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Micro Uzi/Quotes

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Micro Uzi Quotes

Base Voice lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 喂,看什么看啊!都有点不好意思了,快去工作! 何見てんのよ!…照、照れるから止めなさいよ!Play 뭘 그렇게 보고 있는 거야? 부, 부끄러우니까 그만두라고... Just where are you looking at!? It's e-embarrassing, so stop it!
Introduction “乌兹”之名来自于设计者本人,最初是为本国部队防身和突击时使用。作为各国冲锋武器的集大成者,在短距离作战中有着很棒的表现哦。成名之后的我也有了很多改进型和仿制品,连同英格拉姆在内,都要好好感谢我哦。 우지란 이름은 설계자에게서 따온 거야. 최초에는 이스라엘 부대의 호신용 혹은 돌격 시 사용하기 위해서였어. 각국의 기관단총무기를 집대성 한 자로 불렸어. 단거리 작전 중 엄청나게 대단한 성능을 보여주었어. 유명해진 후에 나의 수많은 개량형과 복제품이 만들어졌어. 잉그램과 더불어서, 모두 나한테 고마워해야해.
Secretary 又盯着别人看……说了会害羞啦。 またじーと見て…照れるって言ってるでしょう!Play 또 그렇게 뚫어져라…부끄럽다고 했지! You're staring again... I've said that it's embarrassing, didn't I?
人家……人家……没什么啦! …私だって、私だって…、ぐぅ!何でもないわ!Play 나도...나 역시도…크윽! 아무것도 아니야! I'm... I'm... It's nothing!
我、我怎么可能会说那种话嘛! そ、そんなこと言える訳ないじゃない!Play 그, 그런 말을 할 리가 없잖아! H-How can I say such a thing?
Secretary (post OATH)
뭐야, 또 빈둥대는 거야? ...당신이 매일 고생하는 거 알고 있으니까, 이번만큼은 봐줄게.
Trying to run away from work again? Alright... since you've been working so hard, I'll pretend I didn't see you this time.
뭐야, 또 빈둥대는 거야? ...당신이 매일 고생하는 거 알고 있으니까, 이번만큼은 봐줄게.
Why did you suddenly give me something like this! Idiot, don't make me shoot you. I... This sort of thing... Alright, I don't particularly dislike you, so I'll look after you...
Greeting 別っ、別に待っていたわけじゃないだから!Play 딱, 딱히 기다리고 있지 않았어! I-I wasn't waiting here by myself!
T-Doll Produced 製造が完了したわよ。あんたバカだから、行ってあげないと気付かないでしょう?Play 제조가 완료되었어. 넌 바보니까 말해주지 않으면 눈치채지 못하겠지? Production completed.What an idiot, how will you know if you don't go to check it out?
Joining an echelon 期待してくれていいわよ。Play 마침내 내가 나설 차례네! I guess it's my turn now.
Enhancement ま、そのままでも十分強いけどね~Play 뭐, 원래부터 충분히 강한데 말이지. Oh well, strong enough will have to do~
Dummy-linking 編成拡大、もっとたくさんの弾を用意してね。Play 편제확대, 총알을 더 많이 준비해두라고! Dummy-linking complete, now go and prepare some more ammunition.
Logistics (start) よーし、行ってくるわね。Play 좋아, 갔다올게. Al--right, I'll be going then.
Logistics (end) 無事戻ったわよ、なかなかやるでしょう?Play 무사 복귀했어, 나 제법이지? We've returned safely. Wasn't that too easy?
Autobattle 今日の天気は弾丸の雨よ、気を付けて!Play 오늘엔 총알 비가 내릴 거니까 조심하라고! Today's weather forecast is a rain of bullets. You better watch out!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 絶対に負けないから!Play 절대 안 질 거야! I will never lose!
Starting a battle 後悔させてやるわ!Play 후회하게 해줄게! You're gonna regret this!
Skill activation 攻撃!攻撃!Play 공격! 공격! Attack! Attack!
行くわよ!この弾を受けて見なさい!Play 간다, 이 총알을 받아보라고! Here I go! Watch these bullets!
反撃って、ただこれだけなの?がっかりね!Play 반격이란 게 고작 그거야? 실망이네. Was that just a counterattack? I'm disappointed!
Heavily damaged 負けて……たまるか!Play 내가... 질 것 같냐고! I...hate losing...
Retreat 悔しい……覚えてなさい……Play 분해… 기억해 둬! How frustrating...don't you dare forget this...
MVP 別に、あんたのために頑張ったんじゃないからね。Play 딱히… 널 위해서 힘낸 게 아니야! It's not like I did my best for you or anything like that.
Restoration チィ…大したことないわよ。それに、指揮の悪かったわけではないし。Play 칫, 별거 아니야. 그리고 지휘가 잘못된 것도 아니고... Tch...it's not a big deal. Besides, your commands weren't that bad.
Attack 击溃他们! ぶっ潰せー!Play 확 날려버려!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 嘿嘿,要是不想被捣蛋的话,就快点把糖果拿出来吧! ほーらほら~、悪戯されたくなかったらお菓子出しなさい!Play 이봐이봐~ 골탕먹기 싫으면 과자를 내놔! Hey hey! If you don't want to get pranked on, you'd better give me some sweets!
Christmas ほーらほら~ 私宛のプレゼントがあるなら早く出しなさいよ!あぁ… 本当に… あ… ありがとう。Play 자아, 자아, 내 앞으로 온 선물이 있다면 빨리 꺼내봐~ 오…오오…오, 정말로…고, 고마워… Hey now~ If you have a gift for me, then you'd better give it to me soon! O-oh...you really...th-...thank you.
New Year's Day しょうがないな〜 新年くらい一緒に終わった上げるわよ。


