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{{T-Doll|title =  PTRD
|index = 42
|index = 42
|nationality = Soviet Union<ref name= "wiki">[[wikipedia:PTRD|Wikipedia entry on PTRD]]</ref>
|nationality = Soviet Union
|classification = RF
|classification = RF
|rarity = 4
|rarity = 4
|manufacturer = [[wikipedia:Degtyarev_plant|Degtyaryov plant]]<ref name= "wiki"></ref>
|faction = [[Griffin & Kryuger]]
|artist = [http://weibo.com/evanyang59 Evan揚]
|manufactureringame = [[I.O.P.]]
|fullname = ProtivoTankovoye Ruzhyo Degtyaryova<ref name= "wiki"></ref>
|manufacturer = Degtyaryov plant
|voiceactor = [[wikipedia:Ai_Shimizu|Ai Shimizu]]
|artist = {{artist name|Evan揚}} (Original Artist);</br>
{{artist name|Luuuo}} (Crimson Vortex)
|fullname = Противотанковое ружьё Дегтярёва 1941<br/>("Protivotankovoye ruzh'yo Degtyaryova", Degtyaryov's Anti-Tank Rifle)
|voiceactor = {{voice actor name|Shimizu Ai}}
|releasedon = {{doll_server_alias|server=CN|alias=PTRD|year=2016|month=5}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=TW|alias=PTRD}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=KR|alias=PTRD}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=EN|alias=PTRD}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=JP|alias=PTRD}}
| weaponinfo =  
ProtivoTankovoye Ruzhyo Degtyaryova 1941 (PTRD-41) was an anti-tank rifle developed and produced in the early 1941 by the USSR. Designed based on the Polish Model 35 anti-tank rifles the Red Army captured, and with some reference design to the German PzB38/39. When compared to the German counterpart the PzB39, PTRD is significantly heavier, significantly longer and often require a two man crew to operate. Prone to jamming more frequently but have a better armor piercing performance, PTRD was also produced in a much lower quantity than the German PzB39.
The PTRD and it's later developed semi-automatic version PTRS-41 are designed to chamber the 14.5×114mm B-32/BS-41 round. The armor-piercing performance of the PTRD is considered stronger than it's predecessor counterparts, able to achieve a bullet muzzle velocity of 1,012m/s, able to penetrate an armor plate up to 35 to 40mm thick at a distance of 100 meters at 0 degrees. Theoretically effective against the side and rear armor of the German Panzer II, III, IV and early models of the Panthers. However, due to the high velocity and small size of the round, it had a very high chance of shattering and/or ricocheting, especially if the target was struck at an oblique angle.
Based on the Polish anti-tank rifle, PTRD is a single-shot bolt-action weapon, with the operator have to manually reload every cartridge after every shot. The PTRD has an effective muzzle brake, but it also creates a very visible cloud of dust or snow and debris - as well as a deafening report, both of which could easily expose the position of the PTRD teams. Being rushed into production to fulfill a Russian military requirement at the time, the PTRD was deployed without telescopic sights, and while the iron sights were fairly effective, they could only provide up to 300 metres of effective firing range.
Ultimately, advances in armor technology made the PTRD irrelevant for its intended duty of defeating tanks; for several years, however, the PTRD lived on as an Antimaterial rifle for destroying enemy equipment and for interdicting enemy vehicles. The weapon was retired from Russian service in the 1960s, but was widely exported to other Warsaw Pact nations during the Cold War. The weapon has seen use with both North Korea's military and China's PLA during the Korean Peninsula Conflicts, and was used on both sides in recent Ukrainian conflicts (by both pro-Russia seperatists and Ukranian volunteers).<ref>[https://sovietarmorer.wordpress.com/2014/10/13/ptrs-41-and-ptrs-41-rifles-in-action-at-the-conflict-in-ukraine/ PTRD use in Ukraine Conflict]</ref> The weapon, surprisingly, remains in use to this day in limited numbers, often with armies with less access to modern equipment.
