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Mk48 Strategy Story Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 哎呀,你就是我的指挥官吗?我是Mk48,希望能在这里享受到非同寻常的乐趣呢♥ あら、あんたが私の指揮官かしら?MK48よ、ここではたっぷり楽しませてもらうわ。Play Oh my, so you are commander? I`m Mk48, hope we can have plenty of fun here♥
Introduction 为了替换掉风评不那么好的机枪,Mk48 MOD0便应运而生了。一方面满足军方的订购计划,一方面也为了公司自己出口。笨重的M60、M240都已经没有前途了,而相比之下,我的性能可是显而易见的……寿命?花钱再造一个不就好了? So to replace those not so highly rated machineguns, Mk48 MOD 0 was born, both for military contracts and private contract sales. There are no more future for those heavy weighted MGs like M60 and M240, compare to them, my performance is clearly more superior... Durability? Why not just spend money and build another one?
Secretary 不错呢,我不喜欢冷淡的家伙。 指揮官みたいなノリがいい奴は、好きよ。Play I like nice guys like you, Commander.
这么努力,是想得到我的认可吗?我很期待。 そんなに頑張ってるのは、私に認めてもらうため?期待してるわよ。Play You are trying that hard to impress me? I'm looking forward to it.
哦?一直在看着我吗?那么不做点什么,气氛可就冷下来了呢,哼哼❤ んん、ずっと私を見てるの?それじゃ、なんかしてあげないと、空気が冷めちゃうわね、んふふふ。Play Ohh? Been staring at me? It would be a shame if you're not going to do more than that, hehehe❤
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander would you like another shoulder massage? Told you last time was an accident, no need to be afraid... Hehe...
ahh... Yes... I'm an absolute winner. Of course I have you to thank for my Commander, I will pay you back for this... Hehe...
Greeting 别让我觉得无聊呀。 あんまりつまらないと思わせないでね。Play Try not to bore me.
T-Doll Produced 新人酱?来试试有几两重吧? 新人ちゃん?力を試してあげましょうか?Play New girl? Shall I try her strength?
Joining an echelon 因为你们太没用,我才来的呦。记得好好感谢我啊。 あんたらが使えないから、私がここに来たのよ。感謝してね。Play I'm here because all of you are useless, you all should be grateful.
Enhancement 真好呢,越来越多目光集中在我身上了。 良いね、どんどん注目集めて来て。Play Good, more spotlights are on me.
Dummy-linking 嗯哼哼,像我这样的人才,不管有几个都嫌少呢。 んふふ、私みたいな人材、いくらいても足りないわよね。Play Ufufuw, you can't get enough of talented people like me.
Logistics (start) 快点,我很急。 早くして、急いでるの。Play Hurry it up, I'm a busy person.
Logistics (end) 我回来了,拔得头筹呢。 ただいま、一番乗りね。Play I'm back, we got the best outcome.
Autobattle 全部一起上吧。与其相对,可别让我失望喔。 全員かかってきなさい。その代わり、失望させないでね。Play Everyone, come with me. In exchange, don't disappoint me.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 开始游戏吧。 ゲームを始めましょうか。Play Let the game begin.
Starting a battle 因为是第一次,我就放点水吧。 初めてだから、手加減して挙げるわよ。Play Since it's the first time, I'll go easy on you.
Skill activation 跪下的话,我能考虑让你痛快点。 土下座したら、楽にして挙げるわよ。Play I'll end you faster if you get on your knees.
输了的话要接受惩罚游戏喔。 負けたら罰ゲームよ。Play You have to play the punishment game if you lose.
快给我站起来,游戏还没结束。 早く立って、ゲームはまだ終わってないわよ。Play Get up, the game isn't over yet.
Heavily damaged 啊,好强的刺激~真浪费。 あんん、凄くの刺激が~台無し。Play Ahh, such stimulating experience, what a waste.
Retreat 这种经验很少有呢,我会记著的。 こんな経験、なかなか無いわよね。覚えておくわ。Play A rare experience, I will remember this.
MVP 没错,就像现在一样把眼光集中在我身上! そう、今みたいに、私に注目して!Play Yes, focus all the spotlights on me!
Restoration 是来安慰我的?还是说来责备我的?两边都可以呦。 慰めてくれるの?それとも、責めてくれるの?どっちでもいいわよ。Play Are you here to comfort or to blame me? I'm ok either way~
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 仮装パーティー?いいわよ、ちょとだけ、良い物を見せてあ。げ。る。Play A dress up party? Okay, I'll show you some thing very, very good...
Christmas お酒とごちそうもそろったし、今夜は存分にたのしむわよ。Play We've got some much good food and drink. Tonight we're going to enjoy ourselves.
New Year's Day 今年はどんな楽しみをくれるのかしら。。。少し期待してあげるわ。


What kind of fun will you bring me this year... I'll get my hopes up for you.
Valentine's day アーラ、この程度のチョコでもう酔ったの?もっと強いと思っていたのに。


My my, you got drunk from these chocolates? I thought you could hold a bit more.
Tanabata 指揮官、私の願いはここにあるわよ。叶えてくれる?あら、逃げないでよ。


Commander, my wish is right here. Will you make it true? Oh my, don't run away.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
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