어쩔 수 없네~ 새해정도는 함께 축하해 줄게. I guess it can't be be helped~. Let me help you finish for the new year.
Valentine's day 義理だからね!勘違いしないでよね!


의리니까! 착각…하지 말라고! 'Cuz it's a rule! Don't get me wrong!
Tanabata い…一様聞いてあげるわよ。七夕の願い事…何か書けてかな…


이.. 일단은 들어줄게, 칠석 소원... 뭘 써야 할까... I-I just felt like asking everyone. A Tanabata wish...I wonder what I should write...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 没办法呢… 仕方ないわね…Play 어쩔 수 없네…
Phrase Play 오해하지 말라고!
Tip Play
Loading Play 잠깐 기다린다고 탈나겠어?

MOD3 Voice lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 别再发愣啦,升级过后的我可不是观赏用的,放心把需要做的事情交给我吧! ほらぼーとしてないで。アップグレードした私は「」じゃないんだから。安心して仕事を任せてよ。Play 멍하니 쳐다보지 마, 업그레이드한 내 몸은 관상용이 아니야. 무슨 일이든 안심하고 내게 맡기라고! Stop spacing out. I didn't get upgraded just to get stared at! Give me some work to do, I'll take care of it!
Secretary 前面的东西都做完了,还有新的事情可以做吗? この間もらって仕事は全部片付けたよ。他のまだなにかある?Play 맡긴 일 다했어, 또 시킬 일 없어? I finished all my work, you got anything else that needs doing?
虽然做的很急,但是都有好好完成哦……搞砸之后的检讨报告也是…… 急ぎでやつけたけど、ちゃんと完成したよ。遣らかした後の始末書ちゃんと変えたし。Play 급하게 하긴 했지만, 다 제대로 마쳤어... 저번 사고의 검토보고서도... Even though I rushed through it, I think I did a good job... I even filed the incident report properly...
等一等!跟以前比起来有大改变的地方不是那里……不要乱摸啊! 待って!前より進化した所はそこじゃないから!勝手に触んないでよ!Play 잠깐! 거기는 업그레이드한 곳이 아니야! 멋대로 만지지 마! Ahh, hold on! The things that got upgraded aren't... you can't touch these!
Secretary (post OATH)
그 일은 내가 너무 성급했다는 거 인정할게, 하지만 그런 건 모두가 보는 앞에서 말하지 말라고... 아무도 없을 때 말하는 건 괜찮지만...
I admit I wasn't good at this kind of thing before, but I'm still not comfortable, not in front of other people.... Maybe later tonight, when we're alone...
갑자기 이런 것을 준다니, 어떻게 된 거야? 바보야? 쏴버린다? 나...이런 것 따위...뭐, 좋아. 너를 싫어하는 건 아니니깐, 조금 보살펴주는 것 정도라면 뭐...상관없겠지.
Why did you suddenly give me something like this! Idiot, don't make me shoot you. I... This sort of thing... Alright, I don't particularly dislike you, so I'll look after you...
Greeting おはよう指揮官!今日は忙しくなるわよ!遊ぶ暇なんてないからね!Play 안녕, 지휘관. 오늘 일이 많으니까 한가하게 있을 시간 없어! Good morning, Commander! I'll be busy today! I won't have any time to play around!