| design = Equipped with a trenchcoat, ushanka, and a shirt that shows off her chest, PTRD practically dares onlookers not to notice her. Her Russian ancestry is blatantly apparent, with a look that calls to mind fellow T-Dolls DP28 and Makarov. A humorous, if somewhat unusual quirk is that she's shown to be roughly as tall as her weapon - while many T-Dolls in Girls Frontline are shown with stylized portrait sizes that exaggerate their weapon sizes (KAR98K and FAMAS for example), PTRD's sprite shows her to be just as tall as she appears in her portrait, making her one of the tallest T-Dolls at around seven feet in height.
PTRD is often affectionately referred to as "Southern Hemisphere" by the player base, a nickname due to her shirt showing a massive amount of underboob and being essentially lashed in place. In her censored art, players began referring to her by the nickname "picked egg" instead, owing to the fact that her close-fitting shirt still does little to disguise her sizable chest.
PTRD's Romantic Mission outfit also inflicted some degree of commotion among the player base when it was first revealed on weibo, players noticed some viscous white contents on her right hand on the original released art, it was quickly removed though.
|characterinfo = Official character description of PTRD states that she is a very positive thinking, yet calm and focused T-doll. She has an eye for small details, and is always observing everyone's emotions and thoughts. She does not like being involved in troublesome works. She is both flirty and aggressive in her interactions with the commander, often being something of a tease.
|min_dmg= 54
|min_dmg= 54
|max_dmg= 159
|max_dmg= 159
Line 19: Line 41:
|max_hp= 93
|max_hp= 93
|mov= 7
|mov= 7
|craft= 4:30:00
|craft= 4:30:00
|drop= 0-1, 4-4, 4-2E, 5-2, 7-3E, 8-5, 8-1E, 9-1, 9-5, 10-5, 11-1, 11-3E
|aura1= Affects handguns
|aura1= Affects handguns
|aura2= Reduces skill cooldown by 15%
|aura2= Reduces skill cooldown by 15%
|tile8= 1
|tile8= 1
|tile5 = 0  
|tile5 = 0  
|skillname = Interdiction Shot
|skillid = AimAttackSpecificTarge
|costume1 = Romantic Mission
|costume1 = Romantic Mission
| characterid = PTRD
|costume2 = Crimson Vortex
| GAIN_CN = 指挥官,不用担心,没什么能挡住我的子弹。
|costume3 = costume3
| GAIN_JP = 大丈夫よ指揮官、誰であろうと、私の弾からは逃れなれない。
| GAIN_EN = Don't worry commander. No one can escape from my bullet.
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 啊……战争什么的,不觉得很麻烦吗?
File:PTRD_S.png|Profile image
| DIALOGUE1_JP = ああー、戦争なんて、面倒くさいと思わない?
File:PTRD.png|Full artwork
| DIALOGUE1_EN = Aah, don't you think war is troublesome?
File:PTRD_D.png|Full damaged artwork
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 真是的……真要碰我也请认真一点啊。
File:PTRD_costume1.png|"Romantic Mission" artwork
| DIALOGUE2_JP = ほら、触るなら、ちゃんと触って。
File:PTRD_costume1_D.png|"Romantic Mission" damaged artwork
| DIALOGUE2_EN = Hey, if you want to touch me, at least do it properly.
File:PTRD_costume2.png|"Crimson Vortex" artwork
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 准备好了吗?
File:PTRD_costume2_D.png|"Crimson Vortex" damaged artwork
| DIALOGUE3_JP = 準備は出来た?
File:PTRD costume3.png
| DIALOGUE3_EN = Is preparation complete?
File:PTRD_costume3 D.png
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 今天也很辛苦呢,指挥官,我正好学了点按摩技法,工作结束后要不要试试看呢?
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = You've worked hard today too Commander, I learned some new massage techniques, wanna try it later after work?~
| INTRODUCTION_CN =战争的喘息之际,本国开始研究反坦克武器,但进展十分缓慢。直到战争爆发才将原型命名为PTRD-41,让我走马上任。战争时的表现倒是不错,这份荣誉与战士们的勇气是分不开的。请您在使用我的同时,也铭记这份精神吧。
File:PTRD (Censored).png|Full artwork (Censored)
| INTRODUCTION_EN = In between wars, the union started researching anti armour weapons, but progressed very slowly. After the war was declared they renamed the prototype as PTRD-41 and order me to be in service right away. Actually performed pretty good on the battlefield, this honour of course is not without the courage of our soldiers. So Sir, please do keep this in mind while using me.
