Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 噗……你就是指挥官?如果公路上蠢蛋们的驾照都是你这幅德行,那我肯定宁愿被超速撞死呢~ | うふふ......あんたが指揮官?路上のバカどもの免許写真がそんな顔だったら、あたしはスピード違反の車に轢かれて死ぬ方がマシだよ~ | Oh... You're the Commander? If all the idiots on the highway drives like you, I'd rather die in a car crash~ | |
Introduction | (同上) | (Same as above) | ||
Secretary | 别丢人了~如果按你那种工作效率执法,我的子弹连300km的时速都上不了呢~ | みっともないね~あんたみたいなやり方で仕事してたら、弾が時速300キロあっても終わらないわ~ | Stop embarrassing yourself~ If I had your productivity, my bullets won't even reach 300km/hr~ | |
你要是上了666号公路,最好准备一些苏打水,不然我可不能保证你的交通安全……噗嗤,吓尿了? | 666号ハイウェイを通るのなら、炭酸水を用意した方がいいわよ?でないと身の安全は保証できない...うふふ、どうしたの?ビビって漏らしちゃった? | If you're gonna get on Route 666, you better prepare some sparkling water or else I can't guarantee your safety... Pshh, did you pee your pants? | ||
啧啧~这样袭警可不能装没看见呢,要罚单还是学狗叫,选一个吧。 | あらあら、警官を襲撃だなんて、これは見逃せないわね。大人しく罰金を払うか犬の鳴き真似でもするか、選びのよ。 | Tsk, tsk~ I can't ignore the assault of a police officer. Do you want a fine or do you want to bark like a dog? | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 指挥官,今天我也得好好盯着你啊,我的心智可不能错过你蠢态发生的任何一个瞬间呢~要好好表现哦?
I gotta keep my eyes on you today, Commander. I won't miss anything that can happen to an idiot like you, not even a moment. Behave yourself, okay?
| |
OATH | 噗……指挥官,你这是逃罚单的最新套路吗?看你这么下血本的份上,这次就口头警告一下吧~不过,被我盯上了的话,就再也不可能逃过我的追捕了,哼哼……
Tsk.. Commander, is this your way of weaseling out a ticket? Since you're trying so hard, I'll let you off with a verbal warning this time~ But don't think you're getting off so easily the next time I catch you. Hehe~
| |
Greeting | あんたのおもちゃの車は亀さんとでも事故ったの? | Did your toy car gett in an accident with a turtle? | ||
T-Doll Produced | 新入り、運転免許を見せてみ。 | New recruit, show me your driving license. | ||
Joining an echelon | お嬢ちゃん達、あたしの部隊ならシートベルトは不要だよ。 | Little girls, wearing seatbelt is a must in my echelon. | ||
Enhancement | 賄賂なら、最低でも炭酸水の1本は頂かないと。 | If you're going to bribe, give me at least one bottle of carbonated drink. | ||
Dummy-linking | こんな角度から自分の可愛い顔眺めるのは初めて~! | It's the first time I'm looking at my lovely face~! | ||
Logistics (start) | 安全運転して欲しいなら、もっと速いトラックを用意することね。 | If you want me to drive safely, prepare me a faster truck. | ||
Logistics (end) | 何か探し物?あんたにあげるような化粧品はないわよ? | Looking for something? There's no way I'd give you my cosmetics. | ||
Autobattle | 巻き返しを図るのはバカだけの特権じゃないのよ。 | |||
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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