T-Doll Produced 新しい仲間が来たよ!えへ、ちょっと見ただけ~Play 새 동료가 왔어! 헤헤~ 잠깐 보고 왔어~ A new friend has arrived! Hehe, I may have taken a tiny peek~
Joining an echelon いよいよ私の出番だね!Play 마침내 내가 나설 차례네! I guess it's my turn now!
Enhancement ふん!もっと強くなる余地を態々残してくれたの?そんなの…ま、まあ…ありがとう。Play 흥, 일부러 강화할 공간을 남겨둔 거야? 그딴 거... 고맙긴 한데... Hmph! Did you leave your room so that I could get stronger? W-well...thanks...I guess.
Dummy-linking 編成拡大、もっとたくさんの弾を用意してね。Play 편제확대, 총알을 더 많이 준비해두라고! Dummy-linking complete, now go and prepare some more ammunition.
Logistics (start) よーし、行ってくるわね。Play 좋아, 갔다올게. Al--right, I'll be going then.
Logistics (end) 無事戻ったわよ、なかなかやるでしょう?Play 무사 복귀했어, 나 제법이지? We've returned safely. Wasn't that too easy?
Autobattle 今日の天気は弾丸の雨よ、気を付けて!Play 오늘엔 총알 비가 내릴 거니까 조심하라고! Today's weather forecast is a rain of bullets. You better watch out!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission アップグレードした私の実力を見せてあげるわ!Play 업그레이드한 내 실력을 보여주겠어! Let me show you my upgraded skills!
Starting a battle 片っ端から潰して行くわ!Play 남김없이 뭉게줄 거야! I'll crush them starting from this end!
Skill activation 今だ!全部焼き払え!Play 지금이다! 몽땅 태워버려! Now's our chance! Burn it all down!
お火事が来るわよ!Play 불조심해! There's a fire coming!
煙に注意ね!Play 매연을 조심하라고! Beware the smoke!
Heavily damaged 負けて溜まるもんか!Play 누가 질 것 같아!? We need to cut our losses!
Retreat ふん!今回は見逃してあげる。Play 흥! 오늘은 눈감아줄게! Hmph! I'll let it slide this time.
MVP やった!だから私はすごいって言いたでしょ!Play 아싸! 그러니까 난 대단하다고 말했잖아! Yes! I told you I would be awesome!
Restoration チィ…大したことないわよ。それに、指揮の悪かったわけではないし。Play 칫! 별거 아니야. 그리고 지휘가 잘못된 것도 아니고... Tch...it's not a big deal. Besides, your commands weren't that bad.
Attack 击溃他们! ぶっ潰せー!Play 확 날려버려!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 糖果!糖果!三秒内不把糖果拿出来我就要捣蛋啦! Play
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day




Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 没办法呢… 仕方ないわね…Play 어쩔 수 없네…
Phrase Play 오해하지 말라고!
Tip Play
Loading Play 잠깐 기다린다고 탈나겠어?