File:PTRD_D (Censored).png|Full damaged artwork (Censored)
| SOULCONTRACT_CN =哦?这样直白地说出来,不像您的作风呢?不过…省掉了很多麻烦,看来您还是挺懂我的。感谢您的选择,指挥官。
File:PTRD_costume2 (Censored).png|"Crimson Vortex" artwork (Censored)
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = おや、そんなにストレートに行っちゃって、いいの?でも、私も嫌いじゃないのよ、手間も省けて良かったわ、あなたにお礼をしてもいいかしら。
File:PTRD_costume2_D (Censored).png|"Crimson Vortex" damaged artwork (Censored)
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = Oh my, you went that straight. Are you sure? But it's not like I hate it, it's good to save effort. I wonder if I can thank you later.
File:Black Sails on Cerulean Seas Login Wallpaper.jpg|"Black Sails on Cerulean Seas" Login Wallpaper
| HELLO_CN = 您来晚了,刚才在做什么呢?
| HELLO_JP = 遅かったわね。何していたの。
| HELLO_EN = You're so late. What were you doing.
| BUILDOVER_CN = 建造好像完成了,不去看看吗?
| BUILDOVER_JP = 完成したみたいだから、見に行くといいんじゃない?
| BUILDOVER_EN = Seems like she's been completed. Why we don't go and take a look?
| FORMATION_CN = 可别总依赖我一个人哦。
| FORMATION_JP = 私にばかり頼んっちゃダメよ。
| FORMATION_EN = Don't just rely on me.
| FEED_CN = 真是完美。
| FEED_JP = ばっちりね。
| FEED_EN = Perfect isn't it.
| COMBINE_CN = 编队又扩大了, 射程是不是也增加了呢?
| COMBINE_JP = 編成を拡大したの、射程距離が伸びたかしら?
| COMBINE_EN = Squadron expanded, have the firing range have increased with it?
| OPERATIONBEGIN_CN = 嗯?又轮到我出发了?走吧。
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = あら、私が行く番?いいでしょう。
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = Oh my, it's my turn to go? Alright then.
| OPERATIONOVER_CN = 我回来咯......啊啊,累坏我了~
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = 戻ったわよ...ああ、疲れった~
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = I'm back... Aah, so tired~
| BLACKACTION_CN = 真够远的呢,还是要再接近一点......哼哼,说着玩的。
| BLACKACTION_JP = 遠いよね、やっぱり距離をもうちょっと近くに…んふふ、冗談よ。
| BLACKACTION_EN = That's pretty far. I prefer the nearer one... Ehehe, i'm just joking.
| GOATTACK_CN = 各位,都跟我来吧!
| GOATTACK_JP = 皆、私に付いてくるのよ!
| GOATTACK_EN = Everyone, come with me!
| MEET_CN = 一口气解决掉!
| MEET_JP = 一丁やっとりますか!
| MEET_EN = Finish them in one go!
| BREAK_CN = 这种招式,远不能打败我!
| BREAK_JP = こんなもんじゃ、倒れない!
| BREAK_EN = I won't fall to something like that!
| RETREAT_CN = 所谓失败乃成功之母......
| RETREAT_JP = 失敗は成功の基ってね…
| RETREAT_EN = Failure is the beginning of success...
| WIN_CN = 总算搞定啦,赶快回家吧!
| WIN_JP = やっと終わった!帰ろう帰ろう!
| WIN_EN = It's finally over! Go home go home!
| FIX_CN = 唔......让我再多睡一会儿......
| FIX_JP = んん… もうちょっと寝かせて…
| FIX_EN = Nnggh, let me sleep some more...
| SKILL1_CN = 做好进攻准备!
| SKILL1_JP = 進攻の準備を!
| SKILL1_EN = Prepare for attack!
| SKILL2_CN = 距离刚刚好,准备受死吧!
| SKILL2_JP = ちょっといい距離ね、覚悟しなさい!
| SKILL2_EN = A quite nice distance, be prepared!
| SKILL3_CN = 装填完毕,那就是时候,说永别吧!
| SKILL3_JP = 充填完了、では、永遠に、さよなら!
| SKILL3_EN = Bullet loaded, and then, good bye for eternity!
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 变装派对的服装已经准备好了哦。但是要穿起来太麻烦了就给别的孩子了。
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = 仮装パーティーの衣装、準備したよ?でも、着るのも面倒だから、ほかの子にあげたわ。
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = The party dress is ready now. But I will give it to the other kids if it's too annoying to wear.
| NEWYEAR_JP = 明けましておめでとう指揮官。今年もよろしくお願いします。
| NEWYEAR_EN = Happy new year commander. I'll count on you again this year.
| VALENTINE_CN = 今天是情人节呢,指挥官,那就请收下我的心意吧。不然的话...
| VALENTINE_JP = 今日はバレンタインね。指揮官、私の気持ちを受けとって。さもないと…
| VALENTINE_EN = Today is Valentines, Commander, then please accept my feelings. Otherwise...
| backgroundinfo = The PTRD-41 (Shortened from Russian, ProtivoTankovoye Ruzhyo Degtyaryova;Противотанковое однозарядное ружьё системы Дегтярёва образца 1941 года;"Degtyaryov Anti-Tank Rifle") was an anti-tank rifle produced and used from early 1941 by the Soviet Red Army during World War II. It was a single-shot weapon which fired a 14.5×114mm round. Although unable to penetrate the frontal armor of German tanks, it could penetrate the thinner sides of early-war German tanks as well as thinly armored self-propelled guns.<ref name= "wiki"></ref>

