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Sardis Gold

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Sardis Gold bullions in Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium.

Sardis Gold (萨狄斯金, sometimes “Sadis”) is a currency used in black markets since before World War Three[1] as an untraceable alternative to government currencies.[2] It is also accepted by B.R.I.E.F., along with Collapse Pieces.[3] It is named after the city of Sardis in the kingdom of Lydia, which is credited for being the first place to use gold of standardized purity as general currency.

It is sometimes exchanged in the form of a bullion,[4] but is usually counted in ounces (盎司, 1 ounce is about 28.35 grams), with 0.3 ounces (8.5 grams) being worth 10,000 credits (the currency of the Neo-Soviet Union) in 2064. A Warsaw-Berlin train ride cost 10,900 credits in second class and 21,860 credits in first class at this time.[5]

Sardis Gold was introduced to the Girls' Frontline lore with Longitudinal Strain in 2022, and appeared as an in-game currency in Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium in 2023.
