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Union Skill/Forbidden Syzygy

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Forbidden Syzygy
Full name Forbidden Syzygy
Released on CN, TW, KR, EN, JP

Union Skill between SCAR-L and SCAR-H.

How to obtain[edit]

Equipped by default on AR SCAR-LSCAR-LSCAR-L and RF SCAR-HSCAR-HSCAR-H.

T-Dolls affected[edit]


Skill effects[edit]

T-Doll specific

  • AR SCAR-L: When SCAR-L and SCAR-H are both on the field, start the battle with +40 points of Sancta Potentia. Additionally, gain +4 points of Sancta Potentia per second.
  • RF SCAR-H: When SCAR-L and SCAR-H are both on the field, start the battle with +40 points of Mare Potentia. Additionally, gain +4 points of Mare Potentia per second.