As a T-doll PTRD can be obtained from battle loots, normal and heavy crafts.
| trivia =  
| trivia =  
*During Korean War, Army Ordnance Officer Cpt. William Brophy replaced the barrel of captured PTRD with M2 Browning Anti-Aircraft in order to check of long-range shooting effectiveness. The PTRD with M2 Browning AA barrel proved effective up to 2000m.<ref>[https://web.archive.org/web/20060320114129/http://www.remingtonmilitary.com/articles/DA%202005.03MH.pdf Michael Haugen, Hard Target Interdiction. Downloadable PDF, 1st page.]</ref>
*In the 1950s, several captured PTRDs had their barrels replaced with M2 HMG barrels in trials conducted by Army Ordnance Officer, CPT William Brophy.  Results proved the replacement barrel had a significant improvement on the maximum effective range; the M2 barrel fitted on PTRDs proved effective to 1828m, or 2000 yards over the standard PTRD barrel.<ref>[https://web.archive.org/web/20060320114129/http://www.remingtonmilitary.com/articles/DA%202005.03MH.pdf Michael Haugen, Hard Target Interdiction. Downloadable PDF, 1st page.]</ref>  
*Famous sniper from Soviet Union, Vasily Zaitsev experimented to create an anti-material sniper where the PTRD to be attached with PU scope. In practical, however due the enormous recoil produced from the rifle itself, the operator has difficulty to fasten the scope. During Korean War kick-off, the same experiment was conducted by U.S Army after capturing several PTRDs and attach a scope(Possibly, a Weaver Scope) on it.<ref>[https://fishki.net/1283692-ptrd-dlja-snajpera.html Scoped PTRD experiment]</ref>
**Additional experimentation was conducted with the PTRD, involving the use of magnified scopes.  Soviet efforts involved famous Soviet Sniper, Vasily Zaitsev. However, due to the harsh recoil produced, the scope mount was incapable of holding zero after repeated firings. During the early days of the Korean War, the U.S Army conducted the same experiment as the Soviets, using a Lyman Alaskan scope.<ref>[https://fishki.net/1283692-ptrd-dlja-snajpera.html Scoped PTRD experiment]</ref>
*Gotta prepare in case the Sangvis Ferri decides to change tactic and blitzkrieg with Panzer IIIs
**More relevantly, PTRDs were produced under high duress, during the German invasion of the Soviet Union.  The USSR desperately needed anti tank weapons, and they were needed immediately.  To add a scope to the rifle would triple the production costs and extend production time, an unacceptable compromise when Russia had little answer to the German armoured onslaught.  Factor in the large targets these rifles were made to engage (light tanks and vehicles), and it is easy to see why they were not made in scoped variations.
| references = <references/>
*Soviet WWII propaganda touted the PTRD's use in the anti-aircraft role against bombers.  While technically possible, such a feat would be - needless to say - a trick shot.<ref>[https://pikabu.ru/story/sovetskie_broneboyshchiki_protiv_asov_lyuftvaffe_4040540 Russian website about Stationary AA PTRD]</ref>
**The feasibility and repeatability of hitting a fast moving target with the PTRD is questionable at best, with its non-existent magazine capacity and abysmal ROF for the job.  However, aircraft being downed by small arms was not an unheard of feat during WWII.
**While the notion of shooting down level-flying bombers at mid to high altitudes is easily dismissable, low flying aircraft such as the Ju 87 'Stuka' dive bomber would find themselves vulnerable to small arms fire of all types (something true to this day).  The armor piercing capability of the PTRD's round could prove seriously lethal to an armored cockpit or the engine block, a danger most other small arms calibers could not claim to pose.
**Fyodor Modzhenok, from the 75th Guard Rifle Division, claimed to shoot down a Stuka on the 21st shot, reportedly by using the PTRD.  This involved mounting a wagon wheel to a tree trunk, and using the wheel spokes as a shooting rest.<ref>[https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/396979-is-it-possible-to-shoot-down-planesbombers-with-ptrd/ PTRD AA question in Warthunder Forum]</ref>
**Reguardless of the suitability of the PTRD rifle for the AA role, the round itself (14.5x114mm) was later used in the Soviet ZPU family of AA weapons.
*The Blue Thickened Cape used exclusively by PTRD is based off the blue coat that Suou Pavlichenko wore on Darker than Black Anime.  Suou also uses the PTRD.
[[Category:T-Dolls with censoring]]

