>
**The weapon was inaccurate at beyond 400m, therefore it wasn't suitable for long-range engagement but very effective for trench ambush. Even so, .351 Winchester Self Loading caliber considered as a pinnacle of Assault Rifle caliber.<ref>[https://forum.cartridgecollectors.org/t/french-351-w-s-l/8368/17 French .351 W.S.L. entry on International Ammunition Association, Inc.]</ref>
Line 97: Line 67:
**The uniform she wore resembles the French forces in the Franco-Prussian War in which the French suffer a loss and 750.000 casualties from Prussia.<ref name="Moe"></ref>
**The uniform she wore resembles the French forces in the Franco-Prussian War in which the French suffer a loss and 750.000 casualties from Prussia.<ref name="Moe"></ref>
*Ribeyrolles is the 2nd Assault Rifle that has tile buffs for Assault Rifles only along side M4A1.
*Ribeyrolles is the 2nd Assault Rifle that has tile buffs for Assault Rifles only along side M4A1.
| references = <references/>

Revision as of 19:56, 21 August 2018

Ribeyrolles Story Quotes
Gun Information
Full name Carabine-mitrailleuse Ribeyrolles Modèle 1918[1]
Country of origin France[1]
Manufacturer Ribeyrolles, Sutter and Chauchat (RSC)
Game Information
Faction Griffin & Kryuger
Manufactured /
Revised by
Voice actor Hidaka Rina
Artist rei
Released on CN (利贝罗勒), TW (利贝罗勒), KR (리베롤)
Chibi Animation

Click the marked area to switch between animations. For details regarding animations, please see Animations on the Wiki.

View page template

How to obtain

NORMALHEAVY Timer 3:40:00. See T-Doll Production for details.

DROP Not obtainable as a drop.

REWARD Not obtained as a reward

Exclusive Equipment

Union Skill

There is no union skill for this T-Doll.

Stats / Data

53(x1)110(x1) / 550(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5)
21 64
5 40
5 44
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
40 63
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to other Dolls of the same type.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to every other Doll.

Affects assault rifles
Increases damage by 20%
How to edit skills

Weapon Background

The Ribeyrolles 1918 was an attempt to manufacture an automatic rifle for the French forces. Its official name was Carabine Mitrailleuse 1918 (Machine Carbine 1918 in English).

Ribeyrolles was chambered using experimental 8×35 mm rounds, straight blow-back, and fed from a 25 round magazine. The gun itself had an effective range of 400 meters. The cartridge, arguably the first purpose-built intermediate cartridge, was obtained by necking it down with .351 Winchester Self-Loading ammo. Ribeyrolles had the distinction of being fitted with a lightweight bipod on the front and a rifle bayonet identical to that of a Berthier Model 1907/15[1].

Character Design

Ribeyerolles was intended to call to mind both a patient and a French soldier of the era; her outfit is colored like a uniform while calling to mind a patient's smock. She doesn't wear shoes and she has a small blood pack hooked to her, adding to her sickly apperance. Her pale complexion makes her look anemic, and often her hair is tousled like she just woke up.


If G11 spends a lot of time sleeping, then Ribeyrolles spends similar amounts of time in a coma. Plagued with self-doubt over her weapon being essentially a failure, she strongly doubts her own abilities. A lot of this stems from a series of malfunctions she has had with her chipset and data system, which have undermined her personality. Data suggests that her personality should be much more self-seeking and confident, but something about it didn't take, resulting in her being much more introverted. When not in combat, she tends to spend a lot of time in the repair bay trying to dwell on better days. She has difficulty making friends, and can test even the commander's goodwill at her lowest points.

However under the ailing body and introversion lies a girl who desperately hopes for better and is willing to fight for it. Her dream is to some day be worthy of undergoing an upgrade, to someday wear a proper soldier's uniform, and earn the same glory and respect as other T-Dolls. This one goal is her driving force, and the anemic Ribeyrolles is nothing if not devoted, fighting through her day-to-day pains and spurring her teammates onwards.


Ribeyrolles is unique in that she's the only AR other than M4A1 who gives a boost to Assault Rifles. She happens to give a fairly sizable damage buff to boot, which makes her a solid contributor to an AR-heavy echelon. She also has good damage and evasion for an AR. Her skill boost is incredible, giving a substantial bonus to fire rate, accuracy, and firepower when in effect to those under the effect of her grid bonus, which makes her a fantastic offensive supporter. She tends to do extremely well when paired with ARs that have some upward mobility as far as fire rate is concerned, such as TAR-21, FAMAS, or STG44.

Unfortunately, Ribeyrolles is also cursed with terrible HP, and she tends to melt quickly if focused on by an enemy. She's also really only useful when accompanying other Assault Rifles; in any other circumstance other T-Dolls are likely to be much better contributors to an echelon. Because you essentially need to build around her, she can be hard to employ correctly, especially compared to other, more generalist T-Dolls.


Main artwork

Gallery consisting of artworks used primarily in-game. For information on how to obtain certain costumes, see Skin Catalogue.


  • Ribeyrolles was rejected in WWI because of several flaws:
    • The weapon was inaccurate at beyond 400m, therefore it wasn't suitable for long-range engagement but very effective for trench ambush. Even so, .351 Winchester Self Loading caliber considered as a pinnacle of Assault Rifle caliber.[2]
    • Ribeyrolles weight is too heavy, 5.1 kg or 11 lbs which hampering the flanking maneuverability. The weight itself considered too heavy even for a WWII Semi-Auto Rifle weight standard such as RF G43G43G43, and RF SVT-38SVT-38SVT-38.
  • There is a theory behind the Intravenous Drip Chamber placed on her:
    • The pyrrhic victory of French forces in World War I was considered to be a first theory of Ribeyrolles, as the French forces suffered 1.300.000 casualties and 4.200.000 wounded during World War I.
    • The uniform she wore resembles the French forces in the Franco-Prussian War in which the French suffer a loss and 750.000 casualties from Prussia.[3]
  • Ribeyrolles is the 2nd Assault Rifle that has tile buffs for Assault Rifles only along side M4A1.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Wikipedia entry on Ribeyrolles 1918
  2. French .351 W.S.L. entry on International Ammunition Association, Inc.
  3. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Moe