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Union Skill

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Example of an Union Skill on M82

A list of all Union Skills in the game or announced to be added.


A Union Skill is a synergistic skill between 2 dolls and takes effect when both dolls are in the same active echelon and having the skill unlocked as well.

The Union Skill can enhances both doll's normal skill and can provide other additional properties. These skills do not scale with the T-Dolls skill level and cannot be enhanced in any way.

Where to find[edit]

You can find a Union Skill under either T-Doll's skill section on both the Index and in your armory once it's been unlocked. Note that not all Union Skills are unlocked by default and must be obtained through other means first before they can be used.

List of Union Skill[edit]

Skill Name Effect How to Obtain
Galactic Oath

AR AK-Alfa: When in the same echelon as M82, normal attacks deal an extra 10% damage to enemies in front of self.
AR M82: The area in front of self is considered to be in front of AK-Alfa as well.

Obtain 400 Dream Astralites in Griffin Memories: Operation Starchaser.
Corona Fusion
When MPK and MPL are on adjacent tiles, they no longer debuff allies. When MPK and MPL are side by side, the effective range of their activated skills is enlarged to 2 tiles.

Equipped by default on SMG MPLMPLMPL and SMG MPKMPKMPK.
Forbidden Syzygy

AR SCAR-L: When SCAR-L and SCAR-H are both on the field, start the battle with +40 points of Sancta Potentia. Additionally, gain +4 points of Sancta Potentia per second.
RF SCAR-H: When SCAR-L and SCAR-H are both on the field, start the battle with +40 points of Mare Potentia. Additionally, gain +4 points of Mare Potentia per second.

Equipped by default on AR SCAR-LSCAR-LSCAR-L and RF SCAR-HSCAR-HSCAR-H.
Bon Appétit

AR G36: "Perseverance is the most important talent of all." When G36 and Springfield are on the same echelon, G36 will serve her teammates dessert. It does great things for team morale and all allies will benefit from her Damage Focus skill (effect maxed at 15%) - better watch your weight gain.
RF Springfield: "I am quite confident when it comes to making coffee blends!" When G36 and Springfield are on the same echelon, Springfield will serve her teammates coffee. It does great things for team morale. With every stack, rate of fire of all allies increases by 5% (lasting for 5s, capped at 5 stacks) - better watch your weight gain.

Obtain 350 Dream Astralites in Griffin Memories: Her Smile.
High-Speed Beauties

HG Grizzly MkV: Fire Command adds an extra 10% damage to both self and PzB 39.
RF PzB 39: When in the same echelon as Grizzly MkV, aiming time is reduced to 1 second and gains +2 stacks of charge per second.

Obtain 500 Dream Astralites in Griffin Memories: Operation Starchaser.