Latest revision as of 18:14, 2 August 2024

PTRD Quotes
Gun Information
Full name Противотанковое ружьё Дегтярёва 1941
("Protivotankovoye ruzh'yo Degtyaryova", Degtyaryov's Anti-Tank Rifle)
Country of origin Soviet Union
Manufacturer Degtyaryov plant
Game Information
Faction Griffin & Kryuger
Manufactured /
Revised by
Voice actor Shimizu Ai
Artist Evan揚 (Original Artist);

Luuuo (Crimson Vortex)

Released on CN (2016-5), TW, KR, EN, JP
Chibi Animation

Click the marked area to switch between animations. For details regarding animations, please see Animations on the Wiki.

View page template

How to obtain[edit]

NORMALHEAVY Timer 4:30:00. See T-Doll Production for details.

DROP 0-1, 4-4, 4-2E, 5-2, 7-3E, 8-5, 8-1E, 9-1, 9-5, 10-5, 11-1, 11-3E

REWARD Not obtained as a reward

Exclusive Equipment[edit]

Union Skill[edit]

There is no union skill for this T-Doll.

Stats / Data[edit]

47(x1)93(x1) / 465(x5) 15(x1) / 55(x5) 30(x1) / 90(x5)
54 159
4 29
9 75
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
18 28
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to other Dolls of the same type.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to every other Doll.

Affects handguns
Reduces skill cooldown by 15%
How to edit skills

Weapon Background[edit]

ProtivoTankovoye Ruzhyo Degtyaryova 1941 (PTRD-41) was an anti-tank rifle developed and produced in the early 1941 by the USSR. Designed based on the Polish Model 35 anti-tank rifles the Red Army captured, and with some reference design to the German PzB38/39. When compared to the German counterpart the PzB39, PTRD is significantly heavier, significantly longer and often require a two man crew to operate. Prone to jamming more frequently but have a better armor piercing performance, PTRD was also produced in a much lower quantity than the German PzB39.

The PTRD and it's later developed semi-automatic version PTRS-41 are designed to chamber the 14.5×114mm B-32/BS-41 round. The armor-piercing performance of the PTRD is considered stronger than it's predecessor counterparts, able to achieve a bullet muzzle velocity of 1,012m/s, able to penetrate an armor plate up to 35 to 40mm thick at a distance of 100 meters at 0 degrees. Theoretically effective against the side and rear armor of the German Panzer II, III, IV and early models of the Panthers. However, due to the high velocity and small size of the round, it had a very high chance of shattering and/or ricocheting, especially if the target was struck at an oblique angle.

Based on the Polish anti-tank rifle, PTRD is a single-shot bolt-action weapon, with the operator have to manually reload every cartridge after every shot. The PTRD has an effective muzzle brake, but it also creates a very visible cloud of dust or snow and debris - as well as a deafening report, both of which could easily expose the position of the PTRD teams. Being rushed into production to fulfill a Russian military requirement at the time, the PTRD was deployed without telescopic sights, and while the iron sights were fairly effective, they could only provide up to 300 metres of effective firing range.

Ultimately, advances in armor technology made the PTRD irrelevant for its intended duty of defeating tanks; for several years, however, the PTRD lived on as an Antimaterial rifle for destroying enemy equipment and for interdicting enemy vehicles. The weapon was retired from Russian service in the 1960s, but was widely exported to other Warsaw Pact nations during the Cold War. The weapon has seen use with both North Korea's military and China's PLA during the Korean Peninsula Conflicts, and was used on both sides in recent Ukrainian conflicts (by both pro-Russia seperatists and Ukranian volunteers).[1] The weapon, surprisingly, remains in use to this day in limited numbers, often with armies with less access to modern equipment.

