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name Hidden Pursuit
icon Skill_UllridSSR_Active_3
text MeleeStability Damage: 2
Select a tile in a cross-shaped area within ($tile) tiles, move to that tile and deal melee physical damage equal to 180% of attack to the enemy target with the highest HP within 1 tile.
Consume all stacks of Hunter's Talent, for each stack consumed, increase damage dealt by this attack by 10%, up to a ($dmg_cap)% increase. If there are 2 stacks of Hunter's Talent or more, gain 2 stacks of ($camo) for 1 turn.

For everyone's safety, the invaders must be silenced forever.


turn_cooldown 3 3 3
skilllevelcount 3
extraeffect Increase range by 2 tiles. Raise the damage increase cap to 60% by consuming Hunter's Talent. Increase range by 2 tiles. Raise the damage increase cap to 60% by consuming Hunter's Talent. For every 2% of the enemy target's missing HP, increase self attack by 1% for this skill. If this kills the target, increase damage dealt by the next active attack by 30%. If there are 2 stacks of Hunter's Talent or more, gain only 1 stack of Camouflage, but Camouflage is no longer consumed upon taking damage.
tile 5 7 7
dmg_cap 30 60 60
camo 2 2 1