Character Design

Equipped with a trenchcoat, ushanka, and a shirt that shows off her chest, PTRD practically dares onlookers not to notice her. Her Russian ancestry is blatantly apparent, with a look that calls to mind fellow T-Dolls DP28 and Makarov. A humorous, if somewhat unusual quirk is that she's shown to be roughly as tall as her weapon - while many T-Dolls in Girls Frontline are shown with stylized portrait sizes that exaggerate their weapon sizes (KAR98K and FAMAS for example), PTRD's sprite shows her to be just as tall as she appears in her portrait, making her one of the tallest T-Dolls at around seven feet in height.

PTRD is often affectionately referred to as "Southern Hemisphere" by the player base, a nickname due to her shirt showing a massive amount of underboob and being essentially lashed in place. In her censored art, players began referring to her by the nickname "picked egg" instead, owing to the fact that her close-fitting shirt still does little to disguise her sizable chest.

PTRD's Romantic Mission outfit also inflicted some degree of commotion among the player base when it was first revealed on weibo, players noticed some viscous white contents on her right hand on the original released art, it was quickly removed though.

Character Background

Official character description of PTRD states that she is a very positive thinking, yet calm and focused T-doll. She has an eye for small details, and is always observing everyone's emotions and thoughts. She does not like being involved in troublesome works. She is both flirty and aggressive in her interactions with the commander, often being something of a tease.


Main artwork

Gallery consisting of artworks used primarily in-game. For information on how to obtain certain costumes, see Skin Catalogue.

Alternative artwork

Alternate gallery consisting of artworks with slight alterations as well as miscellaneous artworks.


  • In the 1950s, several captured PTRDs had their barrels replaced with M2 HMG barrels in trials conducted by Army Ordnance Officer, CPT William Brophy. Results proved the replacement barrel had a significant improvement on the maximum effective range; the M2 barrel fitted on PTRDs proved effective to 1828m, or 2000 yards over the standard PTRD barrel.[2]
    • Additional experimentation was conducted with the PTRD, involving the use of magnified scopes. Soviet efforts involved famous Soviet Sniper, Vasily Zaitsev. However, due to the harsh recoil produced, the scope mount was incapable of holding zero after repeated firings. During the early days of the Korean War, the U.S Army conducted the same experiment as the Soviets, using a Lyman Alaskan scope.[3]
    • More relevantly, PTRDs were produced under high duress, during the German invasion of the Soviet Union. The USSR desperately needed anti tank weapons, and they were needed immediately. To add a scope to the rifle would triple the production costs and extend production time, an unacceptable compromise when Russia had little answer to the German armoured onslaught. Factor in the large targets these rifles were made to engage (light tanks and vehicles), and it is easy to see why they were not made in scoped variations.
  • Soviet WWII propaganda touted the PTRD's use in the anti-aircraft role against bombers. While technically possible, such a feat would be - needless to say - a trick shot.[4]
    • The feasibility and repeatability of hitting a fast moving target with the PTRD is questionable at best, with its non-existent magazine capacity and abysmal ROF for the job. However, aircraft being downed by small arms was not an unheard of feat during WWII.
    • While the notion of shooting down level-flying bombers at mid to high altitudes is easily dismissable, low flying aircraft such as the Ju 87 'Stuka' dive bomber would find themselves vulnerable to small arms fire of all types (something true to this day). The armor piercing capability of the PTRD's round could prove seriously lethal to an armored cockpit or the engine block, a danger most other small arms calibers could not claim to pose.
    • Fyodor Modzhenok, from the 75th Guard Rifle Division, claimed to shoot down a Stuka on the 21st shot, reportedly by using the PTRD. This involved mounting a wagon wheel to a tree trunk, and using the wheel spokes as a shooting rest.[5]
    • Reguardless of the suitability of the PTRD rifle for the AA role, the round itself (14.5x114mm) was later used in the Soviet ZPU family of AA weapons.
  • The Blue Thickened Cape used exclusively by PTRD is based off the blue coat that Suou Pavlichenko wore on Darker than Black Anime. Suou also uses the PTRD.
